"Harry", Snape whispered in his ear. Hey I'm looking for any fics that have Harry wearing and using diapers/nappies. He screamed then grabbed his jeans from the night before, absentmindedly comparing 'his' to what he had seen of Tonks's: 'he' had more hair down there than she had had. Harry begged in between gasps of breath. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4606270/1/Effects-and-Side-Effects, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=4606270&source=ff&filetype=epub, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=4606270&source=ff&filetype=mobi, https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Usage, https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/wiki/Changelog, https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/issues/, https://github.com/tusing/reddit-ffn-bot/, https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=tusing, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11862560&source=ff&filetype=epub, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11862560&source=ff&filetype=mobi, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3252882/1/A-matter-of-force, https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11798236/1/The-Game-of-Life, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11798236&source=ff&filetype=epub, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11798236&source=ff&filetype=mobi, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3252882&source=ff&filetype=epub, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=3252882&source=ff&filetype=mobi, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6343543&source=ff&filetype=epub, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=6343543&source=ff&filetype=mobi, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=1670793&source=ff&filetype=epub, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=1670793&source=ff&filetype=mobi, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9326298&source=ff&filetype=epub, http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=9326298&source=ff&filetype=mobi. It was dry anyway. "Haha, is that a little too cold for you, baby?" She grinned, "Why don't I warm that up for you?" Harry whimpered and started fidgeting. Snape is the first to care for him as Harry, not as the Boy Who Lived. In some fics, Harry just immediately starts wearing dresses as if dresses came part and parcel with a female body. Not only does that rob the reader of a lot of the fun of the genre, it's also not very realistic. He has some of the greatest quotes in the series, and while some reflect his dry sense of humor, others reflect the depth of his character. Dumbledore tries to get baby Harry to call Snape either Dada or papa. "Why, daddy?" !!!!! Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. This work could have adult content. She could make people smile. Hogwarts was supposed to be his salvation, his home away from the insults and beatings that awaited him. Harry had been sitting there for an hour when he felt it he peed himself. Or, where Louis, a psychologist, uses his knowledge and skills he learned at Cambridge University for his own benefit. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. "Like you've done anything else all day", said Snape and rolled his eyes. For me the ideal genderbender fic is one that embraces realism but still touches on the tropes that makes the genre interesting in the first place. "But you need to eat something nevertheless.". He hadn't realized it before, but he really had to use the bathroom! When they got to the kitchen, Snape lifted him up and put him in a high chair. Harry looked confused once again before he watched Snape quickly mix together two potions. I'm looking for stories where Harry Potter turns into a girl. "I don't know. He peed himself and he wasn't even sleeping. "Your bum is actually less cute than when you were a boy. He settled for a documentary about physics instead. Genderbender fics generally fall into one of two categories: either they give Harry a complete character transplant with his sex change, basically making him act as if he had been born a straight female, or they are an angst-fest which has Harry constantly having emotional breakdowns about his body (and often a load of other issues besides). He would have to make it to the bathroom. You are a baby now. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? "Remus told me about the new metamorph test. Severus is there to take care of the two idiots. He felt miserable and wanted to stay in the shower forever. Things would be simpler, he would be happier. "Now, I need to undress you and put a onsie and a nappy on you. So he just sat there. I woke up and daddy wasnt there holding me. Harry whimpered. You just have to face the facts. Personally I'm a translady and I'll admit I do find it entertaining to see people thrown into random situations like this. Snape handed him a t-shirt and pyjama bottoms. Genderbender fics are interesting because it puts a character with a male viewpoint into not only a female body but also female societal expectations. Why was he not consulted about this and why wasn't Dad or Papa listening to him when he said he didn't need a little brother, that he was happy to be an only child? When Severus Snape forces Harry to drink the potion the results are not as expected. What awaits him? The reason why this fic is so much of a "so close yet so far" situation is because it has many of those elements which would make the ideal fic, but always puts an angsty twist on it that removes all the fun. Harry nodded and followed after Snape who had stood up to get to the kitchen. I found it interesting. Harry has had it. So he just sat there. Strip down, let's see what we're working with.". Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2053091-Harry-Potter-and-the-Diapered-Curse-CH7. When Snape returned he sat down on the edge of the couch beside Harry and stroked the boys back to wake him up. "Quit it Harry", said Snape with a stern voice. 3. | Download: [EPUB][140184595730952:epub] or [MOBI][140184595730952:mobi] [140184595730952:site]: http://www.fanfiction.net/ [140184595730952:epub]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11798236&source=ff&filetype=epub [140184595730952:mobi]: http://www.ff2ebook.com/old/ffn-bot/index.php?id=11798236&source=ff&filetype=mobi. "Wow, you're gorgeous," Tonks said to an angry Harry who was sitting on his bed, hiding under blankets. "It's time for bed." or 4 times Harry let girls from each house pretty him up and one time he prettied himself up because make up and skirts can be worn by anyone and anyone who says otherwise is a poopy head. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Harry steadied himself on Snape's shoulder as Snape pulled it up. Severus asked.Harry shrugged but did not answer. "Harry, you know that you cannot say no to me. ""Nah, I'm okay in my own room", Harry said and grabbed Mimi and headed of to the bathroom. score: 12,131 , and 122 people voted. "Is there a problem?" "I'm not hungry", Harry said stubbornly. Hmnnn as someone who loves these I'm not sure how to explain the appeal for anybody else. After a few mouthfuls he laid it back down. To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should. Being a metamorphmagus is incredibly useful, though he doesnt know if its a plus or not that the Dursleys treatment of him made it so he can only use it intentionally. One problem how will harry cope with being stuck in a smaller body with all of his memories. He couldn't help but notice how young and innocent the boy looked with Mimi under his arm. (WL 625,712; Abandoned). Snape sat him down on a small love seat and said stay. The angst ones involve no adaptation because Harry rejects the change in favour of crying for 100k words. Harry swallowed and hesitated before nodding. Harry asked. Hunting season has just begun and Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy line, starts his relentless pursuit of the perfect bride with high qualifications. It's weird, not because of what they do, but, because of the way that others think they're doing it wrong. He was pleased yet surprised the boy had accepted the lamb. He would not admit that his diaper was wet. Real Estate Software Dubai > blog > snape forced harry potter to wear diapers fanfiction. FINALLY COMPLETE! Warnings: Masturbation. "All Harry did was huff if they thought snape was going to change his diapers they had another thing coming to them. How to handle a hobby that makes income in US. This movement made all three of the other occupants of the room realize Harry's predicament. Harry's reflexes were still slower than Snape's so Snape now had Harry's hands above his head. Harry was nervous about this, but he was also very brave, which is good. Come over to me. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. Snape has a difficult time playing with Harry so he disguises it as "teaching" because he feels . "I want to shower", Harry said. Here are some tips. Then, he bumps into stranger and can't help but be mesmerized by his incredible eyes. My column with tips on promoting your Public Portfolio URL! Do you understand me?" Snape hissed from the front of the classroom. Warnings! The twenty-seven year old man smiles at the familiar looks of the parlour, but when he sees a boy sitting on the desk his breath hitches. He set down Harry on the floor and took his hand to lead him to the bathroom, but they had only taken a few steps when Harry froze. "But you need to sleep to get better. Why?, Harry turned to face Tom, who had stood from the couch and was watching him with folded arms and a clenched jaw. Why didn't Snape work out Voldemort had Horcruxes? Snape cast a temperature checking charm. The first mention of Snape as 'Nape' is in chapter 9. The title is a gag because this is going to be a serious story. 307. She had a remarkable gift, though. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? It's Harry's bedtime, but daddy isn't home to tuck him in, Baby, whats the matter? flag. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Disclamer: I do not now, nor have I ever owned thee rights to Harry Potter. Generated in 0.31 seconds at 12:16am on Mar 04, 2023 via server web1. Suddenly Snape roughly picked him up and took him to the bathroom and shut the door. Harry looked around but could not find anywhere to throw away his pull up so he decided to just keep it on. Then he saw it as he slid out of bed. #TimetravelFic #CrossdressingFic #Mpreg #Slash #LongFic. He sat down on the lid and placed Harry in his lap. A Switched Chance (WL 116,174; Updated Jan 2015); HE & the Spiral Path (sort of?) Includes very detailed caretaking, ABDL, mild dom and sub, restraints, diapers and toilet, urination and defecation, nonsexual breastfeeding, medical conditions and brain damage, fluff that is wrong on so many levels, total dependence, over attachment, comic violence and best friendship. Well one trip to Gringotts Wizarding Bank reveals a whole new world of information. linkffn(The Perfect Girl). Harry gulped and hiccuped. rev2023.3.3.43278. Insecurities plague the marriage of Cedric and Harry Morticia no esperava encontrar um menino encostado na cripta de seu parente muito distante Morozova,nem descobrir que o dito garoto tinha a fasca Addams,mas ela nunca se arrependeu de adota-lo e nem mesmo pedras,dirios, dementadores entre outros iro tirar o seu filhote dela. Maybe it's because I finally get a son. "Good job", Snape said and pulled the covers over Harry. Harry Potter enters his eighth year at Hogwarts with a new identity. Harry cried out and tried to wiggle away, but Snape held fast. Calm you. This is a page to request reviews for static items and books. At the moment, he couldn't think of a better demonstration of the warning "be careful what you wish for." he asked. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. front, eating a stick of bamboo. Harry had never felt so small in his whole life, but in a way it felt comforting. Harry fought and kicked as Snape did this. His adult side desperately wanted to be in complete control again, but Snape was certainly making it hard. He then laid down the spoon once more and leaned back on the couch. Free verse. Harry be good! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He remembered what is was like when he had had the flue as a kid. And my my, they have a beautiful green colour. He turned his head the other way to look at the watch on the bed side table. Are you okay? In the middle of the night Harry woke up. Severus closed his eyes and looked away so that he couldn't see his lovely eyes that Harry wore on his face like a crown. let read about harry potter in diaper you know you what to, Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up!
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