I would rather envisage a new country entirely built in Africa called wakanda like the america in 1776. imagine if those two were in charge of the continent, Africa would have been world war Z by now, There is many things to say but I will end it with saying that I do agree with african countries coming together economically when it comes to trade and doing business with each other so it can help the natives in the end of the day, which is happening BUT I dont agree with a view to turn countries into states and make a continent into one country where there is a risk of a dictator like Gaddafi and internal issues spreading externally into other countries just to force this idealistic mindset down peoples throats to make people think like one. State and non-state actors in Africa waged about 630 armed conflicts between 1990 and 2015. The headquarters of the African Union is in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Presidency should rotate from country to country for a term of one year only. Located in West Africa, Burkina Faso is between 9 20 ' and 15 5 ' latitude north, and between 2 20 ' longitude east and 5 30 ' longitude west, Burkina Faso is landlocked country, with an area of 274,200 Km and the number of its inhabitant is estimated around17.42 million in 2014 (The World Bank, 2015). During this time, Angolas lifestyle and political structure was changed dramatically. Quest for Unity African countries, in their quest for unity, economic and social development under the banner of the OAU, have taken various initiatives and made substantial progress in many areas which paved the way for the establishment of the AU. Among others, it represents the Union and defends its interests; elaborates draft common positions of the Union; prepares strategic plans and studies for the consideration of the Executive Council; elaborates, promotes, coordinates and harmonizes the programmes and policies of the Union with those of the RECs; ensures the mainstreaming of gender in all programmes and activities of the Union. Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporal Punishment, What Can a Dermatologist Do to Make You Look Younger? It provides monetary stability, which gives our states and our partners greater financial visibility. I will rather fight for my own language (Nguni) to be respected than adopt Swahili as an official language. That is the job of an analyst. Countries deal with tribalism. Countries that are alike and have mutual interests work together. Seven years ago African leaders committed themselves to working towards an end to armed conflict. Different ethnic groups are not a problem if we all have one common goal. We are all different yet are oneAfrican. Africans are dependent on other people. Dying as a free man is better than living as a slave. wester propaganda indeed. Some of the major problems or challenges facing the African Union include the following: The above are just some of the major problems that are currently bedeviling the African Union and making its operations difficult. The CommissionComposed of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, eight Commissioners and Staff members; Each Commissioner shall be responsible for a portfolio. My brother do be plo-albino yet you are not. However, Senate the United States, from President Wilsons own country, did not ratify the treaty. Africa is bigger than all of us and I will want to leave it knowing generations to come will be masters of their destinies and not slaves to pre-existing doctrines and beurracracy. We believe in our weaknesses and think we cant do better without the hands of westerners.African people dont copy with modern laws and regulations. Colonialism integrated Africa into international labor division. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the positive and negative impacts of colonialism. First of all i am Kenyan and i have seen first hand that the majority of your cherry picked differences dont hold any actual form. The African Union was formed after the dissolution of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 2002. If you truly want something, you will find away. We have some of the best leaders in out continent as a whole and if we move beyond our own difference we can make Africa great once again. The fact is that many African countries don't have enough laws in place that protect patents, inventions and new processes. Mama Africa unite and innovate for we live in a world that is united against exploiting africa and an Africa that is divided and not United against the existing racist world The presence of foreign military forces on the continent is of concern beyond the Libyan conflict. House of chief instead of parliament #AfricaUnite, We will have our own USA I mean the United states of Africa amen.The first step is to take action stop talking, China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. We would also have a congress (council) that would make the Nations laws. I can look at life in many angles and make wise and informed decisions. However, the OAU was largely criticized from the beginning. Member states are required to pay annual contributions to the union, but because of poverty and weak economies, it makes it difficult for some member countries to pay their contributions to the AU in good time. I suspect you white, If we use one currency as Africans we speaking the same language and most definitely will get along. Tel: +251 11 551 77 00 At the time of the declaration, Africa had disproportionately high levels of conflict. It does not tolerate inhumane acts such as genocide, war crimes, and terrorism. Southern Africa went on to establish its own regional military brigade instead. With the AfCFTA, this could get worse as new ideas and innovations might lose protection moving across borders so easily. As the successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OUA), which was created in 1963 to eliminate the last vestiges of colonialism in Africa, the African Union (AU) came into existence in July 2002 at the Durban heads of state summit with the more focused goal of propelling African states towards peace and prosperity as the basis for achieving the ultimate goal of political and economic integration of its member states. But more would come. Im Nigerian and agree with the article. A Guide to the Different Types of Plastic Rollers, state owned enterprises advantages disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment in schools. Advantages of a customs union. I dont think u r going abou it right. This is most obvious in the case of Chinas ever growing presence in Africa, which the AU appears to regard as a positive factor. Noteworthy among these are: Advent of the AUThe OAU initiatives paved the way for the birth of AU. Therefore, he or she might refuse to pass laws that are too liberal or conservative in order to keep the moderates happy. It is considered a major step towards economic integration within the continent. Africa is the mother of all continents mainly because of its resources. I was forced to live in exile by the dictatorial government. we need to get rid of the mental shackles that are still in our mind, making us to believe that other races are great and supreme than us!! Nigeria and the African Union (AU) are good examples. To some extent, Malema is right. The African Union is one of the world's most important intergovernmental organizations. There are preferred modes of administration peculiar to each tribe and country. I think a common language and standards for various needs could be a good idea. I really dont think you know what you are talking about my fellow.Please before accussing the two leaders you have talked about,why dont you just do a research on your own,it wont take you long.Then you will realize if Africa had a leader,it was him,Muammar Gaddafi.I would like to talk about him but no time for that in writing,do a research and stop going for that which was exposed by the westerns,They did so to find a reason to kill him and his dreams for Africa and to extend their interest to Libyas oil and other minerals which they couldnt get when the lion was there. The OAU was formed in 1963 when many African leaders wanted to accelerate the process of European decolonization and gain independence for a number of new nations. Although the OAU gave weapons to rebels and was successful in eliminating colonization, it could not eliminate the massive poverty problem. What Are the Disadvantages of the EU? Most conflicts are generally centred on these areas: Sahel region, including Mali, Burkina Faso, Northern Nigeria, Chad, Sudan and Eritrea, Lake Chad area, including Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria, Horn of Africa, including Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan and Kenya, and. What Africa needs to work is for countries to allow more autonomy for local governments i.e., states, counties, provinces, etcetera, and prioritize multinational cooperation on the regional level, i.e., through ECOWAS, SADC, EAC, etcetera. We would need to invest heavily in research, manufacturing, mining, agriculture and education. These include fighting in the Western Sahara, conflict in the Maghreb region involving the Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, the Somali civil war, and the Allied Democratic Forces and Lords Resistance Army insurgencies in Uganda and the DRC. The AfCFTA will cover a GDP of $2.5 trillion of the market. We need to get our regional languages respected in the academic field. The Articles of Confederation set up a firm league of friendship among the 13 states. However, some of these missions have been criticized as being too underfunded, undermanned, and untrained. Just imagine Al shabab leaving Somalia and not only spreading their terror into Kenya but ll over Africa at will. There has been one notable exception: the organisations refusal to countenance the coup in Sudan, and suspending the countrys membership in June 2019. ONE PRESIDENT The African Union can grant sanctions on disobedient states and withhold economic and social benefits. Following that, the organisation should work through regional economic communities and people at grassroots to end conflict. The Bloc would have similar laws and culture and would make the country easy to administer. "African Union." WE ARE BLACKS AND WE SHALL REMAIN BLACKS I Finally say that albinos free AFRICA and got back to your homeland. Think of it, we have it all here, including diamonds, gold, oil and gas. Advantages And Disadvantages Of The African Union 965 Words | 4 Pages. The Assembly of Heads of State and Government is the supreme organ of the Union.The Executive CouncilComposed of Ministers or Authorities designated by the Governments of Members States. They know I can make their home look better and work better. The OAU provides the arena within which common African policies are forged, or disputed, and where the tensions of inter-African relations can be released. If there was unity amongst at least 7 countries or states today. But, the fact of the matter is that only nonliving things are the ones that doesnt change. Thirdly some countries internal problems will bleed over into other countries as will and turn Africa into a blood bath. This peculiarity is one reason centrally planned economic reforms in many African countries often fail to yield expected results among different tribes. They focused on political, economic, social, environmental and legal issues. Untill Africa is unify, you will never know what true freedom feels like. Africa is rich in natural resources that we can use to benefit ourselves and better our lives This can affect employee morale, reduce productivity and negatively impact communication. China had various languages and dialects. Even though European countries, like France, Great Britain and Portugal, had very few establishments in Africa, they were constantly trading with them. It is composed of 53 countries in Africa and is loosely based on the European Union. "African Union." A confederation is a loose association, rather than a firm union, of states. An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena. we are trying to bake here. For the colonizer, it is a civilizing mission; to the colonized, it is exploitation. so if you talk about tribes and languages, it shows how much we need this badly. The most important of these points was the final point: a general association of nations with the guarantees of political and territorial independence and security. Definition and Historical Perspective, The Origins, Purpose, and Proliferation of Pan-Africanism, Biography of Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Father of Tanzania, Ongoing UN Peacekeeping Missions in Africa, History and Principles of the United Nations, Economic Community of West African States. Nevertheless, its been reluctant to do so. Its like all asian countries or south American countries to be one country and turn to states without taking into consideration the internal issues and economic issues that they are dealing with. Trade was one of the few things that brought them together while they always respected each others identity. ECOSOCCThe Economic, Social and Cultural Council, an advisory organ composed of different social and professional groups of the Member States of the Union. The main objectives of the OAU were, inter alia, to rid the continent of the remaining vestiges of colonization and apartheid; to promote unity and solidarity among African States; to coordinate and intensify cooperation for development; to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Member States and to promote international cooperation within the framework of the United Nations.Indeed, as a continental organization the OAU provided an effective forum that enabled all Member States to adopt coordinated positions on matters of common concern to the continent in international fora and defend the interests of Africa effectively.Through the OAU Coordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa, the Continent worked and spoke as one with undivided determination in forging an international consensus in support of the liberation struggle and the fight against apartheid. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. As a result, under the Articals of Cofederation, the national government consisted of a lawmaking body called Congress. A main disadvantage the South had was resources. A myriad of non-tariff barriers to cross-border trade, characterised chiefly by long delays at border crossings and legal and illegal payments which increase transaction costs, is a major obstacle to expansion of intra-African trade. Did Musician Naughty Boy Win The Lottery? Progress has been made by the AU commission, in collaboration with international partners and the UN, towards better coordinating and harmonizing development policies and programmes with the 5 Regional Economic Communities (RECs) representing the various geographical regions of the continent.
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