Liz gets drunk with Sonia and hears a graphic confession to Don's murder. A desperate Judy seeks her father's help, but his callous rejection pushes Judy to commit a vicious act. S6 E6 Jake originally worked at Walford until he feared he was going to lose his job for providing drugs to the prisoners. When Jake saves Liz's life in a selfless act, Vera is forced to reassess her opinion of him. 2. In episode one, Vera is first seen in the security room watching Ferguson in the kitchen, Jake says that she needs to stop because its interfering with her life. Will Jackson is a Correctional Officer of Wentworth Correctional Facility and was a main character of the Foxtel series Wentworth. Is told to get the hurry on by Linda about Ruby not returning. In episode nine, Jake says that he has seen the news reports of Joan saying that she could get off. Wentworth has been . The ninth season of Wentworth will become available on Netflix on October 27, 2021. After the shocking death of Bea Smith (Danielle Cormack), inmates and staff of Wentworth Correctional center have come a long way. In episode three, Jake argues with Ann in a meeting saying that the prison is understaffed for drug tests and argues about being understaffed in general he later tells Kelly to sit back down after she dumps desert on Boomer's head. Jake, Linda and Will later drug bust Kosta and Hutchins and find a lot more then they bargain for. When word gets out that Franky is to be released back into the compound, Jacs plans a brutal attack. Will realises he's been played, and vows to expose the truth. Vera takes photos of Miller's notes on Joan and later reads them and finds out that Joan indeed has her memory back. Meanwhile, Franky is preparing for her release. Jake Stewart (Bernard Curry) (seasons 4-8) is a senior officer who served as a guard at Walford Prison before being transferred to Wentworth, Stewart shared a sexual relationship with guard Sean Brody. None of us are thanks to you.". S2 E12 Allie learns that Marie is getting surveillance photographs smuggled in that shows the attack on her son and Ruby panics. Battle Lines. Nearing the point of stepping down as top dog, she is thrown a lifeline from an unlikely ally. Stewart's arrival at Wentworth is overseen by Vera Bennett and shown around the prison by Will Jackson. In episode nine, Vera is first seen in court watching Joan's trial continue, she watches on as Greg Miller lies through his teeth. When she goes missing a search of the prison turns violent for Will and Fletch. When Vera returns to the prison she is stopped by Jake in the elevator and he says to her that she's just spinning it to look good in the media. Neither is aware that Ferguson is tracking them carefully. Wentworth has returned for a final season and will be on Netflix in multiple regions. S5 E5 In episode five Jake is with Vera and Will when they learn of Ferguson's "total memory loss" and is later present at the presentation that Ann is giving, Jake laughs at it and later lets Ruby out on day release and has a shift in the laundry. She is painted as a 'screw-lover', and rapidly begins to lose the support of the women. Feeling betrayed, Vera takes steps to have Bridget dismissed and expose her relationship with Franky, but is forced to backtrack and enlist Bridget's help instead, when Ferguson makes a bid to be released into the general prison population. S8 E3 Although she does become stricter she still a bit lenient as governor. Jake Stewart is former Deputy Governor of Wentworth Correctional Facility and a main character in the Foxtel series Wentworth.He was brought in to replace the character of Fletch in Season 4.. Jake originally worked at Walford until he feared he was going to lose his job for providing drugs to the prisoners. After which he set out on a mission to track down her killer until he found out about her affair with his good friend Matthew . Meanwhile, Bea finds herself at her lowest ebb as she realises the toll the war against Ferguson is having on those closest to her. S3 E5 Meanwhile Lucy sees an opportunity to turn things to her advantage. You were the only one who saw through his lies." 2) Jake hits rock bottom, but. S2 E2 He was introduced as correctional officer, and husband of Governor Meg Jackson up until her death. Joan regains her memory and has urges that she wants to attack the people who wronged her. S4 E10 Jake is later seen in the security room wanting to take Grace for the night so Vera could get some sleep. Sonia's trial is underway, and Liz is brought in as the prosecution's star witness - but who is playing who? Vera makes her way to safety and is hugged by Jake. But Franky's triumph rapidly turns to despair when a violent act sees her hope of exoneration dashed. In episode seven, Vera is present when Will tells everyone about the threat that Lou has made to them. Meanwhile Bea is concerned at the police interest in Will, and shocked when he makes a startling confession. Will and Kaz, now friendly, find out Jake is the corrupt officer bringing drugs to the prison, Will asks Kaz to tell Allie Novak to speak to Vera, but Kaz refuses believing Vera would listen to Will. Payback. He tries to help her up but is pushed away. Smitten. Allie makes a pact with Vera and Will which has devastating personal consequences while a crucial step in Boomer's quest for motherhood is achieved. Vera is also dealing with her ailing mother and the stresses of looking after her and being demoted back to deputy governor, Vera goes under the wing of Ferguson who teaches Vera all that she knows. In episode 6, Jake's jealously again comes to the forefront, as he is pissed off that Vera is close to Miller, and Jake later learns off of Nurse Shen that Liz's medication helps but she had a rocky start to the medication due to a psychotic episode, later Jake sneaks into Miller's office and takes a photo of Liz's file and reports him to the medical board, he also spots Brody handing drugs over to Marie, and when Brody tries to blackmail him, Jake smashes him up against his locker and says that he has been blackmailed by smarter people than him (meaning Ferguson), Jake is later suspended as Brody has falsely accused him of a "sustained campaign of sexual harassment" Jake refuses to believe it but he leaves the room suspended pending an internal investigation. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Jake is also there when Liz wants to tango with someone but not one of the prisoners know how to, Jake decides to tango and tick of an item on Liz's list. In episode three, Vera is standing during the meeting Ann has with the guards. Jake leads Marie back into general. A critically-acclaimed, award-winning gritty drama that follows the inmates of a women's prison. It has prisoners who weren't involved in the siege..". Bea sets in motion her final, audacious plan to exact revenge on Brayden Holt. Vera later goes on a night out with Ann and leaves Grace with Jake. Jake tells Vera this. But Ferguson has underestimated Bea, who starts a riot amongst the prisoners. Significant Others Joan Ferguson, aka "The Freak" (Pamela Rabe), finally told Vera (Kate Atkinson) the truth about Jake (Bernard Curry). but Stewart had a plan to flood the prison with gear from Turk whom he ended up in severe debt to. Ferguson wants to stamp out drugs inside the prison and for obvious reasons Bea finds herself on common ground with the Governor. Jake later leads to her into the yard. Vera leaves the bar and sees Ann having sex in the alley. In S7 its confirmed that Jake was ex-lovers with Walford officer Sean Brody. Any video suggestion. Fox Showcase, who air the show in its native Australia, has announced that the show is coming back for Season 9, which is expected to air Down Under in 2021, will be the final one for the show . Since wrapping up filming of the cult prison drama in 2020, Kate has . In episode 5, Jake sides with Vera and says that the memorial is a bad idea and during the memorial he talks with Linda who holds a fire extinguisher who tells him that the prison "isn't burning down on her watch." 5. Atonement. Later when the riot takes hold Vera runs to the creche where a traumatised Linda is and takes her baton to end the creche side of the riot. With her hopes of release fading, Rita is forced to take drastic measures to prevent Ray from wasting his life on her. when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. Wentworth is a drama series that is broadcast on Australian television. S1 E2 Vera talks with Linda when Joan is with the police, Vera rushes in when a passport with Grace was seized. He soon became used as a pawn by Ferguson after she helped him with his drug debt. Jake and Vera see on the CCTV a brawler has been sitting in the sally port for the last 20 minutes. When Ferguson challenges Vera's decision, she's left bewildered and wondering whether Ferguson has a death-wish. Snakehead. Bea awakes blissfully happy after a night with Allie but it is the eve of Ferguson's trial and the Freak has been relentless in putting the final touches to her scheme for freedom and exoneration. The Reckoning. In episode one Jake is present at the governor's meeting when the guards learn that Lou Kelly and Reb Keane are making their way to the prison on a prison bus. Vera in episode 7, informs Rita that the doctors need to operate immediately and Rita asks if she can go and see her, but Vera says she'll speak to Will about it, Vera then grills Will about why he released Marie from the slot so early and says that just because Marie is grieving her son its not a good look for drugs to be seen. Franky's under fire. Vera is faced with the ethical problem of investigating who let Bea into a restricted area. When they have another meeting Jake tells the officers Marie will be in H5 as it had "no prisoners from the siege" Linda retorts back saying "it wasn't just prisoners in the siege". In episode eight Vera is present when she learns off of Will that Ann is recovering in hospital and is stable, Vera and Will try to get Allie to cooperate in giving them a name. Season 4 Vera becomes Governor of Wentworth after Joan is arrested and sent to Wentworth Correctional Centre as an inmate.. Vera struggles in the governorship due to several incidents and a board after blood. When new Indigenous inmate, Tasha, is put under Doreen's care, Ferguson sees an opportunity to force Kaz into action against Bea. Judy makes an enemy of Ann Reynolds, but enables Ruby to finally get in touch with Rita. 3. S9 E1 Here's a guide to when you can watch season 9 on Netflix including a confirmed Netflix US date and predicted release dates for other regions around the globe. When Ferguson's pet goldfish dies, she identifies her lack of emotion at the death as a potential weakness, rather than strength. In episode six Jake tells Lou that she is needed in medical to have her finger looked at. But can she convince anyone she's a reliable witness? when does vera find out about jake on wentworth. The Danger Within. Lombard then asks if Vera actually did drown the kid. In episode 8 Will is still angry at Vera, but he understands in the end why she did what she had to. Franky has commenced her sessions with Bridget, and in a candid moment admits to a desire for revenge against Bea. Vera and Rita go back to Wentworth and Rita tells her to get some sleep, Will is standing in the entrance to the slot furious. Start-up Hub; Incubation centre; Funding your idea; Maker space; Trading Lab. In episode three seen in the prisons call centre, helping prisoners make calls about internet providers, when Boomer falls ill Vera escorts her to medical. Agendas and conspiracies clash as several life-and-death struggles reach their dramatic conclusion. Vera watches on as Joan freaks out and reveals she killed her, but when Linda knocks her out cold Joan is taken to medical where Greg tells Vera that whatever she said under LSD is meaningless. Under Siege (Part Two). Meanwhile, Doreen sets up a greenhouse project for the garden, and meets male prisoner, Nash, with whom she shares an immediate attraction. When Linda says that Jake hasn't been seen since. S6 E3 Marie enacts her plan to bust out of Wentworth while Liz spirals into a psychotic meltdown. With the murder charge against her dropped, Sonia is free to tie up loose ends. S4 E7 Vera learns off of Linda Miles for the count that 5 officers and 28 prisoners are unaccounted for. In episode 8 Jake returns to work and immediately notices Linda upset after losing on a bet, and when Sean laughs at it Jake gives him a feral look, Jake also gives Liz a letter from Artie, and learns from Liz that the medication is working when he thinks it didn't. Eleventh Hour. S3 E6 S7 E9 S6 E9 Scars. S6 E4 First Blood. Blood & Fire. A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media Eve tells him boiled onion water. S4 E1 S9 E8 Ends And Means. In episode ten Vera struggles to settle Grace as she deals with Ferguson's upcoming committal hearing and the stress of the prison. Following the riot, Bea must balance an uneasy peace with Ferguson with the needs and expectations of the women. In the end, the goodies won, and that's only to be expected. Vera learns from Ann that her daughter died in a blast caused by terrorists and Judy reminds her of everything she lost. Alive Vera returns to work after her mothers funeral with an entirely new personality. Its success is largely due to the relatability of the prisoner and prison guard characters, who deal with real-life issues in a more controlled setting. hessy wa kayole pictures. In episode three Jake takes down Judy's details when Judy comes into the prison on charges. Fear Her. But when the body is revealed to be Kosta's the SOG are sent in to help end the siege. Marie's efforts to have her conviction overturned backfire when her protector attempts to silence her permanently. S8 E10 Vera later helped bring down Ferguson taking her complaints to the board. Vera talks with Ann and says that Ann needs to realise that she cannot bare an entire burden on herself. When they learn that 5 officers and 28 prisoners are still unaccounted for including Joan, Jake just says Joan is no longer their problem if she is dead. Wentworth isn't Ferguson's prison - it's Bea's. Jake makes a run for it and tells Vera that Ferguson is awake. Jake is still seen on extremely shaky ground with Vera, and in the premiere is very protective of her, stopping a game of basketball due to Kosta becoming rowdy and throwing a ball at her and says "you could've hurt Vera." Jake wants to do more and tells Vera he loved spending time with her. . Marie enlists Sheila's help to take out Lou, with tragic unforeseen consequences. He says to Vera later she hasn't broken character and it might be the real deal. In episode Five Vera stands with Will and Jake and hears him read the medical report on Ferguson. Wentworth Season 8 part 2 or "season 9" begins airing on the 24th August 2021 after confirmation that the final twenty episode will be split up over two years. Amid further allegations she manipulated Jodie Spiteri to horrifically self-harm, Ferguson angles to remove her most ardent accuser, Bridget Westfall. In episode ten, Jake is seen during the officer meeting where Will is telling everyone that they now need to be extra vigilant after Marie's death. But when Jake smuggles a new batch of drugs into the prison for Tina, Bea gets wind of the stash and orders Tina to flush the gear. Vera later lets Judy phone her dad. S5 E12 Vera is forced to promote Jake to deputy after Will tests positive to drugs. Meanwhile, Doreen fronts the Board for her transfer application and makes an impassioned pitch. But when she challenges Franky to talk about her mother, she elicits a confession she wasn't expecting. Vera runs into Miller and tells him to read several other inmates files on what Ferguson was involved in and Will later stand in the security room and threaten to bring down both Ferguson and Miller. The Things We Do, S1 E5 During what becomes an angry exchange, Bea is left with a shattering notion. Vera says to Jake that Grace slept through the night at the sleep clinic but she needs routine. My second most hated character is Allie, and finally, my third most hated character is Allie. S3 E2 The first ever conjugal visit takes place at the prison, and Boomer shamelessly attempts to impregnate herself to her deadbeat ex-boyfriend, Daz. In episode 9 Vera listens to Marie and Will have sex in her office during the night, and in the morning confronts him about it, Will tries to justify his actions but Vera tells him "At least I didn't bury a prisoner alive." S4 E4 kisha e shen palit en rochester. Vera runs off for a meeting with Will. S9 E10 Ferguson returns from the burns unit and is placed in a medical hold under the supervision of Jake. Vera and officers later watch Allie attack her legs and when Allie is in medical Miller says it may be because of PTSD. Jake returns to her later and said that it worked. Jake escorts Kelly into the prison and tells the staff to process her then slot her. Liz, back inside, clings to the hope that Don will get her perjury charge dropped. Kaz and Rita form an alliance. He is later seen in the shower block when Allie shivs her own legs.. Jake is last seen when Ann says she would like a car ride home as her "calf is playing up". Revenant. 4. In episode six, Vera is present in the officer meeting when Ann says that she wants to find the camera at any cost. Mind Games. Vera earns the nickname 'Vinegar Tits' after a cruel prank meant for Matthew Fletcher backfired. In episode one Vera is enjoying maternity leave, when she meets up with old colleague Ann Reynolds for coffee, Ann wants her to come back to work, which at first declines, but decides to take the role of Industries Manager on the condition that Will remains governor. S3 E7 Lombard responds that he doesn't believe in the supernatural. S9 E7 The fact that she now despises Jake after finding out he was using her while he was under the thumb of 'The Freak . They just got together and then Bea dies not long after. Divide And Conquer. Jake eventually cuts ties with Turk. How can you be like that to Vera? It was executively produced by FremantleMedia's Director of Drama, Jo Porter. Jake talks with Eve who says she would like some vodka as she has a shot before she goes to bed. As Bea and Allie take their illicit affair further, Bea finds herself uncharacteristically tentative and vulnerable. Meanwhile, Vera is forced to choose between professionalism and her love for Jake. Bea questions whether she has the stamina or desire to be Top Dog for the next forty years of her sentence. He later finds out that Vera is pregnant and he says he can make it work, but Vera refuses and tells him he will have nothing to do in her life or the babys. Meanwhile, while Sonia and Boomer join forces in a new work project which involves erecting hanging plant pots. Vera asks Reb if he knows about what happened with Rattray, Reb denies knowledge and walks away, Vera tells Marie that she will be charged with assault on Rattray, which forces Reb to tell Vera the truth. Meanwhile, Franky is released from the slot and plans her imminent escape with Allie, only for Kaz to urge her to join forces and bring Ferguson down. Seizing on the recent death of her father - that sends Kaz into an inexplicable spiral - Ferguson realises that Kaz was a victim of abuse at his hands. S9 E6 S2 E5 He is portrayed by Robbie Magasiva. Under the pump and certain that Ferguson is planning to ambush her chances, Franky offends former lover Kim, who retaliates by planting drugs, in the form of heroin-filled balloons, in Franky's cell. The Boxer. In episode nine Vera talks with Greg about him going to Joan's committal hearing and she connects the dots between the guy who bashed her and the money he took, Vera and Joan then have words in the kitchen storeroom. S3 E8 Season finale. In episode two Jake is seen saying goodbye to Grace in the nursery. Wentworth is a dynamic, often confronting, drama series that begins with Bea's early days in prison. S6 E8 Ferguson, having found protection in Kaz's crew, cunningly blames Will for her brutal ganging, a move which only strengthens Kaz's support for her. Vera talks with Allie and tells her that what Ferguson said under the LSD is meaningless. The Long Game. Vera and the team are happy when Allie is brought out of the prison alive. As always, Ferguson has an endgame but will she live to accomplish it? Meanwhile, Boomer's gutted when Channing demands Sonia's "Green Wall" project is shut down after a disastrous presentation, further fuelling tensions between Sonia and Liz. Does Jake find out Vera is pregnant? 4 ervna, 2022; Posted by: Jake's past is also revealed when he speaks with Sean he admits that he was going straight after being gay and turning his life around after years of being bent. Vera tells Ann they don't have enough cells to put drug users in, Ann says she doesn't want them in isolation, she wants them visible. Ann attacks Vera to the point Vera losses consciousness, Vera sees Joan but she passes out before she could see what Joan does. Later when Jake is in the admin bay he asks Vera if she knows why a brawler is just sitting in the sallyport, she doesn't know why. In the wake of the shock murder, suspicion turns on various inmates and Ruby sacrifices her freedom for her sister. S2 E7 Jail Birds. After the tense cliffhanger ending of the eighth season, fans must be eager to see the characters back on the screen. Bleed Out. In episode two, Vera returns to work as Industries Manager and tells them about the decision to let the women work in the call centre. With Bea in the slot, Ferguson intensifies her manipulation of Kaz. The Edge. S5 E8 In episode ten, Jake is seen during the officer meeting where Will is telling everyone that they now need to be extra vigilant after Marie's death. Will and Vera talk where Vera says she is calling it off as she doesn't want to put anyone else at risk. No Place Like Home Jake helps Joan gets into the box in the workshop to be shipped out. Jake later tells Joan again that Miller is responsible for Liz Birdsworth's death as he prescribed her the wrong medication which caused her stroke. S5 E9 If you seek to know the whereabouts of the ninth installment of the series, let us help you out! Even if . Bridget identifies Franky as someone she could really help, but Franky refuses to engage, venting her frustration by trashing the Education Unit. S7 E8 Wentworth explores interesting social dynamics in a prison setting. Jake Stewart is former Deputy Governor of Wentworth Correctional Facility and a main character in the Foxtel series Wentworth. Wentworth's Final Sentence: Second Episode. Later Vera returns to court with a folder full of notes she would be ready to show the court until Ferguson reveals she has had her memory back for a while. Rita faces an impossible dilemma, while Kaz gets the better of Marie and Vera learns the gender of her baby, casting doubt over her mothering skills. He manages to make it too the boiler room to see Vera has delivered there child safely and Vera names her Grace, Grace is seen touching Jake's finger and its revealed to Boomer and Liz that Jake is the father. "H5. The extent of Bea's plan is revealed as she makes the final moves to avenge Debbie's death. She was quite a pleasant officer to begin with, trying to get to know the prisoners as people, trying to help prisoners adjust to life at Wentworth, and so on.. Vera helped to induct Bea Smith, and was a bit of a friend to her in general. Wentworth. Jake takes Eve there and when he comes back, Eve jumps on him and he wrestles her off and throws her to the floor. Jake is later asked by Vera to look after Grace for the night, Jake agrees and then asks Eve again to give him some more ideas to get rid of colic. Twist the Knife. S6 E7 Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Someone discovers Liz's secret, but are they friend or foe? Allie's torn between her allegiance to Kaz and the Red Right Hand, and her new friendship with Franky. Vera finds Ann going through the paperwork in the admin area, Vera asks Ann why she hasn't made it out of the prison yet, Ann says that they had to let the bomb in to tie it too Judy. in . Fractured. As Sonia tries to spin her "Angel of Wentworth" PR into an innocence campaign, her past crimes threaten to derail her. Brody takes the drugs, but decides to keep his most valuable hostage, Vera, as leverage.