To take this poor sinner, absent from God for so long, and to change his life into one of service, one of repentance, one of pastoring is almost beyond belief. Your father left you a legacy, and you are embracing it. Its an important question, and Im glad you mention it. What do you do when you desperately need miracles from a God who doesnt even seem to be giving responses???? So, I went back, the door opened for me, and I stepped in. Did not one parent pray before their child left for school, God protect my child? Did not one child themselves pray, God protect me? How can you possibly say to a Newtown parent, Yes! God is sovereign and knows what we need, the things that I have in my life are the things that I need. I have read Where was God when it Hurts ? In extreme anguish I drove east, not knowing where to go. We were there, he explained, to devote our lives to more important matters than politics. I was feeling particularly ashamed today and navigating it in prayer. One is in 1 Corinthians 5 where Paul says, What business is it of ours to judge those outside the church? The other is simply to follow Jesus and see how he treated notorious sinners and moral outcasts. Your note moves me deeply. God chose you to survive, but the family returning from the Christian retreat in the minivan all lost their lives? 23 Feb. 2023 . If thats not what you have done, then you are truly genius!! Above all, I dont feel so alone. However, I know of not a single case in 5 centuries (or 20 really) where He has. Thank you for your words. It all makes a lot more sense now. I am honored to call you my brother in Christ. Gratefully, Philip, For the first time in my 40 uears as a Christian, I am able to give Christian books to non-Christians. Church, my home church. Last year, on So Paulos Gay Parade, we had a scandalous protest from the LGBT community. David Stevens and I both live in Bristol as the Christian Medical & Dental Associations has a office and conference center nearby. (Its also mentioned again in 1 John 4:21). Thanks for doing such a great job of exploring your own faith, beliefs and actions and for honestly and openly sharing your explorations. I like that content, Thanks for sharing about Philip Yancey. Lots of miracles. In YWAM we had been taught to be open about things in our lives. . When I came back I said, Paul, here are your memos. Congratulations. Philip I really want to express my thanks to you for the blessing your books have been to me over the years. I have recently read and resonate w/ Tolstoy (Anna Karenina) . If only I could live up to your most generous words. His grace is sufficient. Do I have it right and is that your original saying? I identify so well with what you write. I was reading your books more relevant in my preaching. She even complained to Threshold Ministries that I was trying to destroy her job. Watch Putins advances with a weakened NATO! It has been while reading your books that I have been challenged by questions about race and justice, learned from some of my *now* favorite authors, speakers, and thinkers (thanks to your introduction in Soul Survivor), and been encouraged to wrestle with my faith. I can think of better ways to spend a quarter million dollars a year in rent. Ive had you in the back of my mind as I have been writing a book the last two years. I cannot agree with the premise of mutual exclusivity between Gods sovereignty and Gods love. I give it to everyone I can think of, for any occasion. Dear Mr Yancey, I will try to take it to heart because I know its what Jesus would want me to do, but I am finding it very difficult to want to relate to fellow Christians who are willing to die on the swords of anti-abortion and homosexuality, but who see no need for social justice reform in this country. Kind regards from Cape Town, South Africa (and you would be amazed at how many people in the USA do not know where that is situated). Nobody was saying a word and looked hopeless. I made an appointment with the Edmonton Legal Centre. It is impossible to explain the connection I have to that book. After reading Whats So Amazing About Grace for the first time, I wrote a short devotional about it for my churchs Lenten devotional book written by members of the congregation. Looking at the great irony, that we know Jesus backwards, yet our life unfolds forwards. He spoke of religious liberty being squashed by Hillary Clinton and quoted her discussing how she would change things along those lines. God is still redeeming the world and asking us to participate. I have always admired your books. Yes, too bad! Again, thank you. I have been reading books on prayer during my devotional time through 2020 and yours was my 14th on the subject. Be encouraged! There are a lot of losses. As for ambivalence about meeting Jesus, try making a list of all the people Jesus encounters in the Gospels: the more unworthy, outcast, moral failure someone was, the more tenderly Jesus treated them. And for perhaps the first time, I was able to articulate so many of my experiences or lackthereof with God and the church. My husband of 57 years passed away on January 25, 2019. However the last few months have been some of my most desperate. Its had a large imprint on my life. Thanks again! I felt so inspired by what I have learned from Him (before I even entered the church doors and received influence from imperfect people), I began to journal. Our Lord was the greatest advocate for grace and reason, but standing in the temple among the money changers, even he knew when to go for the whip. 54:17) Which is it Phil? Thank you. I sent him an e-mail, requesting confirmation in writing. I would love to hear you thoughts on word written by the ancient Greek pagan poet Aeschylus. Early Bible institutes emerged as both products of and catalysts for revival and missionary movements. Many find that so hard to believe. And I want to thank you for your career of authorship that helps address a subject that scars so deeply. Stumbling upon Disappointment in God and Where is God When it Hurts where a God send! I have two boys and a daughter who are in their early teens. Ps Prince of Egypt movie was one of my fav movies growing up- did you actually write the script for it?!? Youve more than made up for that tongue-tied meeting, Heidi. Peace, You are on the front lines; I sit in an office in isolation and write. I called a friend I knew to be a strong Christian and asked what was happening. Sorry, sir, but that just makes for really bad Christians and weak converts. There are services out there that offer just what youre asking. God bless! I wrote you a letter once before and you sent me a signed book about faith surviving the church. During my 1 -1/2 years there I was put through the healing sessions, to make me into a Hetrosexual ,it caused me alot of confusion and pain and incredable life long shame when I did not changed from Same Sex Attraction to Hetrosexual attraction. PS as a fellow Coloradan enjoyed your post on elk mating season this morning. If I had known of the recent history of chaplaincy at the Edmonton Institution, and in particular Paul Vanderhams actions against Reverend Barry Rose, I would never have agreed to go. He lived for almost 15 years. The Director of the Church Army did nothing to stand up for me with the loss of my prison job. and its still the thickest book Ive ever read in my life. Again, thank you. Your book In His Image (you wrote with Dr. Paul Brand) sits here on my desk as I try to wrap my mind around the Imago Dei and what it means to being the likeness of God. What Good is GOD is another heart touching book in my hands now. I am re-reading Disappointment with God and just had a question. I love the way Philip Yancey explains this in his book Whats So Amazing About Grace. No one Bible passage. The cancer was on her womb and was suspected to have spread out outside womb. He told me I was on my own. Together or individually, it doesnt matter. Hi Phillip. Darwin says it is adaptation to lifes conditions. However, consider this summation but from a secular perspective: 1. What a beautiful spirit you show! Right now, I feel its taught me that prayers arent always heard or answered, that maybe God does not love me the way He loves others, that punishment can be harsh and never ending, its taught me that maybe Im simply destined to be this lonely failure, no matter how hard I worked and tried to have a good life and give a good life to my kids. . As you say, some who find this offensive dont read my writings at all. Thank you in anticipation of your time and attention. I could not keep thinking about yesterday shooting at Texas Church, a family of 8 killed, a pregnant Woman with 3 children killed. When one of the young boys came forward, this priest, who had a son in the EPS, was directed to work somewhere else. I will try to learn from your comments, and thank you for doing the biblical and honorable thing by writing me directly. We have so much in common, mainly the entire Protestant Bible (of course, Catholics accept a few extra books in addition). I preached on Colossians 2:8-15, talking about how Christs work had made us complete (KJV language), stressing how Christs death had broken legalisms power over us. Our Homegroup have just studied your book on Prayer and now will start the next bookWhats so amazing about grace. Thank you would like to hear your comments. This is understandably wishful thinking. After talking with Brian, I called the Institution and spoke to Acting AWI Matt James, asking him if my life was in danger at the Institution. I am reading VANISHING GRACE now and wanted to comment on Chapter 7, SCRIBBLES IN SAND. The chapter on the Beatitudes was one of the most moving descriptions of what I have always viewed as a rather unrealistic portion of scripture. I am very grateful as well for your accident as the epilogue held the 4 questions that I immediately sent to the 6 people in my life I love the most. We cant handle it, he is speaking through silence, we need more faith, etcWhat if you pray for more faith and he doesnt deliver? I explained to her how I ordered the book, not knowing who I was going to give it to for Christmas, but all things considered it sure did seem as though God wanted her to have it. Additionally, in the Artscroll Edition of the Talmud, Yoma Vol. I detected what might be arrogance or at least superciliousness. Published by at February 16, 2022. Im 39 weeks pregnant and we decided to name our boy Ephraim Yancey in your honour. Mdecins Sans Frontires helps those who suffer You know what? I see no sign of a moral failure and feel this feisty woman has been given very unfair bad press by the church. I am trying new churches, but I often feel a bit of a loner. He did not stop to ask me if I had a place to go or ask me to explain my side of the story ,he simply dumped me and walked away.I dragged my suitcase to the local hostel and got a room for the night. That was roughly ten years ago and my doctrinal crisis eventually bloomed into an existential crisis, particularly when I set out to disprove evolution a few years ago and to my horror realized I had been wrong. John W. I am one of those little old ladies in the pew. More confident. My goodness, you certainly have no need to apologize. Your books have been used by God to keep me in the fold. And, thank goodness, the South has changed quite a bit too. The prisoners asked me to run other programs, but Paul always said no. Its helped to reveal Jesus in a more tangible way to me. Mr. Yancey, Greetings in the Christ name! They included major world figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, poet and novelist G.K. Chesterton, seventeenth-century Protestant mystic and writer John Donne, modern novelist Annie Dillard, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop.
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