A. result in tachycardia. Answer: A A. sunken fontanelles. C. perform a hands-on assessment of the ABCs. D. 70, Answer: A 2 seconds. Chapter 34 Pediatric Emergencies. 50 B. have a female EMT remain with her if possible. An infant with severe dehydration would be expected to present with: Question Type: General Knowledge B. moist oral mucosa. When immobilizing an injured child in a pediatric immobilization device, you should: Padding underneath the torso when immobilizing an injured child is generally not necessary if he or she is: The pediatric patient should be removed from his or her car seat and secured to an appropriate spinal immobilization device if: When a child experiences a blunt chest injury: the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking. B. a stiff or painful neck. C. pad underneath the child's head. Her heart rate is 130 beats/min and her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/min. Which of the following is NOT a known risk factor of SIDS? C. second-degree burns covering more than 10% of the body surface. B. asthma. A friend tells you that a refrigerator door, beneath its layer of painted plastic, is made of aluminum. 12. With regard to the legal implications of child abuse: A. begin immediate rescue breathing. A. radial D. If the cervical spine is injured, it is most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement He is unresponsive and there are no signs of breathing. D. allowing the child to remain with her mother and applying a nasal cannula. Indicate the type of solid (molecular, metallic, ionic, or covalent-network) for each compound: HBr. sinastria di coppia karmica calcolo; quincy homeless shelter; plastic bags for cleaning oven racks; claudia procula death; farm jobs in vermont with housing 82 mm Hg You should: encourage him to cough, give oxygen as tolerated, and transport. ________ pulse. B. a low-grade fever and tachycardia. B. blood pressure A child may begin to show signs of separation anxiety as early as: Unless he or she is critically ill or injured, you should generally begin your assessment of a toddler: When assessing an 8-year-old child, you should: talk to the child, not just the caregiver. B. stabilize his head and check for a pulse. C. conclude that the child is stable. A. Which of the following statements regarding a pediatric patient's anatomy is correct? Question Type: General Knowledge Early signs of respiratory distress in the pediatric patient include all of the following, EXCEPT: Before assessing the respiratory adequacy of an semiconscious infant or child, you must: ensure the airway is patent and clear of obstructions. 91. When a child experiences a blunt injury to the abdomen: he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults. 104. correct? B. hyperglycemia. C. stimulate the vagus nerve. A. perform abdominal thrusts. Answer: B When ventilating a pediatric patient with a bag-mask device, the EMT should: D. gather critical data by performing a rapid hands-on assessment of the child. Boerrhave's syndrome. D. he or she is breathing inadequately. A. be prepared to assist her ventilations, transport at once, and request an ALS intercept en route to the C) a stiff or painful neck. Answer: D D. there is usually obvious injury to the external chest wall. You should: C. a rapid heart rate. C. may not be possible if the child's condition is critical. A. put padding behind his or her head. Bruising to the _________ is LEAST suggestive of child abuse. 95. Increased respiratory effort is often the distinguishing characteristic that sets cardiogenic shock apart from other forms of shock. B. weak distal pulses. If complementary foods are not introduced around the age of 6 months, or if they are given inappropriately, an infant's growth may falter. Page: 1196, 103. If appropriate dosing for children and infants is included with age ranges as needed. Children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries. Which of the following children would benefit the LEAST from a nonrebreathing mask? B. scalding water in a bathtub. C. apply high-flow oxygen via a nonrebreathing mask, obtain baseline vital signs, apply full spinal precautions, and perform a secondary assessment. children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries. 3 months and 4 years. The first month of life after birth is referred to as the: Which of the following statements regarding a 3-month-old infant is correct? B. moderate dehydration. Infection should be considered a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if After determining that an infant or child has strong central pulses, you should: Capillary refill time is MOST reliable as an indicator of end-organ perfusion in children younger than: If the situation allows, a child should be transported in a car seat if he or she weighs less than _____ lbs. C. femoral Question Type: General Knowledge Certain cases of SIDS are predictable and therefore preventable. Which of the following is NOT a known risk factor of SIDS? 73. C. administering blow-by oxygen and transporting the child with her mother. Answer: D The distance is automatically calculated from the travel time of this pulse. C. a rapid heart rate. D. bradycardia. A. croup. The triggers for vasoconstriction are fluid loss (blood, urine, stomach contents, sweat, fluid evaporation due to severe burns), hypothermia, and hypernatremia (too much sodium in the blood). Answer: A You are using JumpSTART in a triage situation involving several children. B. obtain a SAMPLE history from the parents. B. obtain a SAMPLE history from the parents. Page: 1162. Page: 1164, 36. B. meningitis. D. experiencing cardiopulmonary arrest. C. your assessment will most often reveal bruising to the abdomen. Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is MOST commonly the result of: m(i)=31+52+73+94+115+136++2i+1i. demonstratedinpreterminfants; CBFvelocity normalisedalongwithPo2in terminfants.5 Extremely low birthweight infants can be treated appropriatelywithroomairor30-40% oxygen in the delivery room.6 Routine use of 80-100%oxygenduringtheinitial stabilisation at birth, as often recommended,7 may there-fore produce hyperoxaemia in some infants. A 2-year-old female has experienced a seizure. A. allow the mother to drive her daughter to the hospital. C. geriatrics A. place padding under the child's head. C. 25 g Page: 1162. Question Type: General Knowledge C. ensure that he or she uses a neonatal device for children younger than 12 months. A 6-month-old male presents with 2 days of vomiting and diarrhea. You should: assist his ventilations, be prepared to suction his mouth if he vomits, apply full spinal precautions, and prepare for immediate transport to a trauma center. A. The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed ______ breaths/min. The instrument that measures the velocity of a vibrating body is called a(n) _______. Page: 1190. Question Type: General Knowledge When questioning the parent of a child who ingested a poisonous substance, which of the following questions would be of LEAST pertinence? Use the following terms to create a concept map: atoms, average atomic mass, molecules, mole, percentage composition, and molar masses. C. putting a baby to sleep on his or her back B. D. 6, Answer: A Bruising to the _________ is LEAST suggestive of child abuse. Question Type: General Knowledge Answer: B Page: 1161. Question Type: General Knowledge A. warm, dry skin. The Answer The answer is C. Seizure. An 8-year-old female with a history of asthma continues to experience severe respiratory distress despite being given multiple doses of her prescribed albuterol by her mother. C. age of the child and the size of the car that struck him or her. The EMTs should: remove the child from the car seat and secure both him and his mother to the stretcher. D. are most severe if the child ingested a poisonous substance. 3. The infant's C. hyperthermia. Page: 1166, 39. observes the patient for signs of ICP and of infection at the operative site or along the shunt line. D. assess the child's heart rate and skin condition. Compared to an adult, the diaphragm dictates the amount of air that a child inspires because the: A. intercostal muscles are not well developed. A child may begin to show signs of separation anxiety as early as: Unless he or she is critically ill or injured, you should generally begin your assessment of a toddler: Which of the following statements regarding preschool-age children is correct? A common cause of shock in an infant is: A. encourage the child to urinate and take a shower. Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct? bag-mask ventilations is to: Question Type: General Knowledge A. warm, dry skin. The infant's heart rate is 140 beats/min and his anterior fontanelle appears to be slightly sunken. Question Type: General Knowledge C. exposure to caustic chemicals. How would you rate a patient who is breathing spontaneously, has a peripheral pulse, and is appropriately responsive to painful stimuli? C. intra-abdominal hemorrhage. B. B. encourage him to cough, give oxygen as tolerated, and transport. C. nasal flaring. The suture of the anterior fontanelle is typically closed by _____ months of age, and the suture of the posterior fontanelle is typically closed by _____ months of age. D. 98 mm Hg. Whenever your blood vessels need to be tightened or widened, your vasomotor nerves (part of your sympathetic nervous system) can tell your muscles to adjust the amount of space inside your blood vessels. D. mother smoked during pregnancy, C. putting a baby to sleep on his or her back. Which of the following statements regarding a pediatric patient's anatomy is correct? During the attempted resuscitation of an infant with suspected SIDS: 25. After your partner stabilizes his head and opens his airway, you assess his breathing and determine that it is slow and irregular. When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or ________ The infant's mother tells you that he has not had a soiled diaper in over 12 hours. Vasoconstriction can help or hurt your body, depending on the situation. Page: 1186. D. cardiovascular disease. Page: 1180, 66. D. capillary refill, Answer: B C. altered mental status. Answer: A Question Type: General Knowledge approximately 5 minutes. Burns in children are commonly caused by all of the following, EXCEPT: Question Type: General Knowledge Late signs of intracranial pressure that comprise Cushing triad include hypertension with a widening pulse pressure, bradycardia, and abnormal respiration. Answer: A heart rate is 140 beats/min and his anterior fontanelle appears to be slightly sunken. A. the flexible rib cage protects the vital thoracic organs. Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk New. signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: post oak toyota commercial actors . C. Why did your child ingest the poison? They are rarely used in infants younger than 1 year. A child may begin to show signs of separation anxiety as early as: 6 months. Page: 1177. Page: 1197, EMT Chapter 33- Obstetrics & Neonatal Care eB, EMT Chapter 33: Obstetrics and Neonatal Care, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Winningham's Critical Thinking Cases in Nursing, Barbara A Preusser, Julie S Snyder, Mariann M Harding. When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that: 8. The components of the PAT are: A) Lung sounds are difficult to hear because of the thick intercostal muscles. history from an adolescent patient? B. bradycardia. Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct? Which of the following statements regarding a pediatric patient's anatomy is correct? Her skin is hot and moist. Question Type: General Knowledge C. skin condition, respiratory rate, and level of alertness. Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: 1. B. Page: 1173. Identify similarities and differences in the types of skin cancer. Page: 1171. A. an oral airway has been inserted. Page: 1182. B. headache and fever. A. cherry-red spots or a purplish rash. D. brisk capillary refill. D. retracting the intercostal muscles. C. 60 15% A. observe the chest for rise and fall. When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should: You should: An 8-year-old female with a history of asthma continues to experience severe respiratory distress despite being given multiple doses of her prescribed albuterol by her mother. C. crying or combativeness, good muscle tone, and awareness to time. Question Type: General Knowledge You should: Which of the following is the MOST appropriate dose of activated charcoal for a 20kg child? A. estimate the child's weight based on age. Write a test program that displays m(i) for i = 1, 2, . Common causes of seizures in children include all of the following, EXCEPT: children have a larger, rounder occiput compared to adults. The studies that have found beneficial effects from omega-3 supplementation for symptoms and signs of dry eye disease include one showing that daily supplementation with 1,000 mg omega-3s (650 mg EPA plus 350 mg DHA) for 3 months in 518 men and women (mean age about 40 years) living in northern India reduced symptoms and some signs of dry eye . When assessing an 8-year-old child, you should: talk to the child, not just the caregiver. B. not rule out compensated shock. A. the growth plate is commonly injured. C. spaced further apart, which causes them to shift following trauma. D. activity, respiratory quality, and level of consciousness. C. their bones bend more easily than an adult's. A child may begin to show signs of separation anxiety as early as: Unless he or she is critically ill or injured, you should generally begin your assessment of a toddler: Which of the following statements regarding preschool-age children is correct? and determine that it is slow and irregular. the back of his head. A. They are rarely used in infants younger than 1 year. A. proportionately larger and situated more anteriorly. D. experiencing cardiopulmonary arrest. A. evidence of alcohol consumption or drug use at the scene Which of the following is the LEAST reliable assessment parameter to evaluate when He is unresponsive and there are no signs of breathing. As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. D. give 12.5 to 25 g of activated charcoal. (b) 25C,1atm25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}, 1 \mathrm{~atm}25C,1atm Question Type: Critical Thinking may indicate a serious underlying illness. B. B. multiple open fractures. Page: 1185. D. acute hypoxia and tachycardia. Blood pressure is usually not assessed in children younger than _____ years. Burns in children are commonly caused by all of the following, EXCEPT: partialt-hickness burns covering more than 20% of the body surface. The German Association of the Scientific Medical Societies guideline for pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium in women with a spinal cord injury (SCI) addresses a range of topics from the desire . Blood pressure is usually not assessed in children younger than _____ years. 50. 47. C. retractions. In most children, febrile seizures are characterized by: A 2-month-old infant was found unresponsive in his crib by his mother. C. 25% Infection should be considered a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if he or she presents with: You should: be prepared to assist her ventilations, transport at once, and request an ALS intercept en route to the hospital. Heart rate may not reflect the severity of blood loss due to compensatory vasoconstriction and constriction. 55. D. lower in the abdominal cavity, where the muscles are not as strong. 42. A. discourage the family from observing. Submersion injuries in the adolescent age group are MOST commonly associated with: Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct? shock. C. conclude that the child is stable. B. a low-grade fever and tachycardia. Your friend whimsically says that at the South Pole, a step in any direction is a step north. C. rule out an injury to the spinal cord. You should suspect: B. his or her blood pressure falls with as little as 5% blood loss. The EMT should be MOST concerned when a child presents with fever and: Page: 1170. D. is most appropriate when your transport time is short. You should: Before positioning an infant or child's airway, you should: When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should: All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT: Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called: A high-pitched inspiratory sound that indicates a partial upper airway obstruction is called: When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or C. place the child in cold water to attempt to reduce her fever. D. has a history suggestive of a serious illness. A. child is in severe decompensated shock. if the cervical spine is injured, it most likely to be an injury to the ligaments because of rapid movement to the head. Blood flow is delayed or halted as blood vessels close. Early signs of respiratory distress in the child include: An infant or child with respiratory distress will attempt to keep his or her alveoli expanded at the end of inhalation by: The MOST ominous sign of impending cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children is: Infection should be considered a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if he or she presents with: Signs of an upper airway obstruction in an infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: A 6-year-old male presents with acute respiratory distress. D. abnormal airway noise. 74. A. older than 8 to 10 years. Question Type: Critical Thinking Page: 1180. recent ear infection. The signs and symptoms of poisoning in children: He is responsive to painful stimuli only and has a large hematoma to the back of his head. that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. 70. When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that: A. they usually do not wish to be observed during a procedure. In contrast to adults, deterioration to cardiac arrest in infants and children is usually associated with: Common causes of seizures in children include all of the following, EXCEPT: In most children, febrile seizures are characterized by: generalized tonic-clonic activity, a duration of less than 15 minutes, a short/absent postictal phase. Which of the following represents a low normal systolic blood pressure for a 6-year-old child? Question Type: General Knowledge Question Type: General Knowledge Which of the following represents a low normal systolic blood pressure for a 6-year-old child? D. accessory muscle use. wreck in west monroe, la today. C. 8 years. If the situation allows, a child should be transported in a car seat if he or she weighs less than _____ lb. C. palpate the abdomen for rise and fall. A. child abuse. D. heat compresses and lowering the injured extremity. A. Signs of a severe airway obstruction in an infant or child include: 85. A. cyanosis. C. generalized tonic-clonic activity, a duration of less than 15 minutes, and a short or absent postictal phase. Question Type: General Knowledge C. 25 g The secondary assessment of a sick or injured child: may not be possible if the child's condition is critical. C. skin condition, respiratory rate, and level of alertness. Children are less likely than adults to be struck by a car. To ensure that the airway of an infant or small child is correctly positioned, you may have to: Answer: B Question Type: General Knowledge Page: 1155 13. C. a rapid heart rate. D. hypovolemic shock. they are rarely used in infants younger than 1 y.a. He is complaining of pain when he tries to turn his head. A. Question Type: General Knowledge B. allow the family to observe if they wish. B. mental status, heart rate, and systolic blood pressure. Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: C. pad underneath the child's head. D. use a nasal cannula instead of a nonrebreathing mask. C. estimate the child's weight based on appearance. 94. Answer: C C. hyperpnea. Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: Select one: A. a stiff or painful neck. Which of the following groups of people is associated with the lowest risk of meningitis? D. a semiconscious 7-year-old female with normal ventilation, C. an unresponsive 5-year-old male with shallow respirations. child during bag-mask ventilations is to: Cardiac arrest in the pediatric population is MOST commonly the result of: In contrast to adults, deterioration to cardiac arrest in infants and children is usually associated with: Blood loss in a child exceeding _____ of his or her total blood volume significantly increases the risk of shock. B. he or she has no visible injuries. C. determine why the ingestion occurred. B. weak distal pulses. Her skin is hot and moist. You should: D. give oxygen if the SpO2 is less than 90%. Question Type: General Knowledge D. Inexperience and poor judgment are rare causes of pediatric trauma. C. carefully examine the genitalia for signs of injury. Answer: A The purpose of the pediatric assessment triangle (PAT) is to: D. acute hypoxia and tachycardia. Answer: A A. proportionately larger and situated more anteriorly. Page: 1186. An 8-year-old female with a history of asthma continues to experience severe respiratory distress despite All vital signs are within their normal ranges except for the blood pressure. 93. D. buttocks, Answer: A Question Type: General Knowledge You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should: All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT: Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called: A high-pitched inspiratory sound that indicates a partial upper airway obstruction is called: When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or
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