The evidence presented here supports the author's claim that fast food restaurants are like factories because the excerpt, D.) The evidence presented here supports the author's claim that fast food restaurants are like factories because the excerpt. Waiting for Godot (/ d o / GOD-oh) is a play by Samuel Beckett in which two characters, Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), engage in a variety of discussions and encounters while awaiting the titular Godot, who never arrives. Which quote indicates a shift in the narrative from the man to the boy? Which quotation best supports the authors' claim and purpose? a symbol of , The tone of the passage can best be described as , Based on how the narrator describes her childhood, readers can conclude that she , attaches meaning to the details and rituals of daily life, In paragraph 10, the word reverie means , In paragraph 12, the narrator's father is portrayed as , As children, the authors of both selections had, Unlike the author of "Creative Solutions to Life's Challenges," the author of "Back Home" grew answer choices. The Virginia Declaration of Rights, chiefly authored by George Mason and approved by the Virginia Convention on June 12, 1776, contains the wording: "all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights of which . Jessamyn Rodriguez's bakery, Hot Bread Kitchen, is a successful nonprofit business that provides professional opportunities for immigrant women. anyone that may use a mobile device while trying to multitask. claim would be the examples he give about multitasking and how dangerous it could be. Harrison Bergeron. Another word for the claim is demand and you can use it to understand the meaning of this word. A.) Once in a while you can reverse the pattern of quotation followed by analysis. Gale How does the boy feel about the stories his father tells? Which sentence best supports Rodriguez's claim that running Hot Bread Kitchen has been The author wants their audience to learn that multitasking is not always the right thing to do What does the boy most likely mean? The claim is immensely strong, the evidence or key points from the writing best support the authors The authors claim in the selected reading that multitasking can cause distraction and can lead to some sort Establishing wildlife reserves is an effective way to protect endangered animals. . which. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of this paragraph? Which of the following features would best enhance the reader's understanding of this excerpt? As Hannah Arendt points out in On Revolution, we must turn to Roman antiquity to find the first justification of war, together with the first notion that there are just and unjust wars (12). The passage is worthy of further analysis. What can the reader conclude from paragraph 2? Note: The period goes outside the brackets, at the end of your in-text citation. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Presented in the guise of an economic treatise, the essay proposes that the country ameliorate poverty in Ireland by butchering the . Which change would best modify this written paragraph into a strong argumentative speech? Where would be the most appropriate place in the essay for this sentence? Di lo que ocurre en un da tpico en el colegio, usando los verbo indicados. . Can You Get a PhD Without a Masters? But the introduction alone is not enough. If you need to alter your quotations in any way, be sure to indicate just how you have done so. Publication Ethics Statement. Hence it is a good idea to avoid ending a paragraph with a quotation. How will a closer analysis of the author's claim and the structure of the writing help you to learn more about the reading? "And indeed, it was when the enslaved Africans began to speakin words and in actionswhen Europeans began to see them as human, that the Age of Sugar also became the Age of Freedom.". It is an excellent starting point for your thesis because it gives the reader a reason to critically think about your work. The excerpt serves as which type of support for the authors' argument? Which sentence best demonstrates the language required of an argumentative speech? Persuade, Inform, Entertain, Share an experience or feeling Identify the author's purpose and support it by returning to the text for details and information. \hline Every boy in the school owns a new smartphone. The primary focus of an author's claim is supporting and proving the main idea. Based on your findings, it is possible to have a tentative answer to your question. answer choices . Pathos-based rhetorical strategies are any strategies that get the audience to open up to the topic, the argument, or to the author. . Here are some of the best claim statement examples to help you understand what writing a claim is all about: From the authors claim definition and as you can see above, these claim examples will need some facts to justify. Credibility of the speaker/author is determined by his or her knowledge and expertise in the subject at hand. which words or phrase helps you understand the meaning of the word vermiculate? 130+ Correlational Research Topics: Great Ideas For Students, Innovation Research Topics: That You Need To Look Into, 130+ Original Linguistics Research Topics: Ideas To Focus On, 130+ Hospitality Research Topics: Great Ideas. A.) Ethical appeals have two facets: audience values and authorial credibility/character. Which quote illustrates that the man still retains hope? Harrison Bergeron Quotes What Was Said Quiz. These are classical Greek terms, dating back to Aristotle, who is traditionally seen as the father of rhetoric. Comment on the evidence to show how it supports the claim. A.) Once you have a topic, narrow it to a specific subject and then make an argument on it. Sugar Changed the World is a book by Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos. Following are the steps for ixl answer hack: Go to the main screen of the particular page. On the lines provided, revise each sentence to make its meaning clear. C.) Collins's poem puts forth the idea that humans can become the center of the universe, while Tyson reveals that humans are insignificantly small and weak in comparison to a black hole. C.) audio samples of music by the specified musicians. Which detail supports this? Consider making adjustments based on what you glean. Why is Lear so rash as to let his two daughters dowers digest the third (1.1.127)? Increasing taxes would place an unnecessary hardship on the citizens and should be avoided. comfort. Which sentence from the excerpt supports the idea that falling into a black hole would be a violent death? = 15 * 3/20 Overseeing daily operation of the placeand often rolling up her own shirtsleeves to pitch inis 35-year-old founder and CEO Jessamyn Rodriguez. The economy will get better thanks to the influx of digital money into the market. Local municipalities should fund libraries heavily because they are an essential resource for communities. In illustrating these four steps, we'll use as our example, Franklin Roosevelt's famous quotation, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." 1. The excerpt serves as which of the following in relation to the authors' argument? B.) Tags: Report an issue. If your quotation is longer than four lines, do not place it in quotation marks. These three ways of incorporating other writers' work into your own writing differ according to the closeness of your writing to the source writing. by repeating the words pure, sweetness, and tastes How does the use of the word machine support the authors' claim in this passage? by repeating the words pure, sweetness, and tastes. Waiting for Godot is Beckett's translation of his own original French-language play, En attendant Godot, and is subtitled (in English only) "a tragicomedy in . In Canada and the United States, commas and periods never go outside a quotation mark. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? Gertrude asks her son Hamlet to cast your nighted colour off (1.2.68). The chemical waste produced by factories is dangerous, and factory owners should be held accountable. Which quotation best supports the authors' claim and purpose? C.) English is now the second language of at least one-sixth of the nation's restaurant workers, and about one-third of that group speaks no English at all. Read these quotations from the two selections. To be rhetorically effective (and thus persuasive), an author must engage the audience in a variety of compelling ways, which involves carefully choosing how to craft his or her argument so that the outcome, audience agreement with the argument or point, is achieved. You could ask something like why should human beings use online shopping to meet their daily needs?. The author wants us to know that the Triangle Trade was not really a triangle. . You will be claiming by arguing to prove your position. The previous one was just an initial answer. It can be a specific societal concern or policy issue. The image engages the audience and provides visual representations of logical evidence. There is a theory behind a successful teenage business/based on previous experience, The reader can infer that the author wants teens to, use the basic rules of starting a business, The author's purpose for including this information in the selection is mostly likely to--, Relate to teenage readers who have had these jobs and don't want to do them again this summer, In paragraph 1, the meaning of exploit is, In paragraphs 6 and 7, the author makes generalizations to suggest that texting , In paragraph 3, the author presents a concept. The writer's reason for writing a particular article or book may be manipulative, as in propaganda or advertising, or may be more straightforward, as in informative writing. Again, your authors claim statement doesnt have to be in the form of a question. It is important to understand, though, that using rhetorical appeals does not always lead to a sound, balanced argument. You will have to really watch the children at the beach because the current is very strong. We are confident in what we do, so we remove your doubts from the equation. When reading, you should always think about the authors credibility regarding the subject as well as his or her character. At one point the man tells the boy that he is also scared because the boy in "not the one who has to worry about everything." However, all of them work towards the fulfillment of the readers expectations. If something is an anachronism, is it in the correct time period? WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Let's face it.3 Best Prank Call Websites 2022 3.1 1. A claim may function as a single argument by itself, or it may be one of multiple claims made to support a larger argument. A thesis is a question or problem. As Putin continues killing civilians, bombing kindergartens, and threatening WWIII, Ukraine fights for the world's peaceful future. The introduction can be an independent clause: Gertrude implores her son Hamlet to stop mourning the death of his father: cast your nighted colour off (I.ii.68). Most students dont know how to write a claim yet its an important section in your essay. To establish his or her credibility, an author may draw attention to who he or she is or what kinds of experience he or she has with the topic being discussed as an ethical appeal (i.e., Because I have experience with this topic and I know my stuff! You'll find guidelines for citing sources and punctuating citations at our documentation guide pages. Copyright 2022 by The On-Campus Writing Lab& The OWL at Purdueand Purdue University. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries serve many purposes. . The candidate who successfully proves to the voters (the audience) that he or she has the type of character that they can trust is more likely to win. A.) Many people overuse ellipses at the beginning and end of quotations. What does food represent in the two selections? Since the quotation is relatively short, the brief introduction works. If you are not sure whether to punctuate your introduction to a quotation, mentally remove the quotation marks, and ask yourself whether any punctuation is still required. Resurgence of old civilization (old civilization is coming back). We do not endorse or encourage activities that may be in violation of applicable law or college/university policies. Immediately, and free of charge. For example, if you are learning about Einsteins Theory of Relativity, would you rather learn from a professor of physics or a cousin who took two science classes in high school thirty years ago? College writing often involves integrating information from published sources into your own writing in order to add credibility and authority-this process is essential to research and the production of new knowledge. Which excerpt from Fast Food Nation best illustrates the use of the rhetorical appeal logos? Say, "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe" and choose that word. you should trust what I am saying about this topic). The next step is to set a question and then answer it in the thesis. I could add to this explanation by providing statistics showing the number of students who failed and didnt complete their homework versus the number of students who passed and did complete their homework (factual evidence). Weaving the phrases of others into your own prose offers a stylistically compelling way of maintaining control over your source material. Above, we defined and described what logos, pathos, and ethos are and why authors may use those strategies. The claim of solution or policy will provide a strong reason to oppose and doesnt have to be biased or personal. Read the entire text, noting the key points and main ideas. . Emotions can make us vulnerable, and an author can use this vulnerability to get the audience to believe that his or her argument is a compelling one. In what way do London's descriptions of the dog's feelings and its instincts about survival increase the story's dramatic irony? Pump AC motors move an impeller in a pump assembly . Long quotations almost invariably need to be followed by extended analysis. Use an ellipsis in either place only when your reader might otherwise mistake an incomplete sentence for a complete one: Abraham Lincoln begins The Gettysburg Address with a reminder of the act upon which the United States was founded: Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation . Here are some tips from professional writers that will help you to write a perfect author claim: The first step is to choose a topic that interests you and explore it. Do not rely on quotations to tell your story for you. Familiarize yourself with the various verbs commonly used to introduce quotations. Circle the prepositions. How does the use of the word machine support the authors' claim in this passage? Chapter 3: The Writing Process, Composing, and Revising, 3.6 Peer Review and Responding to Others Drafts, 3.7 Proof-Reading and Editing Your Final Draft, Deeper Reading: "What Is Academic Writing? However, when building on the work of others, you need to be careful not to plagiarize: "to steal . The main types of claim statements include: You use this claim to discuss an effect with supportive arguments that describe the cause of the issue. C.) Tyson presents humans as powerless against the forces of nature, while Collins presents an individual creating his own destiny. Which of the following claims is best supported by the evidence in this excerpt? Which sentence best creates emphasis specifically on water safety through the use of a split infinitive? 5 Reading Strategy: P.I.E.S. These quotations provide evidence that both the speaker in "To a Daughter with Artistic Talent" and the narrator in the excerpt from "Big Fish" feel-- . It is evidence that creative work promotes happiness. Which of the following parts of an argumentative essay belongs in the introduction? Tags: lacteurdramelhistoiresous-titrespersonnageprincipalversionoriginale\begin{array}{|lll|} How can the the author make him or herself appear as a credible speaker who embodies the character traits that the audience values? You may, for example, need to alter text to ensure that pronouns agree with their antecedents. For more about our cookie and privacy policy, see Terms of Use. B.) Thus, ethos comes down to trust. Write the prepositional phrases in the sentence. A claim (KLAYM) in literature is a statement in which a writer presents an assertion as truthful to substantiate an argument. For example, an. The claim is immensely strong, the evidence or key points from the writing best support the author's claim would be the examples he give about multitasking and how dangerous it could be. Privacy policy. The excerpt helps the authors arrive at their conclusion by. $\underline{\color{#c34632}\text{Chris sings my favorite song well. Which revision changes the sentence so that it uses the active voice? by using words with negative connotations, such as hacked and merciless. An author using pathetic appeals wants the audience to feel something: anger, pride, joy, rage, or happiness. The underlined sentence in the outline is. \end{array} & \begin{array}{l} Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s). . User: She worked really hard on the project. I believe they make a capacitor and start switch kit #K-0645 Would this cure my problem. Pajaro de Esperanza". F. G. H. J. Which of the following pieces of evidence from Fast Food Nation best supports the author's claim that teenagers are the ideal candidates for working in the fast food industry?
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