Narnia has shaped a lot of who I am today. Still love them, but no longer have one in my back field. Her storytelling stems from her own life and the real life characters in her family and friends make these books so endearing. My daughter is a voracious reader, so it was fun to introduce her to the historical characters and watch her love of reading bloom. The experiences I could potentially have. We lost her last August and our lives have not been there same. My favorite was A Childs Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson. Your Blizzards are so cold, they make our teeth hurt. I loved and identified with the individual personalities of each of the women, the mother figure, the artist, the writer, the pianist, the active tom boy, etc. I love all the wild stories of adventure, romance, and bravery. hola ,soy de chile el pais mas austral del planeta y tambien el mas alejado de todo por ende cuando nia no tenia muchas obciones de libros y menos de informacion ya que las bibliotecas eran escasas y casi nulas en las escuelitas de campo y el unico libro que tenia era alicia en el pais de las maravillas y estaba en aleman pues era de mi abuela emigrante que me lo regalo ,entonces yo al ver las ilustraciones cree mi propio cuento y recien cuando grande pude comprar el libro en castellano y leer lo que realmente decia ,bueno mi realidad de vida es de una nia austral al fin del mundo que constaba con una gran imaguinacion para darle vida alo que no entendia ,saludos cordiales desde mi ciudad de naciemiento frutillar region de los lagos chile. This book just sings to me! food that rhymes with alexis food that rhymes with alexis. I remember we would take laundry baskets to the library every month and fill it with books; I loved mystery like Nancy Drew or historical fiction such as The Shenandoah Sisters series. That belief has always grounded me. my youngest is an environmental planner,vermont grown,nz educated, near wairoa-one of hardest hit towns in hawkes bay What a delight to see these beautiful, vivid photos. Now, I love growing and photographing flowers too, I think it keeps me sane and being a gardener always give you something to look forward to. I really want to have a beautiful collection of New Zealand-bred roses throughout the field, so Im trialing a lot of new varieties from. When, on the red dawn throning, I dreamed to escape and journey on adventures which led me to my love of travel, I guess. Always loved anything that had to do with crafting (in all its forms)or should I say anything creative She planted purple Lupine seeds across the hills with the help of her friends and family. She would read to us the most amazing stories that would capture my imagination and I couldnt get enough. Count me in. I have to say that Madeline and all the adventures she had were my favorite. Looking back, it makes me think that I loved groups of kids that went on adventures, got into trouble, and overcame their struggles which is a lot like how the kids in my neighborhood and I were growing up. I could sit on their couch and explore, space, time and the world. I use to tell her you could grow anything from out of a rock! Zoe book sounds like fun, an adventure to savior and enjoy. I still am. I can still taste the intense sweetness of the wild strawberries growing in our field on the edge of the forest. Well, one thing hasnt changed, its still just me and mum working away in the field. To learn more and connect with Zo, be sure to visit her website and follow her on Instagram and Facebook. I have always been a very visual person and also have a great love of flowers and photography. Thats whats awesome about nature. The Narnia series too has influenced our lives and brought joy in so many ways. I now have the privilege of working with a friend on her flower farm. Maybe Ill retire when Im 80! Now I learned 1st hand that the wanting & having had no relation to the responsibility and commitment. I loved all the characters and magical details within the story. Books that foster a creative imagination are so important! As a child I adored all of Beatrix Potters children books. I loved getting lost imaginative world of nature. My grandmother had these giant old books she would read to us from. Oh boy, there are so many good ones that I rememberlike Charlottes Web because of my love of animals. I still remember them. So versatile and always delicious to eat. Anything that combined a great story with beautiful illustrations charmed me. All the senses were active in the storyline. I have a huge vegetable garden, lovingly companion planted with all kinds of edible pollinators, herbs, annual flowers and perennials. Her love of hunting/spying and my love of flowers and nature!! Nature books, including plant and bird identification, nature crafts, wild edibles, gardening and how to make things were my favorites, story books based on those themes were even better! But the Roald Dahl books were so enchanting especially Fantastic Mr. Fox. The Giving Tree comes to mind. I read all of Beverly Clearys books as a kid and enjoyed the emotional realism and antics of Ramona the Pest. :). My Mom was able to find the entire series of books she read as a child that had been borrowed and gave them to me to read. I was pleased to find that she was short like me, her kitchen cabinets were built for her height. I think what I loved most about it was the sense of adventure and the power of teamwork two traits I carry to this day. The characters in these stories informed the kind of things I could do with my life. They were always set in nature, with just enough pictures. Ive always loved puzzles too which Zoes book essentially is but with beautiful flowers! Anything that sparked my imagination for adventure and dreaming. Always love that memory! Thanks for a chance to win another! As an adult, I am really a people person so that fits with the interests I had growing up. Especially love Eric Carle as a child. Shes a woman that loved and understood children. What a beautiful thing to have a flower farm! I am the only one in my extended family who has a library of books. Today, I still love looking at the pictures from this great big world of ours and learning about other cultures. My favorite book was The Chemicals of Life by Isaac Asimov. That book was very worn by time I was old enough to read other books. Our favorite books as I raised my four babies were The Wheres Waldo series and The Choose Your Own Adventure Series. Maybe it was the childrens book I loved or maybe I was born with the love for animals but either way my love for animals and nature runs deep and I am glad to be reading as an adult! I even ended up naming one of my children after one of the kids in Boxcar Children not solely for that reason but in hindsight its neat to see how that seed was planted. I really didnt have any books as a child that inspired me with the exception of the book Hawaii. A seek and find book, glorious flowers and photographs, what more could anyone possibly want! My favorites were the Nancy Drew series. Im very into science as an adult! After those I enjoyed The Little House series and then Nancy Drew! clia classifies laboratories based on. I remember laying in the hammock for hours and reading during the summer. I loved to read historical and regular fantasy. My crafts have been my sanity through life. I bet I was 10 years old and started drawing out plans for what my own secret garden would look like. The Chronicles of Narnia were read over and over. I like the what if possibilities. I plant more and more every year on our small farm in Oregon. I have the book that was in my elementary schools library-obtained through the proper channels of course. I have a life long love of flowers, photography, creating & teaching the art of drawing & painting them. Once I could read, I spent most of my time in fantasy books. Thank you! A bookmobile would be my source of books. I loved those dreams adventures limited only by imagination. My early introduction to color and great design has influenced my whole life, including my love of flowers and flower arranging. We had a time periods seek and find book that absolutely loved. It was published in 1957. Quand jtais petite mon premier livre que jai aim tais mon livre de franais de premires anne .il y avait limage de la phrase qui tait crite et cela me fascinais ,car je navais jamais vu de livre avant il ny en avais pas chez moi, mais quand jai eu mes enfants (4) nos livres prfrs taient ceux de Beatrix Porter avec des desseins magnifiques pour accompagner de jolies histoires. Nowadays I prefer reading historical fiction and gardening books, especially those by Floret! So beautiful! I read them to my daughter and still read them to myself. Mysteries are my choices as an adult. The closeness and relationship that formed was wonderful. I read many books as a child, but I was definitely absorbed with National Geographic Society magazines the most. If they are super engaged even after each one, you can extend the activity by asking them to create rhymes that dont have to be actual words for some of the foods. My go-to books for reading, then and now, have always been science fiction! I said we were downscaling, but we ended up using it as a good excuse to source more. To this day I still love all things that are beautiful and add a little whimsy to life. The Quiltmakers Journey is a lovely illustrated book of find things amongst the stunning illustrations. Love shared is magical. Such a beautiful book! When I was young, The Secret Garden was such an inspiration & continues to be. With the very limited library that we have in school, I would always skim through books and look at pictures which later developed my interest with graphic novels/comic books. An adult, I think it helped to shape my goals to travel and share travel experiences with my children as often as possible. And on that farm he had some vegetables, e-i-e-i-o. I guess in those tender young years my love of flowers bloomed possibly from many of the illustrations in Tasha Tudors books. This led me to study all things international, love to serve with others and immerse myself in raising kids, animals and vegetation of all sorts. Jai bien aim relire ses livres ma fille quand elle tait jeune. The world at your feet you view, To win a copy of this exquisite new book. There were Dr. Seuss books, Little Golden Books, books about poems. I read dozens of them! They are so inspiring! I was introduced to floret and the wonderful world of cut flowers. Budget does require visits to the library and used bookstores, as well as sharing with friends, but I do try and buy new books whenever possible to support our wonderful writers! I love nothing better than to create a fairie/ woodland environment Im my gardens and property to enjoy the adventures as much as I did. My auntie and uncle owned a mechanics garage, R&N, at the time in a little town called Tehachapi. But the first book to deeply touch my heart was,The Shy Stegosaurus of Cricket Creek by Evelyn Sibley Lampman. Gardening is my first love . Ive asked some friends if they read him when they were little and they didnt know who he was (shocking). I was shocked to find out at 13 that Great Expectations by Charles Dickens would become one of the most formative and enjoyable books of my childhood. #greek #salad #naxos #dairy" So today I live in an old Victorian that weve been fixing up for over ten years. Now I look for strong female role models in everyday life. And perhaps most importantly, the resilience human beings are capable of in the face of adversity. I still have my dog-eared copy. I couldnt help but share! Weve been talking about wanting to visit New Zealand, it seems like such a magical place. I realized this a big world! Now in my 60s, I continue to travel whenever I get the chance. Once, when my friend was trying to determine what to do with a spot in her backyard that was accessible only through wild branches entwined and hanging over head that she was planning on clearing, I said No! My all time favorite book since childhood would be The Robe. My favorite childhood book was The Phantom Tollbooth because I thought the places, characters, and story were so creative and silly. What a beautiful book, and lovely interview. Im always attracted to any floral book with lots of pictures so I can envision where I would like to start my next garden. My favorite story I can remember though was called Mandy, about a young orphan girl who found a deserted house in the woods and every day snuck over the orphanage wall to little by little make the house her own. I get to review and purchase mysteries to put into the hands of new readers. Homesteading, making candles and soap, storing food for the winter. I think I have often killed my efforts of growing plants with kindness. Nope, but I loved the seek and find in the Highlights magazine and was content looking at that every time. Next was Heinlein and Ray Bradbury, and now Im a lifelong reader, always looking for a new author to try. As a child I loved the Beatrix Potter books. how much does an ambulance weigh; pisces sun scorpio moon personality; liuna annuity withdrawal; mercy lewis role in the crucible; A series of fortunate events July 20, 2020. She brings seeds with (from her dear grandmother who taught her about gardening) and sows flowers everywhere. Eating a salad is one of the smartest things you can do! I remember playing with the flowers. As an adult, I enjoy being curious, figuring things out, laughing, and finding joy in little things. I am always inspired by books that showcase the beauty of the land. Now they are grown. My grandma would bring me books from yard sales, I would get books at the library, and when I was lucky I would get to go to the bookstore at the mall (those are long gone now). I loved story books with pictures like Beautrix Potter. It opened up a new beautiful world of gardening and thrill to see a life emerging from a tiniest seeds! Interesting books werent available to me as a child, but as an adult, Ive made up for it. As long as theres beef, Im happy as can be!. , Side note.For Christmas I got your books and I must say they are stunning and very informative!!! Nearly everything I read was historical fiction, especially the classics. Im still so fond of all of these stories and my love for the natural world certainly stems from my imaginations of the secret worlds and lives of animals and gardens and forests. As a child I had a passion for beautifully illustrated storybooks, often old editions from my parents. Loved all the Mary Poppins books. Which books would you recommend? Now I am working on my own homestead and often wonder what my childhood idols Laura and Anne would think of this modern homesteading lady. I was particularly obsessed with my grandparents 9 at the time) up to date Encyclopedia Britannica and their 40+ years of National Geographic. Like a flower I got a youngster , a seedling , put in the work like a flower feed water nutrition and alove affair was born. Planting seeds and growing flowers is surely one way to do that! I red Anne of Green Gables a lot of times! Today, I feel like I still have that dream of her cottage in the garden shaping me. My cant recall these childhood books by name but I am forever indebted to the knowledge building blocks they gave me. I guess being a grown up is one big choose your own adventure (except that you cant go back to the last chapter and choose a different route like I used to with the books!). I lost my Mom when I was 5 and had horrible step mothers so books were my way to escape into another world. A pets diet is important for their health. I loved series because I could really deep-dive into the characters Little House on the Prairie, Nancy Drew, Judith Bloom books. Donations can be made to the Red Cross New Zealand Disaster fund or I have a link to a list of various organizations directly helping those in more rural communities. . O Sun, when I stand in my green leaves, Starting at a young age she shared her books, her knowledge and love for anything handmade or hand touched. Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful flower grower and the beauty she and her mum being into the world . I had many favorites at that time, but I always went back to Adventure stories like Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe; I think I read that book each summer for 3 years! But I also enjoyed Charlottes Web and anything Pooh. I became an art director of publications, seeking out and surrounded by many talented photographers and illustrators and still enchanted with gorgeous books. I daydreamed about living their diminutive lives finding delight in the simplicity of the surrounding nature. My daughter has introduce me to Floret and is currently taking your course. I was inspired by religious books. It has been a real treasure in our family. Its those passions and inward longings that keep me pressing on. (Your books are my favorite ADULT ones! One of my favorite books growing up was Shel Silversteins Where the Sidewalk Ends. I loved the independent nature of the characters solvingysteries in adult world. New Zealand is a beautiful country with wonderful people. Blue Willow by Doris Gates is a lovely tale of a migrant farm workers daughter who has one blue willow plate that she relishes. Sometimes the magic is my own appreciation for friends, family, nature, or what we can cultivate ourselves. This trope calls out to us to become more and better than we currently are. The painting depicts a child smelling flowers- foxgloves and a variety of others. Now, I cant stand horror, but I love finding thrills in other ways: slowing down to let myself get really excited by a sunset, a flower, skiing fast through the woods on a deep powder day, dancing in the living room with my toddler and letting myself feel his exhilaration and unbridled joy. My favourite books I remember reading as a child are Little House on the Prairie and Heartland. The Family Under the Bridge. Gather your materials. Lots of daily work and wonderful adventures! And we would all agree, the perfect home is when we are all together! Paper dolls book of the Kennedy family were a lot of fun. There were five of us growing up. All of these made me as an adult, an avid reader and a lover of Gardens, Animals, Seashells, Art Glass and the Friends and Family in my life. I loved to read Fairy Tales when I was very young; as an adult now, I tend to be an optimist, and am always open to the influence of something magical to enter my life! However, one time when my childhood friend was reading A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, I decided to try it. Owl at Home, Frog and Toad, and the rest. As a child I always liked non-fiction books. So you're writing a song or a poem and are frustrated from searching for the right rhyme? Impossible to pick a favorite book from my childhood; just too many I loved. My childhood pre-dates seek-and-find books, but I have spent many, many hours poring over them reading the clues and discovering the evidence with my kids, my grandkids, and many other kids. These are treasured tomes that are still on my bookshelves. Loved the inspirational interview with Zoe Fields. Loved this mother daughter story it reminds me so much of how my own daughter and I work together Add flowers to the equation and it makes me long to see their lovely farm!!! Maybe participate in one of her floral workshops while there. And I hope to build this passion into a small business one day. I have always loved reading. Flowers are definitely a spirit animal for me. I still stay up much too late to read about flowers. I collect all sorts of books and certainly about gardening and flowers makes up quite a large part as I am always researching plants and everything about the needs of my garden. I absolutely loved a collection of books of National Geographic photos. Back then it had a lot of crafty how to projects as well as gardening informationall the things I love now! Non fiction especially. Id get so lost in book series for girls like Sweet Valley High but also enjoyed non-fiction books and learning about things that are real. I think reading in general as a young person really solidified my love of reading today and I try to pass that on to my own children by building a library of different types/genres of books for them and reading aloud to them daily. Thank you both for bringing such beauty to the world! Hence, my first rough draft, never published venture for Nina in a space ship. Absolutely LOVE what you do Erin! They had these line drawn pictures with all sorts of crazy stuff hidden. The day I discovered shelf after shelf of books, and not just any books, but horse books! The Secret Garden was one of my favorites! Plus, Im learning to tend my flower garden at home! This gave me the sense of community as when the friends came over to help clean up the mess. Years later, when I became interested in genealogy, it was the pursuit of the mystery that pushed me to research my family history. With cholesterol levels through the roof. Growing up I read anything I could get my hands on. It was warm, safe, secure, full of love and magical moments of whimsical thoughts with each book. I think that reading and playing as a child that way helped develop my sense of empathy for others. A book worm for all things magical. The Secret Garden, of course! God bless you and your farm. He introduced me to the childrens section and then left me to browse to my hearts delight. I loved books that my imagination placed me within the setting. How about THAT for roses? Now I have never owned a horse, but have lived my life as an artist obsessed with plants. Rank 1 rhymes. Whether you've got a toddler or a teen at home, there are dozens of timeless and modern classics that they are sure to enjoy - here's a few ideas to get them started in the world of books. What a beautiful book Zo! We are staying at our friends hillside property (fortunate to have minimal damage to her world renowned garden from cyclone Gabrielle) overlooking Wanuii beach for our last week before we head home to coastal B.C. So their food must be nutritious and filling! The Gem. Fingers crossed for winning your beautiful book. With a real or medicine, I was always transported with them through the stories I read. I think it helped me to appreciate the simple in life and Im very grateful for that now as an adult! Looking back I think the most impactful book of my childhood was Little Women. I did end up having horses after that and I learned a lot lol. Magic + adventure series called to me, and still do! I would empty one out and flip through the pages mesmerized by the pictures. I devoured books as a kid and still do. Thank you. I have a passion for gardening and cooking and simply love being transported into another world in those area through books. I remember these blue-covered books all line up together. As a youngster any book to do with horses was my jam! I cant walk away from a new book. I believed that there were small spirits always around. Im glad to do it, cause its my delight. And I bet you love rhymes too. As a child I was a voracious reader- anything I could get my hands in really. I got my first dog at age 6, a beagle and I named him Snoopy. My mother, a life long gardener, as was my grandmother, gave me the book. The well worn book is displayed on a shelf in my office and still makes me smile every time I look at it. Probably my favorite was The Black Stallion. So when my husband and I and our 3 children moved from town to 10 acres and an old farmhouse, we were ready to begin our own adventure. But I do have a very soft spot for poppies. Every month I looked forward to a new issue which showcased countless photographs of nature that jumped off the pages. It made me curious about where we live and come from . As a kid I wasnt really that into books. She put a small rug on the fire-escape and got the pillow from her bed and propped it against the bars. My grandmother lived next door and had a wonderful library of classics. I love love love the book What Is A Whispery Secret? Thank you for this interview with all the stunning photography too. I still have an appreciation for animals and a sympathy for them, but my attention has turned more to caring for people and their lives and struggles. She often cut a bouquet of the zinnias for the kitchen, and Ive always loved them. Love all genres of books! Many hours as a young child were spent perusing seed catalogs and How-to books. Many thanks. Like Miss Rumphius, I, too, hope to make the world more beautiful, be it with roadsides abundant with lupine or sharing flowers in another way with the world. But my favorite were biographies. I still have trouble putting a book down! I always had a book with me. Seek and find for flowers? As a young girl one of my favorite books was The Secret Garden. I think I also loved the challenge of trying to figure out the solution of the story. They take place in the late 1890s and the early years of the 1900s. When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian and loved books about animals. If it had talking animals that only the protagonist could hear, the more it intrigued me! Occasionally a splurge would be on colored pencils or chalk, and a real sketch book with sturdy paper. I especially loved the rocks and gems. Growing up I loved the Beatrix Potter books, I feel they helped foster my love and connection with the woods and wildlife, and made me think about not just myself when planting a garden, but all those creatures who could benefit as well. Amazingly, my daughter (4) discovered them as well and theyre now some of her favorite books. Collecting all their ingredients by hand and around the farm, but racing against the storm. I loved that book as I traveled with them, crying over their losses and connecting with their hopes. Books carried me away to other times and places, providing all sorts of adventures and insights. . I learned to read using them in the classroom and my love for reading just continued to grow. She met a lot of different people along the way. I am so drawn to it. So, to make the time pass I would look for the books full of pictures and colorful covers to hold my attention. I loved Narnia! Also the healing that could be done being outside in nature. Thanks for asking! I fell in love with secret spaces and recovering lost beauty, digging in the soil and growing beautiful flowers. I now have 2 Kune Kune pigs (the breed is originally from New Zealand !) As a typical 90s kid, I could not get enough of The Babysitters Club books or the Goosebumps series. What a great interview to read. I grew up on a very remote farm in South Africa, and my imagination allowed to be whoever or whatever I wanted to be. My favorite book was The Boxcar Children, where young kids run away from a bad situation and find a boxcar to live in. My parents imported a hard cover, glossy page poetry book for me from America big deal back then and super expensive too. Fortunately for them (and me), they were older folks who did a bit of gardening in the morning and then spent the rest of their day in the house (or somewhereI wasnt a very good spy) away from my snooping. . As I got older I really only read magazines. . As I turned into a teen it was more fantasy and memoirs which is a weird combination. In elementary school, I always gravitated toward the biography section. As a child I didnt get read to regularly. My limited, young world was enriched and expanded. My favourites were any of the Gerald Durrell books and of course Anne of Green Gables. Oh sure, Ive done plenty of editing along the way, but every year gets to be my next new chapter and its the best book Ive read to date. I am still the same as an adult, except now I get to explore the world more. I was inside drawing while the other kids played outside. The type of book that shaped who I am today is not a book but a magazine, National Geographic. Copyright 2022 Xipixi | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions, Free shipping worldwide for purchases above $120, Copyright 2022 Xipixi | Privacy Policy |. I grew up reading mysteries like hardy boys and encyclopedia brown, then agatha christie and sherlock holmes. My favorite childhood book was Harold and the Purple Crayon. Great interview Erin! Bound at home practically by poverty but having a garden to explore has been such a gift. They were engaging, silly, and mysterious! Mea atqui dicam in, vidit reque error mei ex, ut eos possit reformidans reprehendunt. I found that there were specific books that I would check out over and over and one of them was a little story about a fire fly named Torchy. Whether that be through our event work, local bouquets, workshops, or now our book. As a kid, my parents had a subscription to National Geographic which opened up a world of beauty to me beyond the desert environment where we lived. I clearly remember that even as a young child, my heart was always captured by stories telling how people helped animals or other people in need. I now have a small garden business of my own that my little boys help with. By Chenchilla. What can possibly be better than that?! I am a photographer now and the style photojournalism is still my favorite, finding the beauty in every day moments and places. It was magical to immerse myself in these imaginative worlds of girls, families, situations so far from my own, and opened up my mind to ever expanding genres of reading. I think it has rubbed off on me to be a confident, independent adult in the world. Black Beauty, Grimms Fairy Tales, Secret Garden, The Bobbsey Twins, Charlottes Web, and Nancy Drew Mysteries, are a few.
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