Id ignored dermatologists for years but one visit and a prescription skin regimen and I was doing the very uncharacteristic thing of staring into a mirror for 30 minutes at a time. The Solar Return Eleventh House is not about you and them because you are one of them. August 2019 Placements in the Solar Return Eighth House are almost always feared because of their death and taxes associations but this house is not about fear its about change and how you deal with it. Factual and practical data becomes integrated with emotional insights to form spiritual understanding. These reflect Second House possessions issues (on the opposite side of the chart) but were more about transforming my ideas on money. March 2022 SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC :from first house to 12 house SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE Who you are does not change, but how you present yourself to others, does. In 2015 I've got the sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury in the 8th house, with the Sun, moon and Venus squaring Saturn in Scorpio (WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE GET BACK TO SAGITTARIUS I'M CALLING YOUR MOTHER). Your intuition will be important for the year ahead. December 2022 June 2012 The Seventh House in Astrology is known as the House of Partnership and Marriage You can see how you are designed for lasting love by looking. I didnt feel that Id partner up with anyone on a definitive long-term commitment basis, which made me wonder how the year would go. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. My understanding (and related to my own story above) is that gives you some extra oomph. - The demands of others can weigh heavily this year, especially if a family member or l, SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE When the Sun is in the 6th house of Solar return , there is an emphasis on health as well as work. The house position (and aspects) may indicate where you feel like someone is watching over you; where you always land on your feet. But I suppose my 2019-2020 year will be an intense one in a good way. 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An emphasis on the Solar Return Third House is often characterised by restlessness and a need to be in several places at once or do more than one thing at a time. The woman has the danger of a stillborn baby. The Solar Return Fifth House is where you go to have fun, which is a relief after all those family issues. Solar Return Ascendant in the natal 8th house: You might lean towards learning about psychic themes and taboo subjects. A new pair of contact lenses had big ramifications, too, not just for the sake of appearance but eased my aggravation with reading glasses. Guru reminds you to be open to the wisdom and teachings of others. In Solar Returns, that remains true. June 2021 April 2015 However, because the chart is temporary - only lasting for one year - interpreting the Solar Return Chart House positions of your Solar Return Sun (and the other planets) will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. It is, therefore, the house of society in both the broadest and most personal sense as society means nothing without personal membership. And boy, will you let everyone know about it. For an eclipse bday year, it really doesnt stand out to me at all. This house is where you connect and youll find public transport, cars, phones, your laptop, your contacts and a lot of gossip keeping you busy this year. Jupiter transiting the 8th is one of the transits that trigger a move or traveling. Though this can be considered experimental astrology I do believe in the possibility solar returns can show possible deaths in the year. You may experience a pressing need to write or communicate and make new contacts and this may be for external, social reasons or as a result of internal, mental pressure. Venus is known as the lesser and Jupiter is known as the greater benefic. How do you interpret aspects in a solar return chart, and is part of the analysis of a solar return chart comparing it to the natal chart? You will both leave home and find new homes in the Solar Return Fourth House as this covers all things relating to your living and domestic situation and that includes people living in your home and its state of repair or decor. February 2016 She mentioned the year 2019 in her OP, which I assume means that she is cognizant that this SR is for next year. Any place but in the Eighth House! To. The 8th house solar return Sun is generally associated with disruption and change. The Part of Fortune in the houses shows the areas of life experience where you can find joy. Work was fine. Ideas abound, and you are open to looking at life, The 9th house is the house of beliefs. November 2020 In three years' time, when the Sun has, This is a good time to organize and assimilate information you have collected. Its about public image, social responsibility and public or social commitments all the big issues we have to live up to. If its been brought to public attention in some way you will find it here. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. April 2020 Now, your solar return happens when the Sun reaches the exact degree of your natal Sun. Planets in a solar return 8th can make you quiver. It is common to either find yourself being manipulated in one or more of these areas, or to attempt to manipulate another. The second time happened half-way through the year when an X-ray technician failed to follow my doctors orders for a routine exam, resulting in a lot of un-necessary X-rays and ultrasoundsas well as a month of excruciating worry because the medical offices involved tried to cover-up their mistakes, leaving me to think theyd found something really bad. The first mortality issue occurred at the beginning of the Solar Return year. The stress along the 2nd-8th sounds very much related resources and ownership, what is yours vs. what belongs to others and things within that remit. I discovered a few health products that helped me detox and feel better than ever. However, I must stress, an emphasis on the Solar Return Sixth House is not all doom and gloom, the primary message is simply you must not let things slip or pass you by and if that means you have to work harder at something or face up to something you would rather not deal with then so be it. Since I have my natal sun in the the eighth, that meant my SR sun was also in the eighth. So book your ticket and go. August 2013 Also in this case it will be the position of other planets in your SR chart and the contemporaneity of the transit of the slow moving planets in aspect with your natal planets to make clear how to interpret this Sun in the eighth SR house, and to tell you if this money will be more incoming or outgoing. However, certain modern-day astrologers have moved away from this line of thinking. Just a few things many leave out when talking about these: This stellium is not just about power and control but the fear of lacking them.The 8th House rules all things we perceive as out of our control, there's a reason those with this stellium seek as much power and influence as possible: They know what happens when one has no power. Im finishing up a year when my Solar Return Sun was in my Eighth House. For me, it didnt really matter that much. Since you're an eleventh house Leo, I see creative work being a likely base for these ventures and projects. I hope that's correct because that's what I want for myself and I'm not one to shy away from pain either, especially for the sake of growth. If the Moon squares from the 5th house of children, the issue might be how much to spend on the children. SUN IN ( | 1ST || ) ( | 2ND || ) ( | 3RD || ) ( | 4TH || ) ( | 5TH | ) ( | 6TH | ) ( | 7TH | ) ( | 8TH | ) ( | 9TH | ) ( | 10TH | ) ( | 11TH | ) ( | 12TH | ) HOUSE In many astrology books, this is the house of spiritual and religious information, but it actually rules much more than that. Astrologers use the term " PLUTO IN THE 8TH HOUSE of Solar Return " to describe a particular Astrological Reading technique of observing the moving planets forward in YEARLY BASIS. The trick is to get the price right not too much and not too little. A very sensual position which is in favor of a strongly sexual nature. How an SR chart manifests depends pretty heavily on how it's interacting with the natal. starcrazypie astrology, Book Launch | Solar Returns: An Introduction. 61 people love it! Letting go of things, attitudes and people which may be hindering my growth feels good. Usually, there is at least one major change during the year accompanied by many minor changes. Whatever house in which Venus appears, that house will be graced with an element of harmony and cooperation. The solar return chart is a forecasting technique that offers an overall view of one year. "To thine own self be true!" Recreate yourself. - Venus aspect Mars. January 2019 November 2015 A more positive interpretation of the 8th house energy for my solar year is immense transformation born possibly from pain. So will you improve your assets or be a complete liability? When it comes to astrological charts and their twelve life sectors, called houses, the scariest piece of the pie is the Eighth House, followed closely by the mysterious Twelfth House. This does not mean, however, that a heavily tenanted Solar Return Twelfth House will turn you into a substance abuser your previous life history will be the most important factor in this. January 2018 Or Just Not Care Enough? The Solar Return Seventh House is where you buddy up. This assimilation process is essential to the individuals multidimensional growth. August 2016 I know a lot of people who have sex for fun and recreation and see no problems with it. Sun in the 8th House - Solar Return With the Sun falling into the Eight House during a Solar Revolution there is a need that you will have during this period to transform yourself, to elevate your existence to a higher note. I will listen to anything anyone has to say. ( I checked my solar return chart for the next year and if I stay at my place on my birthday I will have uranus in 8th house. Planetary placements here will give an indication of your state of mind as well as the issues that are demanding your attention. This Solar return house has a reputation for power struggles around sex, money, and morals. Unavoidable, in my face, unignorable and if I was to ignore it, I'd essentially die. So, in this Solar Return House we create and also procreate. I think I went into the Solar Return year wondering if I was going to discover that Im really a closet lesbian or get a sudden craving for a sex change. Also read, Example Case, If Your Calculations in your Solar return chart Are Correct, When Pluto makes a conjunction to the Moon, MERCURY IN 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology chart, Your Yearly VENUS Return chart Aspecting in Jupiter, MARS IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology chart, JUPITER IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart, URANUS IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart, NEPTUNE IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart, PLUTO IN THE 8TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Astrology Chart, How To Use The Solar Return 7th House Of Marriage To Find Your Love life this year, SOLAR RETURN CHART BASIC : from first house to 12 house, The SUN IN 7TH HOUSE Of Solar Return Chart Astrology, The SUN in 4th House in SOLAR RETURN CHART interpretation, SOLAR RETURN CHART : The SUN in 12th House, The SUN in 6th House of SOLAR RETURN CHART, The SUN in 3RD HOUSE in SOLAR RETURN CHART, The SUN in 9th House in yearly Solar Return Chart, The SUN in 5th House in SOLAR RETURN CHART Interpretation. Solar Returns are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. December 2017 It was also about the death of a few key friendships, but to be honest, I dont miss them and am surprised at that. November 2019 February 2012 December 2012 Brainstorm: Neptune in the 8th House Astrology Use this interpretation for natal Neptune in the 8th house, transiting Neptune in the 8th house, progressed Neptune in the 8th house, or solar arc Neptune in the 8th house. Goals established while the Sun is in the 4th will require training, personal reorganization, and individual success to play out on a larger scale. The Sun in the 3rd house of the solar return emphasizes your intellectual abilities and mental stability or the lack thereof. Im not unbalanced, not freaking out, but a heads up would be an easier way of dealing with what looks like his impending death. You may spend much of the year dealing with business contracts and negotiations or legal matters, for example, as they are often indicated by this house. The material gained during this year will be reorganized, internalized, and contemplated when the Sun moves into the 12th from the 3rd moves to a higher state of knowing in the 12th and assists in the emergence of wisdom. - Moon aspect Sun. Im leaving the year with some new perspectives on sexuality and much more relaxed than Ive ever been. Here is a good discussion on solar returns , which at the bottom of the first page begins the discussion on using the birthplace vs. using the location at the time of the birthday. Instead the small business partnership I have with my father went bankrupt and my income was cut in half. The north node isn't as important as some other factors. However, its more accurate to think of the Solar Return Fifth House as the place you express yourself and develop your own interests hence its association with creativity of all kinds. Addictions of all types fill this house and the Twelfth House makes no distinction between meditation and marijuana. June 2016 Take heart, fearful ones, because heres how it manifested for me. Your decisions during the year will be value driven depending on the planetary placements within the Solar Return Second House. November 2013 January 2016 Last time, I came out well on toplots of regeneration. Its where you feel a sense of belonging in a communal sense. August 2020 These are two important areas for feedback on practical applications. December 2013 March 2016 Relationships will tend to be more intense and complicated during the year. The emphasis is on learning , writing, studying, and thinking, but not necessarily applying or testing the information gained. I frantically moved out of a house I love and into a much smaller place. All significant one on one relationships are found here and for that reason it is often thought of in an almost exclusively romantic context. I say that without passing judgement. I had an eclipse on my bday a few years backnot an 8th house year, though. July 2019 Yeah. If your Sun is going to be shining a light on all those issues for you in a coming year, then yes, it can make you anxious. Copyright 2011© Astrology online - All rights reserved. It fosters the union necessary to fulfill the task at hand. The Solar Return Second House is also where you develop your personal skills by managing what you have more efficiently as you learn to budget and prioritise. Keep that in mind and analysing your chart becomes a lot easier. I lean toward the traditional approach to chart interpretation, one of the more straightforward reasons being that you cannot side-wind your way out of an incorrect read of the chart -- if you say something about the finances of a person, then it is easily verifiable that the statement made about the financial situation of an individual is either correct or incorrect. Alternatively, this Chiron in the 12th house placement can also have to do with an incarceration of some kind. Allowing ingrained patterns of behavior to strain committed relationships. Survive an 8th house transit and you'll be reborn. However, because Solar Returns generate a temporary chart - only lasting for one year - interpreting the house positions of your planets in Solar Returns will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. So draw the line and move on. at which zodiac sign and what planet is in your seventh house via your natal chart solar return chart of your birthday. I accepted that there was little chance of escaping an Eight House Sun and instead, made plans to enjoy a quiet day at home in my garden and try not to be too afraid. Work is, after all, the rent you pay for life. Personal Finances, Personal Resources, Earnings, Talents, Income, Budgets, Bills, Spending, Values, Self Esteem, Self Worth, Stability, Security, Confidence. While a lot of my old ways of thinking died and were reborn or re-focused into something even more productive, this regeneration was never a bad thing. I erected one on astrodeinst and set the date for my date of birth, July 22, but the year 2019. Jupiter in the 2nd, 7th and 8th house both in a Solar return chart or transiting in a birth chart, acts as a bistable oscillator, in the sense that it tends to invert the pre-existent situation: if there is calm it brings on a storm and if there is a war it helps to bring back peace; 9. Im really looking forward to your upcoming articles on the 8th house. So I pulled up my solar return this year and noticed a whole bunch of 8th house activities. The Solar Return Twelfth House is where you go to get away from it all. Secrets Ive always been very good at keeping secrets (when asked) but this was the year I finally made the distinction of where other peoples secrets were hurtful because the secrecy made them my burden to carry and somehow not the responsibility of the person whod instigated the secret. We are all familiar with transactions and their key components compromise and acceptance. Death in this years Solar return I just want to get you guys' input on this and try to clear my mind/conscious. June 2019 What happened? However, in the 8th house, much of Venus' influence will be resisted and kept at arm's length. Inheritances, taxes, or alimony may get some attention. - The paradox of it is that while Ive been living my life in the open for several years now, people I was loyal to were not, and their secrecy and dishonesty had a negative effect on my health. The solar return house placement for Pluto can indicate where the struggle originates and possibly what the struggle is about. The Solar Return First House is where you see yourself. Jupiter in House Eight Jupiter in the 8th House Overview: With Jupiter in the 8th house, there is an optimism and broadness of perspective with regards to crisis situations and trauma. Me, Too: The Day my Parents Killed the Pedophile, The Conflict Between Motherhood and CareerStill, Spiritually Eclectic and Pagan Blog Directory. . Im not new to the 8th house as my natal chart has 4 planets in the 8th house, but Im not looking forward to this SR. My parents are not in good health which makes me nervous about my upcoming SR. Ive also been single for many, many years so cant imagine it any other way. Hence this houses traditional association with power, big money, crime, sex, birth and death. return and it said that having uranus in the 8th house could mean a death of someone close if Uranus has bad aspects. Im trying to prepare now because I know one can feel the energy 3 months prior to your birthday which means I only have 1 more week to prepare . April 2017 It is common to experience changes that affect every area of life. The stress along the 2nd-8th axis, the preponderance of Cancer (another analogue for domestic focus *symbolically*) the oppositions along Cancer and Capricorn and the disposition of the Cancer stellium by the Aries Moon in 4th (conjunct Chiron) sounds like all the transformations, deaths and upheavals will be with regard to the 4th house - which this Solar Return indicates will be the broader area of focus for the year in question. Prejudice, religious intolerance, chauvinism, and all other ingrained, stubborn beliefs that control your life are seen in the 9th house of Solar return chart.. If I can attempt to shoehorn the Solar Return Eleventh House into a more succinct definition, it would run along the following lines. The key words for this placement are "To thine own self be true." If you are having major relationship issues or problems with many people, look at your own behavior. Unlike the Natal Chart however, Solar Return Seventh House placements are not really about your capacity to relate or your relationship needs. Negotiate it well and it will enable you to grow and move on in some way. From what I remember from your natal, it's going to be a huge year for you on the 4th house front - Sagittarius as natal IC, Sagittarius on the rise in this chart. However, the face you present to the world is for the duration of one year only. Lilith can be likened to. Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. The choice is yours and this brings me onto the inner secret of the Solar Return Second House. The Solar Return Sixth House is where you work. Parents, Parenting, Families, Home, Houses, Land, Gardens, Nurture, Nature, Roots, Stability, Attachment, Food, Cooking, Kitchens, Lodgers, Tenants, Decorating, Repairs. The ashrams, temples and bars you visit on your quest for spiritual enlightenment are also found here. July 2013 With an 8th House stellium and the potential for 8th House matters being elevated in your life, there are some pitfalls to watch for including: Struggling to let go of old ways of being to make way for new. When the Sun is in the 9th house, many higher and "not so high" beliefs need to be tested and worked with. In what way are you making things more difficult? If there are several planets in a house, the theme of that house is definitely up. I don't "play" sex. Partnerships, Contracts, Relationships, Legal Matters, Business Relationships, Professional Relationships, Negotiations, Commitments. March 2012 April 2016 There is a transforming quality associated with Mars in the 8th, and much energy can be applied towards gaining insight into sexual, financial, and psychological matters. I'll resurrect a new chart and upload when I'm off mobile. How have you been living your eleventh house sun? February 2021 The Solar Return Fourth House is where you feel at home. Also Read, Example Case study chart - sun in the 7th of Solar return Chart. Friendships, Group membership, Team Player, Social Life, Social Media, Technology, Social Conscience, Politics, Ideology, Political Activism, Idealism, Aspiration, Step Children, Profits material and otherwise. However, yes, my grandparent . Bars? I hear you ask. That might be the neighborhood, that might be something about a particular group they fall into--artists' community or queer community or disabled community, for instance--or, in some cases, they see themselves as a community servant, like someone I know who's started a non-profit to serve at risk youth and directed a couple of others. It is common to experience changes that affect every area of life. Significant relationships will be lit up by the Solar Return Seventh House but they are just as likely to be business or professional or contractual in some way. In the eighth house, the moon needs to satisfy its need to care for another person without expecting anything in return. Anytime one of the slower moving planets transit through the 8th house, we're experiencing that 8th house tension in a more significant way. Hospitals, Drugs, Alcohol, Addiction, Shadows, Physical Therapy, Psychological Therapy, Dreams, Escapism, The Past, Dream Holidays, Beaches, The Sea, Sailing, Undercurrents, Cinema, Music, Dance, Trance, The Soul. The 8th house also signifies the transformations through growth and change. It always got me to a higher level of being and to increased vitality and happiness. If youd like to check my Solar chart, my Natal data is: June 7, 1951, Burbank, CA 9:50 am PDT. A Solar Return Chart is a special chart for your birthday year based on where you are on the day that the Sun is in the exact place that it was on the day you were born.
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