Okay. In the Undying Lands around TA 1000, Manw (leader of the Ainur, and King of the Valar and Arda) learned that the dark lord Morgoth's most loyal lieutenant, Sauron, was returning to power. [19][T 7], The scholar of humanities Patrick Curry rebuts the "common criticism" of Tolkien, levelled by literary critics such as the scholar of English literature Catherine Stimpson, that his characters are naively either good or evil. The Elves also call him Mithrandir, which means "the Grey Pilgrim." The Blue Wizards journeying to the East. Fortunately, Tolkien gives us a little hint of the answer in Unfinished Tales when he says, "Probably he wandered long (in various guises), engaged not in deeds and events but in exploring the hearts of Elves and Men who had been and might still be expected to be opposed to Sauron.". Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? This is because the names "Alatar" and "Pallando" do not appear in The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit books, and therefore the films did not have the rights to use them. "[1] Tolkien also writes in Unfinished Tales that the two Wizards were sent to the East whose names were "Alatar" and "Pallando". However, in The Peoples of Middle-earth, they are said to have arrived in the Second Age, around the year SA 1600, the time of the forging . They could, however, use magic without the aid of their staffs such as telekinesis and healing; however it is uncertain how far they could go magically without their staffs. Men interacted more with the Wizards, but still less than the Elves; they did not suspect the Wizards of being more than they appeared, as Elves did, but acknowledged that they possessed power and knowledge beyond the understanding of ordinary men. The Elves most of all strongly suspected that the Wizards were far more than they appeared, and were certainly not of the race of Men given their magic and their physical and mental gifts. He dies in the Shire at the hands of a longtime helper Grma Wormtongue. However, Gandalf's initial reaction is to resist the nomination, as he is afraid of Sauron's power. Radagast remained in Middle-Earth, tending to the wilderness for a time but eventually left Middle-Earth too and returned home. [3] Their mission was directed at weakening Sauron's forces in the eastern and southern parts of Middle-earth, whereas the other Istari were focused on the west. However, he became prideful and jealous of the power and purity of Gandalf's spirit and reputation. To help the peoples ofMiddle-earth fight Sauron I think they went as emissaries to distant regions, East and South, far out of Nmenrean range: missionaries to 'enemy-occupied' lands, as it were. Radagast's fate is quietly tragic, as the wizard slowly slips into a habit of overly prioritizing the birds and beasts rather than Elves and Men. In The Lord of the Rings world, there is an order of Wizards that came to Middle-earth, and five of them came to the northern regions. Istari [7], When sent to Cuivinen with the other Guardians, they were called Palacendo ("* Far sighted one") and Haimenar ("* Far-farer").[9]. [26], Last edited on 13 February 2023, at 16:32, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, "The Presence of Christ in The Lord of the Rings", The J. R. R. Tolkien Encyclopedia: Scholarship and Critical Assessment, "Christian Typologies in The Lord of the Rings", "The Enigma of Radagast: Revision, Melodrama, and Depth", "There's a Deeper Meaning Behind Wizards in 'The Rings of Power', https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wizards_in_Middle-earth&oldid=1139146862, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 16:32. As each of these Istari learned from their Vala, so they acted in Middle-earth. Tolkien stated that "Maia is the name of the Kin of the Valar, but especially of those of lesser power than the 9 great rulers".. In reality, they're a specific subset of Maiar that operated in the Third Age of Middle-earth history. It was Orome who decided to send Alatar to Middle Earth and Alatar brought his friend Pallando along. Tolkien himself would talk about them as if they were a riddle that he didn't have time to solve. The Wizards, initially known as the Istari or Heren Istarion (Order of Wizards), were a group of five Maiar spirits sent to Middle-Earth during the Second and Third Ages, embodied as old Men to aid the Free Peoples against the threat of Sauron. They arrive either early in the Second Age or with the other three Wizards in the Third Age. Manw summoned Olrin (later named Gandalf), asking if he would go as the third messenger. According to The Lord of the Rings, the wizards did not arrive in Middle-Earth until the third age. There were also hints that point to the possibility that he could be none other than our favorite Grey Wizard Gandalf, who became the most important Istar in the events of Middle-Earth. All fragments from the Istari chapter of Unfinished Tales. The first to come was one of noble nien and bearing, with raven hair, and fair voice, and he was clad in white Others there were also: two clad in sea blue, and one in earthen brown; and last came one who seemed the least, less tall than the others, and in looks more aged, grey-haired and grey clad, and leaning on a staff. J.R.R. The potent ring is meant to help support Gandalf through his labors and aid him in sparking courage in the hearts of those that he helps. On the inside, so to speak, the Istari are technically angelic, supernatural beings from the glorious west. [T 1], Tolkien once described Gandalf as an angel incarnate; later, both he and other scholars likened Gandalf to the Norse god Odin in his "Wanderer" guise. Purpose In one note, he says that it comes from the Haradrim language and meant "alien" or "North-spy." In Unfinished Tales, Tolkien explains just what Middle-earth wizards are and why they're so different from their modern counterparts. Also called Curunr or "the Man of Skill," he was the first to arrive in Middle-earth. Before breaking down the Blue Wizards themselves, it's worth taking a minute to differentiate the author's wizarding order from the common wizards of fantasy and folklore. The two Wizards were able to hinder Sauron's operations in the East and South, aiding the defeat of, They ensured that the forces of the East and South did not outnumber the West, thus helping secure victory for the. Tolkien's conception of the two Blue Wizards changed dramatically between his earlier and later writings. ERROR: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH DATA cannot be executed from a function. In other words, he spends a lot of time wandering all over the Westlands of Middle-earth, generally laying low, making friends, and increasing his understanding of the lay of the land. When the Five Wizards arrive in Middle-earth, the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are still roughly 2,000 years in the future. Darkness-slayer and East-helper" (via The Tolkien Forum). But where does this pair of azure magic-wielding angels wrapped in old-man bodies come from? As in the novels, Gandalf is "an oddly ambivalent presence, extraordinarily powerful and authoritative , but also a stranger, the only one of the Istari who never settles down". The text reads, "But the other two Istari were sent for a different purpose. Instead of mentioning that they drifted from their mission, Tolkien points out that they played a decisive role in the downfall of Sauron at the end of both the Second Age and the Third Age. [T 1], Gandalf the Grey is a protagonist in The Hobbit, where he assists Bilbo Baggins on his quest, and in The Lord of the Rings, where he is the leader of the Company of the Ring. The Balrog that lives in Moria is another, less powerful, of the creatures. [8], Rmestmo or Rme(n)star is a Quenya name meaning "East-helper". This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 22:57. When he first meets the shipwright Crdan at the Grey Havens (that's the port where Frodo leaves at the end of The Return of the King) the Elven lord immediately sees right through the wizard's lowly appearance and recognizes the important role that Gandalf is going to play in the war against Sauron. The wizards were created and sent to Middle-earth specifically to help resist Sauron. He decided both Glorfindel and the Blue Wizards came back in the Second Age. These ranks are not all clearly specified, save for that Saruman was highest. @JK twins (triplets, etc) are said to be born at the same time - but obviously one usually comes out before the other (sometimes with quite a gap in between). Throughout his existence, Gandalf is always drawn to the "Children of Ilvatar" that is, both Elves and Men and is always keen to help them. However, in The Peoples of Middle-earth, they are said to have arrived in the Second Age, around the year SA 1600, the time of the forging of the One Ring. The five Wizards in Middle Earth are Saruman, Gandalf, Radagast, Alatar, and Pallando. Of the Five Wizards, Gandalf is clearly the most well known. He's also a co-owner of Comic Basics and Voice Film. He did not want to go as he feared Sauron, but Manw persuaded him. But in another book, the wizards are mentioned to be in the second age. When the Valar left Middle-earth planning to make war against Melkor, they sent Melian to keep her eye on the Elves. The season 1 finale of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power finally revealed that the Stranger is one of the Istar and is actually a Wizard. His role is so slight that it has been described as a plot device. Okay, so we know that the Blue Wizards are sent by the Valar to resist Sauron. Collectively known as the Istari or Order of the Wizards, the two Blue Wizards came to Middle Earth around 1600 of the Second Age, while the remaining three came around the year 1000 in the Third Age. All that is said of them is that they came from across the seas at a time when the world was in crisis, and needed them most . So based on Tolkien's initial take on these guys, they end up in a pretty bad place. Morinehtar and Rmestmo. No, not the One Ring of power, but a heavy-hitting piece of enchanted jewelry nonetheless. It was said that Olrin learned from her compassion and patience. The supernatural Ainur are the highest order of beings within Middle-earth, and they are broken into two different groups. But I guess those fellows can find trouble when they're looking for it.". With so many centuries of wandering under his belt, it's natural that Gandalf would acquire a lengthy collection of names. They may have founded 'magic' cults amongst the peoples of the eastern and southern regions, which existed beyond the downfall of the, The two Wizards were sent to Middle-earth at roughly the same time as, The two Wizards journeyed into the East and South of Middle-earth, where they remained; they were not heard or seen west of. [23], Kristin Thompson notes that the Wizards' staffs are more elaborate in the films; their tips are "more convoluted" and can hold a crystal, which can be used to produce light. Gandalf first comes into existence at the beginning of time itself. Zip. They were Wizards, true, both of 'em caked in dust, and when one's talk he'd stop to think and there'd be the other to finish right up, like they had one brain and two mouths. They went to the eastern and southern parts of Middle-earth, while the rest of Istari went to the west. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? Wizards in Tolkien's world aren't trained at Hogwarts. However, whilst preparing (in 1954) an Index for The Return of the King, Tolkien wrote what his son later referred to as the 'essay on the Istari'. Beyond that, though, the Wandering Wizard also reveals in The Two Towers that "many are my names in many countries." What do they do when they get to the mainland? What is the background of this strange wanderer, dressed all in grey? [17], Tolkien stated that the main temptation facing the Wizards, and the one that brought down Saruman, was impatience. Their task was to assist the inhabitants of Middle Earth in the battle against Sauron, but without seeking power and domination for themselves. and our At the end of the Third Age, the Wizards passed from sight because with the fall of Sauron their work was done. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? Saruman raised an army of mighty Uruk-hai stronger than ordinary orcs so they could walk in daylight. Saruman the White (originally Curumo, a Maia of the people of Aul the Maker) was the chief of the five Istars sent from Valinor to help the free people of the Middle Earth oppose the evil that remained after Morgoth. Based on the above material, the history of the two "Blue Wizards" can be determined as the following: Manw summons a council of the Valar.They decide to send emissaries to Middle-earth. The fact that he's heading east also jives with what little we know of the Blue Wizards' backstory. They no longer arrived in Middle-earth along with Saruman, Gandalf, and Radagast in c. T.A. Their task was to circumvent Sauron; to bring help to the few tribes of Men that had rebelled from Melkor-worship, to stir up rebellion Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Apart from Gandalf however, the other Wizards were still quite reticent about engaging in armed combat and ultimately remained apart from most of the great battles in Middle-Earth during Sauron's reign. They too respected the Wizards and looked to them occasionally for counsel, but often misinterpreted it as command rather than guidance, and disliked the thought of Wizards taking charge and engendering mistrust. Why Gandalf did not take Frodo and the One Ring to Rivendell immediately after he examined it? After further discussion, the wizard heads to the Shire as he mulls the situation over. And what does that make Gandalf? ", Tolkien goes on to provide a damning summary of what he thinks happened to the long-lost Wizards: "What success they had I do not know; but I fear that they failed, as Saruman did, though doubtless in different ways; and I suspect they were founders or beginners of secret cults and 'magic' traditions that outlasted the fall of Sauron.". The Wizards, initially known as the Istari or Heren Istarion (Order of Wizards), were a group of five Maiar spirits sent to Middle-Earth during the Second and Third Ages, embodied as old Men to aid the Free Peoples against the threat of Sauron . Each pack contains 2 basic land cards with a shining Traditional Foil treatment! He explains that "wizard" is a translation of the Elvish word "istar," representing an order that claims to have "eminent knowledge of the history and nature of the World." Originally, Gandalf didn't want to go because he feared Sauron but was ultimately chosen by Manw himself. It was creepy for sure, but neither seemed to notice. He was from the Maiars and was particularly interested in the Ring. What is the symbolism of the colors assigned to Istari wizards? Despite their outward appearance as old men and inability to challenge Sauron directly, the Wizards were in fact among the most powerful beings to walk Middle-Earth. Morinehtar and Romestamo. [10][11][12][13][1], Saruman the White is leader of the Istari and of the White Council, in The Hobbit and at the outset in The Lord of the Rings. The Blue Wizards are never mentioned in The Lord of the Rings films, and are only referenced indirectly by Saruman, who mentions"the rods of the five wizards" in the extended edition of the third film. The Wizard order, or Heren Istarion, were Maiar spirits . They are said to have founded secret sorcerer sects and cults of magical traditions that survived long centuries after Saurons downfall. When it comes to the timing of their arrival in Middle-earth, there are two versions of the story. At that time she was dwelling in Greenwood the Great, and seems had been too homesick. The time that the wizards arrived in Middle-earth is unknown. Saruman's failure is well documented. There is also the fragment from the essay on the Istari in, Did the Istari arrive in Middle Earth simultaneously? The wizard drives the Dark Lord out (although he doesn't realize who he is yet), leading to the centuries-long period of the Watchful Peace. His name rarely appears during the major geopolitical events of the age, and he seems to have practically fallen off the map for huge swaths of time. After some time, in order to help Melian in her task, the Valar sent also to Cuivinen a group of Maia called the Five Guardians: Tarindor, Olrin, Hrvandil, Haimenar, and Palacendo. He's shorter than the others, already has grey hair, and leans on a staff. I heard them say they were hunting the darkness. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Olrin also frequently visited Nienna at her home in the far west. [duplicate]. "Unfinished Tales" says that the Wizards "belonged solely to the Third Age and then departed" (via Tolkien Gateway), adding later that "they first appeared in Middle-earth about the year 1000 of the Third Age" (via Laurelin Archives). Saruman is installed as the head of the White Council, but falls to the temptation of power. He spends a good deal of his time in Lorien, a heavenly land filled with gardens, lakes, and rivers. But Manw insists, explaining that his wise fear is precisely why he is particularly suited to the task. Radagast, servant of Yavanna, loved the things of nature, both animals and plants. Gandalf the Grey. Darkness Slayer and Est-helper. [T 1][2] The name Saruman means "man of skill or cunning" in the Mercian dialect of Anglo-Saxon;[14] he serves as an example of technology and modernity being overthrown by forces more in tune with nature. They went to the farthest parts of Middle-earth, far to the east and south beyond Nmenr influence, as messengers to hostile lands. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. While they could be hindered, harmed and even killed as with other races, death for them was merely temporary, as they simply returned to the Timeless Halls upon death whereupon the Valar would send them back to Middle-Earth as many times as was needed until their task was complete, as was seen with Gandalf's death and resurrection. In the game their names are not said, but the description of the artifact implies the two wizards are Alatar and Pallando. In Senior's view, where Tolkien used myth and a medieval hierarchy of orders of being, with Wizards higher than Elves who are higher than Men, Donaldson's Lords are "wholly human" and "function democratically". Formed ), The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. Little was known about these two in the West of Middle-earth; even their individual names were unknown, but they were known collectively as Ithryn Luin, the Blue Wizards. [T 1][2], Saruman's character illustrates the corruption of power; his desire for knowledge and order leads to his fall, and he rejects the chance of redemption when it is offered. rev2023.3.3.43278. Just mix and match two packs, shuffle, and you're ready to play! So what, exactly, are Tolkien's wizards, then? They must have had very great influence on the history of the Second Age and Third Age in weakening and disarraying the forces of the East who both in the Second Age and Third Age otherwise have outnumbered the West.J.R.R. The Wizards were sent to Middle Earth by ManwKing of the Valarwho had learned of Sauron's return to power. But Gandalf and Saruman should not be in Middle-Earth in the second age. Once again turning to Unfinished Tales, we find Gandalf riding along one day on his way to the Shire for a sabbatical. Istari was a Quenya word (singular: Istar). Of those who came to Middle-Earth, sent by the Valar, five are known, the Heren Istarion (Order of Wizards). If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Tolkien's original idea was they did not all come on ship but came nearly at the same time. The Wizards of Middle-earth are Maiar: spirits similar to the godlike Valar, but lesser in power. The end, right? In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Gandalf is asked by Bilbo Baggins about the names of the blue wizards and replies "I've quite forgotten their names." Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? However, the important distinction that makes a Maiar a wizard is the fact that they've voluntarily been wrapped in the frail mortality of a worldly body. However, Tolkien himself seemed to be unsure about how to explain this last one. However, it is unrecorded whether Melian and the Five Guardians assisted Orom in accompanying the Eldar on their Great Journey.[2]. Clad in earthen brown, Radagast was very interested in beasts and birds. When Gandalf deposes Saruman in the "Two Towers" book, the ex-Wizard falsely accuses Gandalf of making a power grab, saying, "Yes, when you also have the Keys of Barad-dr itself, I suppose; and the crowns of seven kings, and the rods of the Five Wizards, and have purchased yourself a pair of boots many sizes larger than those that you wear now." It is also uncertain whether they failed in their mission, but it seems most likely. 1000. Tolkien, yet again, obliges us through multiple sources, especially Unfinished Tales, by providing several of them, often along with their origins and meanings. In Unfinished Tales, Tolkien wrote that the five Istari came to Middle-earth together in TA 1000. Commentators have stated that they operate more physically and less spiritually than the Wizards in Tolkien's novels, but that this is mostly successful in furthering the drama. It's not known how many Maiar there were, but several of them show up throughout Middle-earth history and are very powerful. Members However, Manw said that was all the more reason to go, and he commanded him go, whereupon Varda said, "Not as the third." In fact, in the original version of the tale, all the Wizards would arrive too late to be part of "The Rings of Power," which is set in the Second Age. This contrasts starkly with his fellow Istari teammates, as Radagast eventually settles down at his home of Rhosgobel on the edge of Mirkwood and Saruman famously sets up shop at Isengard. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The concept of a wizard from Middle-earth is about as unique in the fantasy world as Gandalf himself is in The Lord of the Rings. They already appeared old when they entered Middle-earth. 4. Only Gandalf, as a Ring-Bearer, was allowed to go to the Undying Lands. It is widely believed that his failure is not as severe as that of Saruman or that of the Blue Wizards. He proudly came dressed in white, which contrasted boldly with his hair, which was raven black at the time. Darned if I know if they found it. [citation needed]The Dwarves and Hobbits had the least amount of contact with Wizards, and viewed them as little more than unusual and strange magicians that caused unnecessary trouble, preferring that they remain apart. The time that the Blue Wizards arrived in Middle-earth is uncertain. [4] Their ultimate fates are unknown. Extending this fantasy world even further, Prime Video is launching 'The Rings of Power', set in the Second Age of Middle Earth. And while fans seem convinced that a certain wizard has arrived in. While Gandalf appears to lay low for most of his time in Middle-earth, that doesn't mean he does nothing at all. Not long afterward he hears about the eccentric Hobbit bachelor Bilbo Baggins, whom he hasn't seen since Baggins was a child. He could be Gandalf. According to one note in Unfinished Tales, the head of the Valar, Manw, personally chooses Gandalf to become the "director and coordinator of attack and defense." [16], The critic Brian D. Walter writes that the films seek to make Gandalf a powerful character without having him take over the Fellowship's strategy and action. In fact, in a letter in 1958, Tolkien explained that he didn't know what happened to them, but he feared that they failed in their mission and may have even founded secret cults of magic before all was said and done. The Blue Wizards went into the East and South and do not come into the tales of north-western Middle-earth. T 1] Originally called Olrin, he was the wisest of the Maiar and lived in Lrien until the Third Age, when Manw tasked him to join the Istari and go to Middle-earth to protect its free peoples. He also says that in the South he's called Incnus. But the other two Istari were sent for a different purpose. Who is the 4th wizard in LOTR? Nada. Around TA 1000, when Sauron began to move again and the Valar realized the Free Peoples would need help this time. [18], Charles Nelson writes that although evil is personified in Sauron and his creatures such as Balrogs, along with Shelob and other "nameless things" deep below the mountains, evil threatens the characters from within, and the moral failures of those such as Saruman, Boromir, and Denethor endanger the world. Aug 14, 2022 1.3K Dislike Share See U in History / Mythology 1.67M subscribers The Wizards of Middle-earth (The Istari) - Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast and the Blue Wizards Art: Marcus Aquino. The name "Morinehtar" means "darkness-slayer." All Main The Lord of the Rings Characters: Sorted by Races, Gandalf the White vs. Gandalf the Grey: Which Gandalf is Stronger, J. R. R. Tolkiens fantastic trilogy The Lord of the Rings.. [T 2] Each Wizard in the series had robes of a characteristic colour: white for Saruman (the chief and the most powerful of the five), grey for Gandalf, brown for Radagast,[3] and sea-blue for the other two, who are known as the Blue Wizards (Ithryn Luin in Sindarin). In addition to their magical powers and despite their elderly appearances, the Wizards were gifted with incredible physical and martial prowess and skill with weaponry surpassing those of Men and Dwarves and equalling those of Elves. After some time he was released because he lost his powers. Gandalf and the rest of the Wizards arrived on Middle-earth at around the 1,000th year of the Third Age. One other critical activity that Gandalf participates in during the centuries before The Lord of the Rings is befriending Hobbits. One final note about Gandalf's first appearance in Middle-earth has to do with a gift he's given when he arrives. But as we hinted at before, the idea of a "wizard" is a bit of a misnomer when compared to the modern English definition of the word. Also in letter 211, he said, "what success they had I do not know; but I fear that they failed, as Saruman did, though doubtless in different ways; I suspect that they were founders or beginners of secret cults and 'magic' traditions that outlasted the fall of Sauron". What success they had I do not know; but I fear that they failed, as Saruman did, though doubtless in different ways; and I suspect they were founders or beginners of secret cults and "magic" traditions that outlasted the fall of Sauron.J.R.R. Or is the whole "go East, young Wizard" thing just a red herring? What success they had I do not know; but I fear that they failed, as Saruman did, though doubtless in different ways; and I suspect they were founders or beginners of secret cults and 'magic' traditions that outlasted the fall of Sauron.Letter 211[2]. In "Unfinished Tales," he says, "They never returned, and whether they remained in the East, or as some hold were ensnared by Sauron and became his servants, is not now known" (via Laurelin Archives). [5] However there's some evidence one or both blue wizards came to middle . The first on our list of Lord of the Rings wizards are Alatar and Pallando the Blue. It's made clear in Unknown Tales that the physical forms that the wizards take restrict their abilities and even have the effect of "dimming their wisdom and knowledge and confusing them with fears, cares, and wearinesses coming from the flesh.". Is it possible to create a concave light? Answer (1 of 12): Yes, if we are talking about the entity Olorin, who later came as Gandalf. From the wiki it is said that Saruman and one of the blue wizards came first, followed by Gandalf. Tolkien's original idea was they did not all come on ship but came nearly at the same time. This is the first time we see a number connected to their wizarding order. Each Wizard carried and utilised a powerful staff, through which they channelled and performed most of their spells and magical actions. The inclusion of the popular "Lord of the Rings" character would also be helpful for attracting new viewers who aren't familiar with deeper Tolkienian lore. Mutually exclusive execution using std::atomic? There are five main wizards in Tolkien's writings, literally referred to in The Two Towers as the "Five Wizards," but the Unfinished Tales also explains that their total number is actually unknown and some very well may have visited different areas besides the northwestern portion of Middle-earth. [T 1], As a Wizard and the bearer of a Ring of Power, Gandalf has great power, but works mostly by encouraging and persuading. Despite their old appearance, they possessed physically strong bodies equal to those of Elves, and highly intelligent minds. [T 3][7] Others have described Gandalf as a guide-figure who assists the protagonist, comparable to the Cumaean Sibyl who assisted Aeneas in Virgil's The Aeneid, or to Virgil himself in Dante's Inferno;[8][9] and as a Christ-figure, a prophet.
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