Growing up in. As a woman considering misogyny today, what does not immediately spring to mind, is the Lefts treatment, as opposed to the Right's treatment, on social media in particular, of female journalists as opposed to their male counterparts or other women. That was the Deep State in action. I think that the obligation on journalists is to listen to everybody. If this chick were any tougher, she'd rust. How do you reconcile that with having been the spokesperson for a President who has misled the American people on everything from coronavirus to climate change, who boasts about grabbing women on the pussy, who paid hush money to a porn star to keep her quiet about their alleged relationship and who has maligned the men and women of Americas armed forces? But I also feel that that is fitting in a broader context about awareness of power generally, because I feel like every single night when Im hosting 7.30, that I see stories in which people in power are exploiting or taking advantage of people with less power.In many cases, people that they have been paid to care for, or have expressly said that they promise to serve and I see it all the time, every night on the show. Russell Yardley FAICD Professional Non-executive. In cabinet? Fact Check on Sales: Republican Powell? June 5, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized Second of all, as the Americans say, Sales makes a fool of herself with her climate assumptions. [7] Sales joined the ABC in Brisbane in 1995.[3]. [3] She received a bachelor of journalism from the Queensland University of Technology and Master of International Relations from Deakin University. Am I prepared to see these disappear? Tony Thomass new book,Come To Think Of It essays to tickle the brain, is availablehereas a book ($34.95) or an e-book ($14.95). As of 2008, Curtis had made almost $57,000 in political donations, the lion's . It pains me to say it, but ABC Classic FM is a valuable product and manages to keep its ideology within bearable limits. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. [5] She said she planned to continue working for the ABC. European high fashion has traditionally catered to women who are thin, wealthy, and most importantly, white but Edward Enninful, the trailblazing editor of British Vogue, is determined to change that. ft. home is a 4 bed, 3.0 bath property. The windfall should be paid into consolidated revenue and although only a one-off, would be a welcome addition to the Budget. For me, its important to show the actual work is smart and thoughtful and heavily prepared and that I know my stuff so Im not just a pretty face - Leigh Sales, Sales and former captain of the Australian national cricket team Shane Warne, Sales and Bill Nighy following an interview on ABC's flagship current affair program 7.30 in 2017, The veteran journalist spoke with Leadership Institute Executive Director and Konnect Learning Director Dana Lightbody at the Women in Leadership Summit 2018, Leigh Sales shares the harsh truth about women in the media. How often did you have those kinds of slips of the tongue, in the heat of the moment as White House spokesperson? [iii] Where sites have stayed obstinately rural, temperatures have shown much less rise than 1degC. Three-and-a-half years ago, Shravan Nagesh relocatedto Australia looking for better prospects and opportunities. Men often dont quite get the question. It is a matter for a commercial entity like Twitter to ask itself and my understanding is that it is whether the treatment of journalists, in particular female journalists, on its platform is acceptable.. Read Quadrant online or as a printed magazine Starting at $88.00 a year, Dr Fauci denies that Trump misled the public, Ive complained to the ABC about this bias. Now lets get specific. The veteran journalist delivered her final show on Thursday, June 30, 2022 with an emotional sign-off after more than a decade of hard-hitting interviews. Sales had big shoes to fill, taking over from OBrien on 7.30, and then five years later taking on panel and hosting duties for the ABCs 2016 federal election broadcast. Please convey this to Ms Sales. Often women feel like I dont have anything to say, or Im not an expert, whereas men are like, oh yeah, I know a bit about everything, Ill be fine. She's carried the torch well so far, and evolved with the modern Democratic Party to become quite the liberal. leigh sales political views. And Sales could hardly contain her disdain for Prime Minister Gillard when she began a 7.30 interview with: After recent events, aren't Australians well within their rights to conclude that the Gillard Government is a dysfunctional mess that deserves to be consigned to opposition as soon as possible?. For Trump Id think, Ok, what is the key issue here. Was that a display of lying, ignorance or insanity? As a thought-experiment, imagine Sales interviewing Joe Biden as follows: Mr Biden, last March your staffer Tara Reade alleged you sexually assaulted her. The media has reported on Victoria and NSW's handling of COVID-19 in vastly different and inequitable ways, writes Dr Victoria Fielding. Now what may be called The New ABC has certainly been captured by an urban elite the inner city latte Left alienating not only rural Australia but also the vast majority of city dwellers whose taxes pay for it. She served the Queen for 17 years - first as her press secretary, then as her assistant private secretary. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks to Sarah Ferguson and reaffirms her country's long-standing policy of not allowing nuclear-powered vessels in its waters. As she wraps up her career at ABC's 7.30, Leigh Sales has revealed her true thoughts on the Australian Prime Ministers she has interviewed during her time at the current affairs program. From 2008 to 2010, Sales was a co-host of the ABC's Lateline, a late-night national current affairs show with a heavy emphasis on federal politics and international affairs. Please take heart! In the case of Gillard, Sales was certainly happy to repeat the vituperative commentary about Gillard. The headline was rapidly changed to Assailing Hate but Not Guns, to inject some editorial animus. I was disgusted with the presentation and believe the ABC, being a reflection of the Australian people, can do a lot better-if not, then we can well do without your ABC which is sad because I have been an ABC listener since a child. Consummate professional, first-rate journo and a very fine human. Sales has hosted ABCs 7.30 for more than a decade. It was so far ahead of its time. But he is planning to leave Australia. SANDERS: Well, some of those things are just patently false. Have watched her in awe as she's steered @abc730 through five PMs, personal challenges, public health crises, you name it. Pussy-grabbing talk? It is the insidious culture within parliament, which allows the prime minister of the day to exhibit bullying behaviour emblematic of abusers, by ignoring the pleas of women protesting violence and going as far as to suggest theyre lucky not to be shot. A late Friday night thread on Twitter abuse and Victorias COVID-19 crisis, for those who are interested #springst . Will ABC viewers ever see the VicPol thugs beating up little old ladies, stomping on the heads of the mentally ill or throwing accredited journalists to the ground? leigh_sales. Sales ABC pal David Lipson endorsed the anonymous smears on 7pm news and Ive complained to the ABC about this bias (no response yet). Enjoyed this speech? I think the thing is we need to ask men more, Sales says. While she wasnt targeted by the Murdoch press like some other ABC presenters, she was relentlessly trolled on Twitter. Why do the left have trouble with comprehension and nuance? Sales, who was targeted by hardcore Daniel Andrews supporters after attending a coronavirus update in Melbourne earlier this year, said Twitter is dominated by views that are militantly pro-lockdown, pro-covid zero and pro-Labor premiers, and even the tamest of questions in those directions prompts an onslaught. And so Id be looking for questions that are around that theme. leigh sales political views. My phone connects to the car system by Bluetooth, so I select and download my own choices from online sources. Warming predictions are based on models prone to the garbage-in/garbage-out syndrome, as with COVID-19 models. These Social Justice Warriors must be thrown on the snap heap and suffer the consequences of their own stupidity. Emma Alberici is the only political journalist I trust and is basically fair. Shes got such a great intelligence, creativity, and a great heart, Collins said. If Id come through 25 years ago, I wouldnt necessarily be in the same boat. Surprise favourite to replace Leigh Sales, Murderers: Vegans go troppo at cafe menu, Channel Ten in chaos as major star leaves. It usually happens after she gives what is perceived by many progressive users of that social media platform as a poor performance in her main task interviewing politicians. In all the years Ive anchored, Ive never had more viewers come up to me in public than after that interview to say how much joy it gave them, and it was so beautiful that people felt as if they had shared in that experience with me., Very proud of @leighsales. For me, its important to show the actual work is smart and thoughtful and heavily prepared and that I know my stuff so Im not just a pretty face. Accused of spying, the mild-mannered economics professor had endured solitary confinement and horrible conditions in a series of prisons. Its a distant memory now, but Leigh Sales was not given the job of solo host initially. Leigh Sales launches into new era of political bullies Leigh Sales has described in detail what is wrong with bullies and trolls who attack her and other female journalists for doing their job. No one is perfect. 119,408 views. SALES TO SANDERS: I notice youre not addressing the central premise of my question which is how somebody like Donald Trump squares with the values you espouse? Reston Now is the up-to-the-minute source for breaking news, business news, weather, schools, politics, events and happenings in Reston and Herndon, Virginia Of course, there are right-wing attacks too but the most ferocious campaigns are reserved for any journalist who questions, in even the most anodyne manner, the policies or public statements of Labor politicians, particularly the Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese, the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, the Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and the West Australian Premier Mark McGowan. Its well past time that this kind of thing needs to changeWhat do a lot of these stories that Ive mentioned have in common? Jun 5th, 2022 . Sales next question or speech ran like this: So to believe you, somebody watching this interview has to believe that every former senior member of the Trump administration who has left and spoken of his unfitness to lead has an axe to grind, that every former senior Republican who has spoken out, from Colin Powell to the late John McCain, has an axe to grind, and then all of these life-long Republicans are in cahoots with the Democrats and theyre all also tied up in a conspiracy with the mainstream media and its the mainstream media thats peddling lie after lie, not Donald Trump? Like many conservatives I am conflicted about some of the ABCs offerings on both radio and television. Join the IA newsletter for regular updates on our latest news stories. Sales had no answer to Sanders riposte and continued to read from her vituperative question-list. Its men.And we are not doing a good enough job in this country, as you will see, any night when you watch 7.30, of looking after the least powerful members of our society. Any real estate remaining after the carve-up can also be sold and added to the Governments revenue, sorely needed in the straitened times we now face paying off massive government debt and the bureaucrat-created depression. If taxpayer funding dried up and the market ruled Auntie would be the quintessential case of get woke, go broke. These are some of the urgent issues that women need to be considering and advocating to address if we hope to create an environment for our daughters and granddaughters to realise their potential. A seasoned, highly-respected journalist among her peers, Millar became the target for trolls who plumbed new depths to attack her. Starts at 60 is just for over-60s. Our content creates conversations, our voice is the one that matters. Many of us on the conservative side of politics, known in ABC newspeak as far right extremists, have for a long time been concerned about ABC bias. In the male-heavy industry, Sales said she was lucky all of her bosses gave her opportunities to excel in her career and persuaded her to do things outside her level of expertise. We built our newsroom to cover one [fake] story, and we did it truly well. It means a lot to me to host this program, mostly because Ive always thought its brilliant. I feel like Im constantly asking myself this question did something change in this country? Did something change, that the standard for behaviour now is not I have to do the right thing or I have to do what I promised I said I would do, but instead how much can I get away with?I think that, from what I hear people say on 7.30 Australians are sick of this kind of situation.Theyre sick of banks gouging their accounts with fees and charges while somehow missing large scale money laundering, thats funnelling millions of dollars overseas to terrorism or child exploitation.Theyre sick of highly profitable nursing homes taking money from families, and then neglecting or abusing mum or dad.Theyre sick of financial advisors who promise to take peoples life savings and help them pay for their retirement, knowing the entire time that theyre fleecing them.I think the unemployed, students, pensioners were pretty sick of being harassed by a powerful government department to repay debt that they never actually even owed in the first place.People are tired of private health insurance constantly upping fees, then you go to a specialist and they go oh sorry its not covered by private health.Theyre sick of telecommunications companies that promised the world when you sign up for the Internet, and then when youre having a problem with it and it wont work, they wont pick up their phone to answer your call in any kind of timely fashion.Theyre sick of rich multinational companies underpaying their workers and then not even having the common courtesy to ring people when those workers are killed on the job.Theyre sick of priests abusing children in their care, or scoutmasters. Sales says interviewing Paul McCartney and getting a hug from him was one of the best days of my life, and viewers certainly shared in her joy. It didnt last. My focus in this piece has been on Sales interviewing rather than Sanders responses. What is it with the ABC Trump hating? Its been a disheartening week for Australian women. Its such a great series that is able to tell those personal stories in such illuminating ways. We all cop criticism here. Latest book WELL HELLO Its actually backed up by doing the work.. Whether its working around guests honorifics, which dont always cognate the same view, to selling her skills, gender obstacles continue to pepper the media industry. After stepping down as host of 7.30, Sales delighted fans when she announced her new gig and her return to television screens. Lets be clear, here. Her interview with John Laws in 2012 was another standout, although she left it out of her list of memorable moments when announcing her decision to leave on Thursday. It is ridiculous to cite a puny, human-caused heating of under 1degC in a century as the cause of the wildfires when lax forest management was admitted this week by Californias Governor himself. Also, follow IA on Twitter @independentaus and on Facebook HERE, and in the new IA subscriber-only Facebook page HERE. The situation in 2020 has gotten worse.. Theres nothing like that on Australian radio that I can find. [21][22] The podcast won two awards at the 2019 Australian Podcast Awards in the Literature, Arts & Music and TV, Film & Pop Culture categories. After publishing an opinion piece on social media bullying, Leigh Sales has come under criticism over her own past attacks on political figures. US General Mark Milley is the United States highest-ranking military officer and principal military advisor to the US President. Times have changed. Sales ABC pal, Sarah Ferguson, with her three-part bombshell-that-wasnt story of the century in 2018 has been among those pushing the fakery. The ABC of course is happy to attack Falun Gong, as the movement is associated with The Epoch Times, one of the few reliable media agencies left (because it isnt left) when it comes to reporting events in China. Sales took to social media to share the news with her loyal fans, stating that she feels lucky to take on hosting duties for the brilliant program and that it was very humbling to be chosen as anchor given the show has only previously had one other permanent host, the first being the late Caroline Jones. SALES (laughs): Well, and then, you know: also at the end a brutal exit. Sales might be astounded by Trumps statement, I dont think the science knows, actually but any honest scientist would give Trump five stars. by gregorius Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:13 pm. But the stuff Lisa was subjected to was next level. More like SS Party one could suggest. It is independent of the work they do for other media outlets and is an opportunity for them to talk about books, movies, television, the media and culture. Leigh Sales on the ABC TVs 7.30 last night Sept 16) interviewed Donald Trumps former press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She has been reporting from the States since her posting to China was aborted when she couldnt get a visa. MLS # 22029453 Channel 10 journalist Hamish MacDonald quit social media because he was attacked while hosting Q&A. [I]t seems to be like theres a view if you support the facts, and you want to challenge people with the facts, thats an indication of a left wing bias. DG: I never drive on the Eyre Highway. Now in a recent interview with ABC,. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. Born in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Leigh Sales is best known for being a tv show host. In 100 per cent gotcha questioning, Sales called Sanders every kind of liar, sleaze and religious hypocrite. I have been appalled over the past 3 years to see the ABC deteriorate to the point of exasperation. If you can afford a donation, it will help Speakola survive and prosper. As I rarely watch anything in real time these days anyway this would not be much of a burden. Her third book, Any Ordinary Day, was published in October 2018. [3], Sales hosted ABC TV's current affairs program 7.30 from 2011 to 2022. At the Robodebt royal commission, we've heard ministers who oversaw the portfolio during this period say they weren't responsible for what their department officials did. In the following days, insiders told The Australians Media Diary that the challenges of juggling work and parenting duties might have indeed played a role in the shock move. In the wake of fellow ABC presenters Hamish Macdonald and Lisa Millar both deactivating their Twitter accounts due to the high level of personal abuse they received on the platform, Sales wrote an opinion piece for the ABC in September 2021 exploring the issue of bullying received by journalists on Twitter which she described as "insidious" and "unhinged". Here, shespeaks to fellow journalist Dr Anne Summers about gender equality in the media, the concerning rise of niche news and what shed like to ask president-elect Donald Trump. We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn, and work. If you missed Scott Morrison's election launch, sorry, interview with Leigh Sales on ABC's 7.30 on Tuesday (5 April), you missed an excellent opportunity to be appraised of all the great things the Morrison Government has done for Australia. Kelly was once the shows political editor. 52 Leigh St , Toronto, ON M6N3X is a single-family home listed for-sale at $1,299,900. There is nothing to stop them creating new anonymous profiles. At 1am, after a record-breaking seven-plus hours of anchoring the live broadcast, Sales said: Yeah, weve broken the record. A buyback scheme that was supposed to move NSW Northern Rivers residents out of extreme flood danger has barely begun a year after the floods, with the first offers made only in the past few days. Shes very unprofessional! Apr 1996 - Oct 200711 years 7 months. One has to wonder why Sarah Huckabee agreed to do this interview at all. You spend a lot of time and money trying to establish the ABC branddo not destroy it! Ferguson hosted while Sales was on maternity leave, and has established herself as a tough political interviewer. She earned her Bachelor's degree from Queensland University of Technology in Journalism and her Masters in International Relations from Deakin University. Leigh Peta Sales AM (born 10 May 1973) is an Australian journalist and author, best known for her work with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Flashback 2013: Leigh Salesperson interviews Dr Craig Emerson on ABC $7.30 After publishing an opinion piece on social media bullying, Leigh Sales has come under criticism over her own past attacks on political figures. She was such a warm and positive person, always with a kind word or email. She's great cleavage is our leigh sales and 'other' [vixen] -even though few weeks ago she disabused one of her viewers with some diatribe about taking craps at th end of one of her lateline shows - [ a certain individual being stalked practically to death by . All times AEDT (GMT +11). Then a neighbour broke her door down, Irrigators fear federal government's new water buybacks will devastate farming communities, Why one of the most popular Australian politicians on TikTok won't allow the app on his phone, Noel Pearson says he will 'fall silent' if Voice referendum fails, Shravan is a much-needed skilled migrant. She worked across a number of print and online publications including News Corp and Fairfax Media before joining The CEO Magazine. IA punches above its weight. She was one half of a double-header with Chris Uhlmann, then an ABC political reporter. [iii] Paul Homewood discusses the heat data further here. I did enjoy it. The second factor is that trolls often target big news events because theres already community traction and concern around these events or issues, and perpetrators are more likely to get attention this way. You can follow managing editor Michelle Pini on Twitter @vmp9. Woodwards claims are not only many months stale, but themselves misleading. Ms Sanders was anything but fiery but very polite and respectful. [17][18][19][20], In November 2014, Sales started a podcast with Annabel Crabb called Chat 10 Looks 3. We need YOU! Like the newly self-proclaimed feminist former Liberal MP Julie Bishop, who could usually be seen nodding and laughing in agreement withAbbott as he launched endless vitriolic attacks on Gillard, Sales sat on the sidelines while these women were bullied. Speakola is a labour of love and Id be very grateful if you would share, tweet or like it. In 2019, she was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for her services to broadcast journalism. But back to Sanders, whom Sales quizzed about Trumps notorious pussy-grabbing comment of 2005, but she didnt put questions to Hillary along similar lines. Ive been spending recent weeks doing a deep dive into the Australian Story archives, suggesting program ideas, learning their workflows and meeting their team, she revealed. In the media? They must not remain protected within the Public Circus cocoon like the rest of the parasitic class which brought us the Chicom flu fiasco. I was prompted to write this article after seeing Leah Sales deranged hatchet job on Sarah Huckabee Sanders, without doubt one of the nicest people associated with the Trump presidency. Listen to people that you disagree with. Just ask the ABC executives who stumbled momentarily when they replaced the towering figure of Kerry OBrien with not one, but two, journalists in 2010. The services risked being captured by urban interests. Uhlmann should have gotten the job. Thank you. A great opening for someone who can get it together there. In the firing line recently was the public broadcasters Lisa Millar. Leigh Sales: You cant say anything about the reporting of US election other than the fact that so few people were able to see it coming shows there is definitely a failure in the reporting of it. Leigh Sales (@leigh_sales) Instagram photos and videos leigh_sales Verified Follow 706 posts 137K followers 241 following Leigh Sales Journalist. Conservative British MP Simon Fell rejectsclaims by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton that the UK does not have capacity to build a new class of nuclear-powered submarine for Australia under the AUKUS program. But they arent ashamed. And since Tony Abbott, infamous across the globe as a misogynistic bully, became Prime Minister in 2013, promptly appointed himself minister for women and catapultedAustralia back to the 1950s, it has become almost impossible to imagine a political climate that will again accept a woman in the top job. Brilliant rod.stuart and deric Davidson. Election hosting was a role which had been OBriens domain for decades. Douglas Leigh is 80 years old and was born on 03/08/1942.Douglas Leigh currently lives in Herndon, VA; in the past Douglas has also lived in Virginia Beach VA.Sometimes Douglas goes by various nicknames including Douglas S Leigh. Copyright 2023 Independent Australia - All rights reserved. Technical Lead / Senior Systems Programmer / Senior Systems Administrator. When I remember, Ive been saving sexualised social media abuse to show you what all women in the public eye get constantly, whether you are Peta Credlin, Julia Gillard or anyone in between. It was thought, probably with good reason, that news, documentaries and maybe even music programs would have a decidedly urban bias and thus not cater to the interests of country folk. An investigation of public service culture must be next, writes Laura Tingle. Leigh Sales this week announced she would leave her role as host of ABCs 7:30 after the federal election. It's time to call out the personal, sexist attacks", "Leigh Sales launches into new era of political bullies", "Bullying must end, but it can't all be tweet nothings", "Leigh Sales and Annabel Crabb launch new podcast", "Winners Announced at 2019 Australian Podcast Awards", "Chat 10 Looks 3 Live | Arts Centre Melbourne", "Leigh Sales: 'It just started to feel like nothing was safe'", "Herald Sun's "Lawyer X" wins 2019 Gold Walkley Award", "Leigh Sales wins Walkley for best interview", "ABC Journalist wins George Munster Journalism Award", "Book to tell torture tales when Hicks cannot",, Queensland University of Technology alumni, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, George Munster Award for Independent Journalism, Best Radio Current Affairs reporting on Guantanamo Bay, This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 20:01. Am I alone in being nauseated with every change of location in Gardening Australia being told that we are now on land of the watsamattabrudda tribe sorry, thats First Nation? I well remember her fawning over Turnbull after he knifed Abbott in the back. Why do the left have trouble with comprehension and nuance?
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