Mantle of Ignition is basically a permanent Zentimo and is extremely potent in any class. The effect is too niche and underwhelming to be picked over other passives even in a Freeze deck. You can even recycle the value of your own minions if you want to. Its independently good and can simply pick whichever Treasure best suits what you have at that point. Top Hearthstone Duels Decks that got 12 Wins - Top Starter Decks. While its usually hard to save a treasure to combo with a specific card is hard in Duels, you can reliably have, The 3 most used starting cards that take full advantage of, There are already good treasures to support Divine Shield strategies. Its very versatile and strongly incentivized your opponent to get rid of them all asap. You get the most value out of it when you break a 4 or 5-cost weapon, as they have some of the best possibilities to randomly equip. Youll spend most of your turn just getting the treasure, and still might not even be able to play it. But since Overpowered IS one of them, thats not an option. However, instead of drafting a deck, players are offered a choice between 5 (4 prior to Patch of Duels-exclusive heroes, then one of 3 of that class's Hero Powers, followed by one of 6 of that class's Signature Treasures. Tier 3 - Passives that have the potential to make a huge impact, but is heavily reliant on the game-state. There are few Nature spells that deal damage and even fewer that are good. Pirates currently dont have any secondary passives they can consistently abuse. Firekeepers Idol is a relatively low-impact passive (as 1/2 minions with no effects dont do much), but it provides an extra resource in your hand as well. Tier 1 - Treasures that can win you the game on their own! Flame Waves gives all of your Fire spells the added value of two free Arcane Explosion, which is an amazing passive board clear. Single target removal plus a 10/10 sounds amazing on one card. With Totem of the Dead being an Ultra Rare passive and completely banned in Hunter, Mummy Magic is the next best thing. Theyre just generically useful, which is not a bad thing as it doesnt require you to build your deck around it while still being extremely strong. Are you wanting to play Duels but having trouble getting started? The Nature Treasures probably should be higher and I'll likely move them when I need to tweak this guide after the mini set. Rogues havent had many minions that are big on their own, so try to add minions whose real value is in their effects. It is everyone's first choice when it comes to playing with full potential. There are many like it, but this one is mine. New buckets will be added to cover the cards from the newly . Realistically, Mages are the only ones who can pull this off. Youll usually end up burning far more important cards when your hand is full of stuff thats really hard to empty out due to how expensive they are. Thats pretty limiting in some classes. Finley has some fairly versatile Hero Power that arent necessarily tied to a specific game plan, but they are particularly more useful in certain ones. And sometimes you run Stonehearth Vindicator to draw one and play right away, which doesnt give you a minion at all. A lot of decks cant afford to run too many cheap cards and/or dont really have anything that really needs to be cheated out. Hyperblaster can kill anything across multiple turns, which will make your opponent hesitate when they would otherwise play a highly statted minion. Early game (even without buffs), he can snowball by creating more copies of himself than the opponent can handle. One of the best ways to use this is alongside minions whose Deathrattles summon bigger things. As control is the most common game plan for Elise decks, Addarah is naturally the most picked starting Treasure since it comes with one of the strongest types of removal in the game. Out of all the Starting Treasures that scale throughout the run. Milling your opponent is also a niche way to use it if the opportunity arises.Dreamgrove Ring gives you the chance to load up your board with big and scary threats, but it robs you of the ability to do much else. Tier 3: Out of all the three-stage treasures, Surly Mob is probably the best. But now it can contribute to the all-powerful Questline The Demon Seed, and it does a VERY good job at rushing the Quest progress and abusing the effect afterwards. Skeleton Mage is helped out by Treasures like. Blood Parasite is probably to best Hero Power out of her three. Hearthstone Patch 22.0, which went live yesterday and has set the stage for Fractured in Alterac Valley, brought some rather significant changes to Duels:. With Wyrm Bolt and Bring on Recruits being so prevalent, people often use it as a card-free way to handle them. [Hearthstone] Added the "Mech" tag to The Purator. Warmaster's Frenzy is mostly just synergistic with Warrior, but it thankfully has Warrior as its starting allied class. Most decks love to Discover, and Staking A Claim not only gives you free tempo, but its not limited to once per turn! However, you need to have both the two cheap cards in your hand as well something big and worth the effort to turbo out. Runed Soulblade is a good weapon in its own right, but your opponent can play around it and waste its durability and potential. While Idols of Elune is just a weaker version of Double Time, getting twice the value out of a spell is extremely good. This guide will help you with ideas regarding how to start building your own Duels decks; including potential starting builds, strongest treasures, and combos to look out for when drafting! The main thing holding this back is having a deck with enough Arcane spells to have it be offered as a draft option and to fully abuse it. Cannibalism and From the Swamp move into primary passive pool with effects that match the strength of their competitors. There's enough Big Demon support to allow this archetype to hold its own in Duels. Glacial Downpour really fell from grace having its generated minion be a measly Ice Shard rather than the previously beefy Water Elemental. At (3) mana, its pretty difficult to make impactful combos. Both classes even have Secrets that work towards Sr. Tomb Divers Battlecry. Here is the place! Magnetic Mines is the most used and serves as its decks win condition given that they maintain Armor long enough; all of which take Scrapmetal Demolitionist to further this strategy. Affected decks are still usable, but varying levels of weaker. On the one hand, the site is an incredible source of information for Duels, since all these decks came from that page. Tier 2: Vampiric Fangs can provide big Heal to classes the otherwise lack it and struggle against decks based around Magnetic Mines and Mind Tether, while functioning as targeted removal. Unholy Embrace is a little too expensive (both in terms of mana and corpses) and makes it hard to use in Duels. However, Reno has the special attribute of being part Mage that allows him to play this minion and follow it up with something insane like Drakefire Amulet or Rune of the Archmage as early as turn 4! Scion of the Deep gives you the option of cheating out a big spell relatively early, and can steal games in the right opening hand. Duels Advanced Guide - With Deck Lists and Treasure Tiers Duels: Practical Guide to go Infinite in HC Duels . Even if you dont get it, the other Fel Treasure is good as well. Tavern Tickets have replaced Arena Tickets. I dont think I have it in me to go back to the drawing board for a bunch of them at the moment. Creator Notes: This is a Rush Warrior deck. The only instance of this being the go-to pick is when running Royal Greatsword for the targeted draw and being able to use it a turn early. This can also specifically shutdown bomb Warriors most of the time. This is especially true in a game mode that has a lot more removal on average. . For aggressive strategies, Elise's Machete is a fantastic choice as it provides plenty of damage and Rush stats all in one reasonably priced weapon! Cataclysm. but if you Google hearthstone duels tier deck lists 2021 for example ; ) you may find some info. With Mind Tether thats pretty much all you need to win. It's just Druid decks they'd work with are ones I usually see have more generic treasures instead. Promote! Mummy Magic and Special Delivery also function similarly as a doubling effect, except by generating a 1-Health version of the minion instead of duplicating its effect. Tier 3: All Together Nowhas gone through several nerfs, but still remains a solid pick since it discounts one of the most prevalent and useful types of minions in the game. Several will be grouped up as the reason for their level of usefulness maybe be similar, and some are effectively negligible and dont really need its own separate explanation as to why its as good/bad as it is. Creator Notes: Basically everything is removal or gives you more stuff. Level up. It also has extra interactions with other things, especially treasure that summon copies of your minions. It may not have as much Nature abuse, it does take advantage of cards Druids would love to use but cant like Palm Reading and Priestess Valishj. They made the Treasure Detective Murloc Holmesto distinguish it. Explore the Hearthstone meta game and find out how the archetypes match up. Wasn't all that powerful. To sum up, you now have a deck option for every class. The truth is that the ten classes aren't very well balanced at the moment, and if you pick a better class (and better Hero Power), you're more likely to succeed. Cloak of Emerald Dreams is arguably the best of the new card generating passives. Questline Pirate Warrior. Hearthstone's newest Game Mode has been gaining a lot of traction and will be officially releasing this week! Staff of Pain can really push the progress and value of The Demon Seed. Even if you dont get a giant minion, youll almost certainly get more than your mana's worth of value. I'm thinking about moving Mending Pools up too. Mysterious Tome is arguably one of the best purely generic primary passives. Stacking cheap spells can build up. This makes it hard for this passive to reliably help you. Plus, most of the possible cards either require a certain game state to be useful or are just worse than most treasures. Spell-heavy decks tend to do a lot of Discovering, and Orb of Revelation gives them mass discounts to their hand when it has several of their spells that arent already cheap. Wax Rager is the stickiest minion alive and can slowly deal 5 damage a turn endlessly if your opponent doesn't have a way to specifically get rid of it. Even though youre screwing with your opponents hand, you still have to be lucky to not have everything set you back even further. Blizzard 25 comments Dec 21, 2022 at 12:21 by Staff. There is a fun little Scales of Onyxia gimmick, but right now there aren't a lot of Dragon decks out there making it into the late runs. I think it's only worked a few times I use it and probably isn't for everyone. Their delayed value as opposed to the passives with much faster if not instant value holds them back though. Elemental Learning is also a fantastic card for Mana-efficient resources. A new Hearthstone game mode - Duels - was released in Darkmoon Faire expansion. Soul Fragments have direct synergy with each other, consistent bucket support, and do well alongside Battlecry related treasures. A pair of free 3/3s per Fel spell is great, but the way in which you get it is pretty slow for what you need to be able to do to keep up in a Duels game. Why doesn'tVast Wisdom trigger Staking a Claim? what sets are rotating out of standard hearthstone 2023. They use it with death rattle minions, quite effectively.And it seems like most Hunters are playing Brann with Shockspitter.
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