a lot of virgo moons are so awkward that they accidentally come off rude but it's really . If they had an unhealthy relationship with their family in their past life, its most likely that they have the same family members as they did in their past life to resolve problems. mercury represents twins (this is bc geminis ruled by mercury and the gemini symbol is twins) people with uranus in retrograde most likely have been electrocuted by something. I even thought he was an aries rising at first. because of how wild you are, you may appear reckless to people in that area. they most likely impact peoples lives because of these themes, or vice versa. My site: AstrologyZone.com. Astrology Observations #3 Hi guys, it's been a while since I've done one of these, so here we gooooo! they could be really close to their family or yearn for a close relationship with them. I've noticed they tend to grab onto other people when excited, love to give high fives, and will hold hands with their friends. your 11TH HOUSE shows how you act without an audience. and you dont want it to leave your mind, really. It isnt shallow to try and have a good reputation and have a high social status among other powerful people. : pisces moon spouse has watery or downturned or round eyes, airbrushed smooth looking skin, can be quite short, thin lips, luscious hair, could like to wear makeup, looks like a 90s heartthrob. In their past life, they may have been a child or they were around children a lot so they may feel unexplainably drawn to children this lifetime. Your email address will not be published. eg: person A has scorpio moon in 10th house & person B has libra moon in 6th house. this could also apply to mars conjunct jupiter, it gives the same effect as sagittarius mars. these people could also have the same allergies as they had in their past life too. That's the tweet. trust me, I hate that shit. because of that, theyre much more curious this lifetime as their thirst for knowledge has continued to this lifetime. Kyle Gibson didn't want to make too much of his first time donning an Orioles uniform in a game, given it came in a spring training exhibition. for example, if they feel drawn to a piece of artwork by a famous artist, they could be the artist in their past life or they admired the same art piece in their past life or they knew the artist. 6,467 notes. 6TH HOUSE RULER IN 4TH/5TH/11TH HOUSE may want to rescue animals or have rescued animals at one point. DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. I swear to god it is like they are operating from a different dimension and it is so funny. : scorpio venus / scorpio in 7th house partnerships are important to them, they want full control of their partner/their relationships (they usually do this by wanting to know everything about their partner, wanting to know if their partner still loves them, wanting to know know when theyre going out, etc). 510.8K Followers. they may even attract the same partners from their past life (soulmates). Every culture throughout history devoted at least some time and resources to astronomical observations. these people carry fears thats deeply buried in their subconscious mind for lifetimes, memories of their past life could also be buried in their subconscious mind so these individuals could get dreams of their past life a lot or even dreams of the future. It is hard to hold eye contact with a FIXED DOMINANT especially if youre also not a fixed dominant. Major transitions and life changes are often indicated by a solar return ascendant or Midheaven being in the same sign as the natal ascendant or Midheaven. they find the most unexpected things attractive in people istg. these people should pay attention to their body too (internally) as this could give them hints about their past life. Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! for instance, their desk needs to be exactly like their ideal desk (that they probably got from Pinterest LMAO) and they need their ideal art supplies (like high quality coloured pencils) before they can do some artwork. This is especially true of Uranus is making a square to your Moon that year! whatever house this asteroid is in, those house themes most likely impact you and your life in a way, most likely because of your past life. they could also have knowledge on children so they may be very good with children. these people should pay attention to their fears as this could give them hints about their past life. these people most likely have spiritual gifts, most likely claircognizance. fear of letting people see their emotional side or their baggage. didnt quite get that? Mnemosyne unveils and reveals. they make everything look good. mars or any planet in 1st house in DESCENDANT PERSONA CHART tells you what you 'first notice about other people. MARS-ASC look so attractive when they sweat especially after playing sports, exercising or any physical activity is that weird? The article details how understanding astrology can help you know yourself better by examining the planets about yourself. Originally posted by flippinfins. mnemosyne (57), goddess of memory (past, present and future), inspiration and language. astrology astrology observations astro notes hillarysss gemini aquarius virgo. they inspire others by being helpful to others and by taking criticism and showing that criticism is okay as it allows you to see your mistakes and see where you can improve to help you become a better person. these peoples beauty impacts peoples lives. This article has provided an in-depth look at astrology, from its history and background to its various methods for discovering information about our lives. similarly to the point above, Ive also noticed that AQUARIUS PLACEMENTS prefer to work behind the scenes instead of being in the spotlight unlike its sister sign, leo. these people inspire others by showing their emotions, giving love to everything, being kind and welcoming, showing that it is okay to not be okay, showing that family is important and that you should be there for vulnerable people. It can also mean being attracted to workaholics and individuals that seem put together. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword. whatever planet aspects (usually mostly trine and opposition) the ascendant in groom/briede/juno persona chart, it can tell you your spouses rising sign. Please take this with a grain of salt, not all of these will resonate with you entirely. rhoemantically. By examining these practices, we can gain useful knowledge to help us make better decisions about our future. totally wasnt expecting that. Astrology observations <3 #yoursign #fyp #ily #zodiacsigns #astrology #horoscope #zodiac #astrologyobservations. Astrology Observations . they inspire people by their words, showing that it is okay to speak your mind and ask endless questions, write about anything you desire and that you should not resist change. their beauty is hard to forget, the type that stains your mind and never leaves. TAURUS/LIBRA RISINGS I know are obsessed with power or want to be seen as more powerful/intimidating than they really are. The 35-year-old right-hander figures any . well, If people know little about you, they cant know your weaknesses and cant hurt you. It shows what your intuition is like (not the accuracy but more so how it appears). These observations can always be affected by other placements. the sign your VENUS/MARS and maybe EROS is in can tell you about what clothes/accessories/things you find attractive on others and what you like to wear yourself (check degrees and house for other signs influencing your venus/mars/eros). they might have also been badly betrayed by those they trusted in their past life. Im not anymore ofc. the yearning may have continued from their past life. She seeks to unlock the secrets of the stars, which allows us to better understand our lives and the world around us. placement doesnt like speaking loudly, they may also have, run out of breath easily and they could find it difficult mimicking or impersonating peoples voices. since Pisces is the last sign of the wheel and symbolises endings, these people will most likely repay their karmic debts this lifetime. youre most likely experienced and used to the themes of the house your southnode is in. they are way too talented that its impossible to be as talented as they are in just such a short amount of time, it looks like theyve been doing it for generations (spoiler, they probably have been doing it for lifetimes). the 5th house also deals with romance and love affairs so they may attract a lot of the same partners as they did in their past life (romantic soulmates). @hillarysss " "Check out my rules on. leo in 8th house = not receiving recognition or attention, children being hurt or mistreated, people not having a childhood. their family may have been well known in their past life for whatever reason. they should pay attention to other cultures and countries and languages, if they feel drawn to a certain country then they may have been from that country in their past life. the sign your VENUS/MARS and maybe EROS is in can tell you about what clothes/accessories/things you find attractive on others and what you like to wear yourself (check degrees and house for other signs influencing your venus/mars/eros). In MNEMOSYNE (57) PERSONA CHART your 10th & 11th house shows why and how you inspire others. those with this placement are most likely old souls and have a lot of karma as 12th house deals with karma. FIXED PLACEMENTS absolutely hate their stuff being touched. Do not plagiarize my writing, purely observational and for entertainment purposes only. most people with this placement are remembered for their words as they most likely say interesting things and give good advice. they may like wearing necklaces that have charms related to the ocean like waves, shells, fish, etc. I think this is also important if you want to know what first impressions people have of you. ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PART FIVE . he admitted that he started becoming more active and started working out in his 30s. when it comes to past life, they were most likely restricted and were around people who were too stuck in the past, whatever it is, they just couldnt be themselves. its also interesting that a lot of gemini moons and SCORPIO MOONS get along very well (Scorpio is associated with Hades, the god of the underworld). It explores how different planetary alignments affect relationships between individuals and their environment. It can also tell you your extra talents and where you feel quite lucky. Its like their life is already planned and they cant change anything and theyre so divinely guided. these people were most likely hurt by other people and had powerful people walk over them as they couldnt defend themselves. these people may just naturally be good at inventing things, coming up with theories and talking in groups and making friends/connections. these people could experience times where theyre like oh I thought I learnt this before?. because of this, these individuals may be naturally gifted with lots of knowledge on things and effortlessly understanding things, they may just know things without an explanation. Astrology Observations: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars for a Better Understanding of Yourself and the World offers an insightful look at this age-old practice. Reflection and Refinement:Making Adjustments is a must-read article for anyone wishing to unlock the secrets of astrology. mars or sun/5th house - you most likely find actions more funny than words. these people are naturally good at resolving conflict and socialising with people, they are naturally very charismatic too. in their past life, they were most likely psychics so its no surprise that these individuals naturally know about spirituality and have strong intuition. I have capricorn rising and taurus mars in 4th house and funny enough, Ive always talked about liking intimidating, family oriented people with good fashion sense and good careers. most people with this placement are remembered for their intelligence and sense of humour and freedom-seeking mind. basically, scorpio shows, and where you fear of being the most vulnerable which is why you want to have full. I have noticed a lot of celebrities, especially who are considered icons have NN aspecting their MC. those with this placement should pay attention to the careers they feel drawn to, a celebrity or any position of authority they feel drawn to as this can give them hints about their past life. She seeks to unlock the secrets of the stars, which allows us to better understand our lives and the world around us. Its a womanizer/maneater placement (because Zeus was a womanizer and is connected to Sagittarius), they give off a player vibe and just ooze a lot of s*x appeal. her posts are always very pretty. ex: lovelock in leo, the fun, romance and excitement will keep you together. Media Personality NEW YORK CITY (Manhattan) astrologyzone.com Joined May 2009. please do not reword, copy, repost without asking. they might have experienced a lot of deaths in their past life (other peoples deaths or even their own), these people could be afraid of death because of that. this is because of Aries/Scorpio descendant, these people have attracted powerful people in the past who may have taken control of them in a way which is why they want to have control and power. Observing the zodiac and other astrological aspects allows individuals to gain insight into their character traits, relationships, and even future events. these people are constantly reminded of death whenever they feel love. this may not be fun to hear but their family/ancestors may have a lot of karmic debts or maybe they have chosen to have the same family as they did in their past life to resolve familial problems (if you have any). I have pisces rising and people actually always notice my feet and its because I walk funny. ex: taurus mars = their clothes, money, scent, or even neck. they should pay attention to their birthmarks if they have any (search about birthmarks and past lives). once they open up, that means they trust you. I mean, are you kidding? theyre most likely interested in art or feel very drawn/connected to it and had no idea why. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. -if you have an ascendant ruled by Mercury (Gemini and Virgo), it probably . they could own similar items as they did in their past life or have similar tastes as they did in their past life (same likes and dislikes). : (scorpio) mars aspecting ascendant your spouse could have aries or scorpio (rulers of mars) as their ascendant or they could have mars in 1st house. fears and other things they didnt know about themselves tend to show up relationships (romantic or not). or perhaps, they get random visions of their past life in an unchronological order so they could be confused. Remember these are just my opinions TW: Mention of de*th, S*x Libra moons, Moon in the 7th and 7th house stelliums tend to become absorbed by their romantic relationships and make it apart of their personality. kinda related to the previous one, CANCER/CAPRICORN RISINGS I know have such unique styles, own unique objects and are icons for their fashion and thats because of aquarius/leo in 2nd house. this generation has pluto in sagittarius which is why many people have dark humour. the meeting will feel very ordinary. Understanding yourself can be difficult, but astrology is a way to better understand your personality, motivations, and relationships. these peoples talents never go unseen and they most likely have artistic hobbies. MERCURY IN 2ND OR 10TH HOUSE are more prone to have their ideas stolen and words copied. this is my first astrology post ahh please support me hehe I hope you like this! these people may have been a mother in their past life too, they could be naturally good at looking after people especially children and taking responsibility because of that. She has been working for the past 6 years in combining the astrological chart with past life therapy. Disclaimer, this will not resonate with everyone. ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PART TWO. they juggle their hobbies just like how jesters juggle balls (Geminis archetype is the jester). wherever SAGITTARIUS is in your chart, it tells you what you find funny and what makes you laugh. Through astrological observations, we can get to know ourselves better and understand how planetary influences shape our behavior. To be pitted against observations of the natural world, astrology would have to make specific and precise testable predictions. continuing my previous observation, SCORPIO-GEMINI friendships/relationships/connections are very underrated. To better understand these personality differences, lets take a closer look at what each sign stands for in terms of characteristics and meanings. 1st house - you find peoples facial expressions funny, you most likely find yourself funny too. Astrology observations? in the houses ;) some of these are observations, some of these are guaranteed. they were most likely exposed to the dark truths of the world and the wrong usage of power so in this lifetime these people may be aware of that and want to be in authority and use that to their advantage (good or bad). goddess of memory (past, present and future), inspiration and language. If they were famous in their past life, they might have learnt that fame isnt necessarily good so they may be scared of fame in this lifetime (fame is karma and these individuals keep being reborn as famous people until they pay for their karmic debts). For those interested in learning more about this powerful tool for self-discovery and growth, Astrology Observations: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars for a Better Understanding of Yourself and the World offers readers a comprehensive overview of how astrology can be used as an aid to gaining greater clarity on many of lifes issues. scorpio is the sign of dominance. or maybe in their past life, they couldnt speak their mind or they enraged many people by speaking so in this life they want to be outspoken as possible and to have freedom of speech. This book also applies numerology, astrology, and Tarot to tell you how to relate to others. because AQUARIUS is a contradictory sign and an oxymoron itself (because of the name aqua rius and how its a fixed air sign), Ive found that wherever Aquarius is in your chart, it is where things may be the opposite. when it comes to past life, these people were most likely rich and didnt have to worry about money much because they were secure, they had freedom. my mars is Sagittarius in 8th house and this is my bucket list: me when I realised that when I say no one could love them like I do isnt because of my Scorpio moon but because I have a personality disorder, Random question. also, GEMINI VENUS really like planes and birds. or because of your personality (the cheerful and the grumpy, the very sociable extroverted one and the antisocial one, etc). They created sophisticated observations of the star patterns that formed much of the current zodiac calendar. they have special bonds with their pets. also I dropped out of school. For centuries, astrologers have studied the positions of the moon, sun, and stars to better understand our personalities and how they influence our lives. another interpretation is that these people may actually know who they were in their past life, like their appearance, personality, name, identity. they should pay attention to the causes theyre naturally passionate about as it could tell them what they want through in their past life. ex: lick in 10th house can mean youre obsessed with your career, reputation and public image. people with PERSONAL PLANETS IN SAGITTARIUS DEGREE (9, 21) can be blunt as fuuuuck, even if its just a degree the Sagittarius energy can still be strongly felt. they could also like to wear necklaces that have tridents on them or even necklaces related to spirituality like crystal necklaces or necklaces of astrological symbols. people are attracted to them even if they arent usually their type. you usually act more like the sign after your RISING SIGN in your 30s. the bad is that this can attract copycats and jealousy and can invoke insecurity in others. another interpretation of this placement is that s*x for them is hard to forget (for good or for bad) and other people dont forget about s*x with them too, its like once in a lifetime experience. ex: aquarius in 6th house = you may like those games where you serve others or maybe you like nursing games. these people have the strong desire to be in the higher class because they may have been wronged in their past life by people of power and learnt that nothing matters as long as you have a good social status. most people with this placement are remembered for their individuality and intelligence. they could have the same scars as they did in their past life too. : examples Ian Somerhalder, Rihanna, Rachel Mcadams, Bangchan, Paul Rudd, Nadine Velazquez, Ryan Gosling, Cate Blanchett, Lily Collins, Adam Brody, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry. WILD (1941) shows where you are freed from / where youre most free and where you have to do things yourself with no instructions. Astrological signs: Characteristics and meanings, Planetary Influences: Their Effects on Us. ALSO, ID LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU TO MY TEST SUBJECTS FOR HELPING ME MAKE THESE OBSERVATIONS <3. Those who have predominant Aries placements love to show affection through physicality. another interpretation of this is that in their past life, they loved their partner so much that they chose to remember their partner in this lifetime and are most likely to meet the same romantic partner this lifetime too (high level soulmate). they may be remembered as someone cautious, conservative or consistent. MNEMOSYNE IN TAURUS / 2ND HOUSE those with this placement are remembered for their sensuality, materialism, art, loyalty, practicality, determination and stubbornness. how does this all tie in? : scorpio moon protective of their emotions, they want full control over their emotions. these people should pay attention to what topics theyre most interested in or want to get more knowledge on (especially when they were younger) as they can get hints about their past life. Astrology Observations "Do not repost, plagiarize, "reword" my observations. For thousands of years, astrology has been an integral part of many cultures and a way to make sense of the world and oneself. By paying attention to planetary movements in your personal chart or sign, you can make more informed decisions about events in your life, such as career changes or relationships. : in 1st house or aspecting your ascendant these people inspire others just for being themselves, for their looks, for their views of life. these people could experience times where theyre like oh I thought I already knew this?. they should pay attention to the items they own or feel drawn to and their likes and dislikes as this could tell them about their past life. Astrology Observations (part 2) -scorpio moons might indicate an idividual's mother who is hard to handle/emotionally unstable/manipulative/overdramatic -having many planets in the 12th house especially pluto can indicate attracting abusers YOU CAN POST IT BUT GIVE ME CREDITS. they have a talent in healing themselves and others and they most likely have a great work ethic and theyre also spiritual. breakups are hard for them which is why they may not want to get in relationships. It doesnt necessarily mean that you are, it can just be how you appear to people. SATURN IN 3RD HOUSE can give the individual very crooked teeth, their jaw can be uneven and they can have an overbite/underbite. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. this could also apply to. they are secretive as a way to protect themselves. interestingly, this placement can mean that they keep being reborned into the same family so if these people look like their great great great grandmother, then its possible that that was them. and what you are remembered for or what you remember the most (even if you dont want to). they inspire others by being in tune with their emotions and showing that it is okay to be vulnerable, by showing that having emotions is beautiful and you can turn it into art and create something out of it, by showing unconditional love and that everyone needs kindness and forgiveness even if they themselves have been hurt many times, by being sacrificial. they may be very vengeful especially if they died in their past life with lots of vengeance. This work belongs to me and me only, I don't wanna see this posted anywhere else. maybe its their staring problem. since the 3rd house deals with neighbours and siblings, these individuals may have similar neighbours/siblings as they did in their past life. they are most likely to get angry over ignorant jokes easily because they have faced that way too much in their past life. it gives the same effect as sagittarius mars. they should also pay attention to their behaviour towards other people. The author describes various tools astrologers use to uncover underlying patterns of human behavior and offer practical advice to foster personal development. They also believed that events on Earth corresponded to changes in celestial bodies such as stars or planets, including the sun and moon. I have aqua sun in 10th house, leo in 8th house with saturn and the characters I like are tomioka giyuu, shoto todoroki, ray from the promised neverland. By studying astrological signs, symbols, planets, and constellations, we can make meaningful connections that shed light on our future. For several millennia, the desire to improve astrological predictions was one of the main motivations for astronomical observations and theories.
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