(Nu 10:29-33) Judges 4:11 calls Hobab the father-in-law of Moses rather than his brother-in-law, and this has caused difficulty in understanding. Amalekite herder : All right, all right. But there were well over 1.5 million. By Sophie McEvoy / June 27, 2021 9:18 pm EST. See HOBAB and RAGUEL. Some other biblical commentators also understand the text to mean that the women were Egyptian (eg Abarbanel, Judah heHasid). After her husband Machlon died without . Jethro Name Origin: Hebrew Pronunciation: j (e)-th-ro See what 2 people think about Jethro Popularity Alternatives Lists Comments Ask your friends & family about Jethro Jethro Name Popularity How popular is the name Jethro? However, Zipporah is shown as fiercely devoted to her husband, even though he neglects her. While the Masoretic tradition assumes that they are themselves Hebrew women, this is by no means clear. After all, if Moses treats him with such deference, such respect, as to kneel before him, Jethro must deserve it. In the Hebrew Bible, Jethro (/dro/; Hebrew: .mw-parser-output .script-hebrew,.mw-parser-output .script-Hebr{font-family:"SBL Hebrew","SBL BibLit","Taamey Ashkenaz","Taamey Frank CLM","Frank Ruehl CLM","Ezra SIL","Ezra SIL SR","Keter Aram Tsova","Taamey David CLM","Keter YG","Shofar","David CLM","Hadasim CLM","Simple CLM","Nachlieli",Cardo,Alef,"Noto Serif Hebrew","Noto Sans Hebrew","David Libre",David,"Times New Roman",Gisha,Arial,FreeSerif,FreeSans}, Modern:Ytr, Tiberian:Yr, lit. In all seriousness, I thought I had heard that Aaron suggested that Arent there enough of us enslaved already? So Moses sent his family back to Midian. Grateful, Jethro invited Moses to stay and break bread with him: Moses consented to stay with the man, and he gave Moses his daughter Zipporah as wife (Exodus 2:21).Later, when Moses returns from freeing the Israelites from Egypt, Jethro proclaims the Israelite Gods glory, saying, Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods (Exodus 18:11). A sheepherder decided when to move the herds and found suitable grazing. Jethro was the priest of Midian. Being head of a large family of at least seven daughters and one named son (Ex 2:15, 16; Nu 10:29), and having the responsibility not only to provide for his family materially but also to lead them in worship, he is appropriately called the priest [or chieftain] of Midian. This of itself does not necessarily indicate worship of Jehovah God; but Jethros ancestors may have had true worship inculcated in them, and some of this perhaps continued in the family. [3][4], Muslim scholars and the Druze identify Jethro with the prophet Shuayb, also said to come from Midian. Jethro Tull, musician. Perhaps. Equally fascinating is that David's pious great-grandmother Ruth demonstrated the very same quality when she entered Israel. There is no proof that Yethro was Abrahams descendant. However, Moses remained conscious that he was a stranger in exile, naming his first son (Jethro's grandson) "Gershom", meaning "stranger there". 11), and "Putiel"; Eleazar's father-in-law (Ex. When the Hebrews were at mount Sinai, he visited Moses, gave him some wise counsel as to the government of the tribes, and then returned to his own people. August 2, 2013 By following God, his simple life has been joyful and fulfilling. RT @firstladyship: Seyi Tinubu's wife is Igbo from Anambra, her name is Chinwe. The great medieval Jewish commentator Rashi, however, says that despite Jethros happiness for the Israelites, he felt prickles of unease over the fate of the Egyptians. For when the whole world heard of the might of the Blessed Holy One, they trembled, and all of them looked toward Jethro, who was wise and the ordained chief of all false gods of the world. Credited in the movie as Babette (her middle name), Bain shared an early scene with Martha Scott -- who played her mother and the mother of the infant Moses (Fraser Heston). The sister comes from her hiding place and suggests to the Pharaohs daughter that she can find a wet-nurse. 6:25), where it is stated that Eleazar the son of Aaron married one of Putiel's daughters, and that their son was Phinehas. The stupefying thing is that Moses accepted! I feel some credence could be given to David Rohls suggestion (The Lost Testament chapter nine pp 188-189) that Jethro, as a descendant of Abraham, would have been more familiar with the traditions and fireside stories about his lineage than the Hebrew slaves in Egypt. Abraham, Lot and Isaac moved about with very large herds. When Moses showed up in Midian and admitted to Jethro that he was fleeing from Pharaoh, Jethrowho was an advisor to Pharaoh at the . Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. Jethros son Hobab was requested by Moses to be a scout. by abundant, As you were reading Exodus 2 and 3 you may have noticed something that appears to be a discrepancy in the naming of Moses' father-in-law. Return to Amish viewers first met Jethro during season 6, which premiered in March 2021, nearly four years after their romance first began in 2017.At the time, she was pregnant with their first . Moses and Zipporah had a second son in Midian. Nothing is said about a possible trip when they would have been brought back to Midian apart from the group led by Moses. Bible Review's Supporting Roles by Elie Wiesel. 6I am the God who was worshiped by your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.. "[26][27] According to Druze belief, Moses was allowed to wed Zipporah, the daughter of Jethro, after helping save his daughters and their flock from competing herdsmen. Is this a way of balancing our understanding of the man? Zipporah is the wife of Moses, given to him in marriage by her Midianite priest father. Shifra and Puah, two brave women who stood up against the powers in their country, who saw human beings where the Pharaoh saw a population of migrants threatening his country, who revered God and acted both morally and with compassion, remind us that we are not alone as Jews. According to Mugnaini (1994), the painting would have included two other events of the life of the young Moses, namely the killing of an Egyptian who had attacked a Jewish (ES I, 1112) and when he intervene to sopt a fight between two Jews (ES I, 1315).[7]. The Bible never mentions their names, only the names of their Some believe Midian is within the Sinai Peninsula. And Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful of form and face. There are cases of them even contradicting scripture and they certainly all contradict each other. vi. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World. The name of the one was Gershom (for he said, "I have been a sojourner in a foreign land"), and the name of the other, Eliezer (for he said, "The God of my father was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh"). Royalty-free Creative Video Editorial . This would make Hobab Moses' brother-in-law. If you have any further questions or need help on another topic, leave your comments below! Their names are Maia, Elektra, Taigeti, Alcyon, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope. In other words, its not a positive portrayal of Jethro in these cases. There is strong evidence that Judges 4:11, regarding Hobab, should be translated Moses brother-in-law, because the Hebrew word simply means one who is related by marriage. [7], There is a pendant, Rebecca in the Well almost certainly a copy of Rosso attributed to Giovanni Antonio Lappoli, in the National Museum of the Royal Palace, in Pisa[6], The painting represents the biblical episode of Exodus (I, 1622), when the seven daughters of Jethro, a priest of the land of Midian, were harassed by a group of Midianite shepherds as they draw water from a well to water their father's flock. The reclining figure in the foreground, with the violent foreshortening, will be an important source of inspiration for the Florentine Mannerists, such as Bronzino. Tzipporah's sisters are minor characters in The Prince of Egypt. Technically a shepherd is different than a sheepherder, although they share some of the same duties. I leave the reader to decide. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002454 On first reading the biblical text, Jethro seems a simple person, almost monolithic, someone who impresses us most as a family man. It instilled the appreciation for quiet companionship the sheepy kind, at least. When Jacob met Rachel at the well, he questioned why all the sheep were laying around rather than being watered. Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods; for in the very thing in which they behaved proudly, He was above them". [3] In Solomons ancient love poem, he refers to the Shulamite as being dark skinned from a life outdoors, tending the vineyard and caring for her flock of goats (Song of Solomon 1:5-8). Because they were women? It built her strength and health. And Zipporah gives birth to a boy, Gershom, named for Moses alienation: I have been a stranger in a strange land. It seems that Moses does not circumcise his son or bring him into the brit/covenant of Abraham, either because this is unknown to him or because his alienation extends to his relationship with the Israelites. Is the erasure of their identities and their active choices that changed our history forever down to conspiracy or to accident? Read Elie Wiesels essay on Jethro in the Bible as it originally appeared in Bible Review, June 1998.Ed. Now Jacob loved Rachel, so he said, "I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel."read more. [18][19], Nabi Shuayb is the site recognized by Druze as the tomb of Shuayb. Zondervan, 1992. . R. xxvii. Moses would not have entreated an 80 year old man, Reuel (one who was in need of the strength and vigor to drive away desert dwelling Bedouins competing for water) to be a scout for Israel. Moses wasnt even Jewish, but he was Israelite, of which Judahites (later Jews) were a tribe, then more or less a nation (Judah). Complementary colors are often juxtaposed and the geometric shapes used in the pictorial surfaces are varied: this contributes to canceling the sense of spatial depth and plasticity of the volumes, in a decidedly anticlassical direction. Moses : Let them be first whose hands have drawn the water. [15], Jethro, Moses' non-Hebrew father-in-law, is a central figure, particularly in the rites and pilgrimages, of the Druze religion. 8 years of Archaeology Odyssey online, exploring the ancient roots of the Western world in a scholarly and entertaining way, The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. As a reward, Moses was given one of the girls as his wife, Zipporah. 11. And the children of the Kenite, Moses' father in law, went up out of the city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah, which lieth in the south of Arad; and they went and dwelt among the people. And what about the information that God dealt well with the midwives and rewarded them [with households]? Exodus 2:18 "the girls returned to Reuel their father". Commenting on the size of nomadic herds, Borowski states, Herds can be very large, from 150,000 to 200,000 animals, and they are comprised of one species or are mixed.[5] The young nomadic women worked close to home. &"Daily Bible Study--Jethro", Wayne Blank. (iii) Priest of Midian and The 7 Daughters Exodus 2:16 Explained. Now Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, had taken Zipporah, Moses' wife, after he had sent her home, along with her two sons. The second idea is that Reuel could be the father of the clan (or household) and the daughters of Jethro were, therefore, attributed to Reuel. Jethro, also referred to as Reuel ( Exodus 2:18 ), is the priest of Midian who owned flocks ( Exodus 2:16) and became Moses' father-in-law ( Exodus 2:21 ). I will bring my people out of Egypt into a country where there is a lot of good land, rich with milk and honey. Jethro's last name is Bodine. Jacob had two wives, they were the daughters of Laban, their The word vayihad is related to the Aramaic chiddudim, prickles. One Jewish Bible commentary explains that Jethro was so overcome with joy that he felt goose bumps. A passage from the book of Zohar (2:69a) sums up the significance of Jethros conversion to Yahwehism: If Hobab were another name for Jethro, as some suggest, it would also mean that two men, father and son, bore the name Hobab. [20][21] Each year on 25 April, the Druze gather at the site in a holiday known as Ziyarat al-Nabi Shuayb to discuss community affairs and commemorate the anniversary of Jethro's death with singing, dancing and feasting. In the first passage Hobab is describes as the son of Reuel the Midianite--then note that the comma's placement shows we are describing Reuel as Moses' father-in-law. A vengeful cartel member tracked them down and shot the agent in the head. So we have three names: Reuel, Jethro, and Hobab which all seem to refer to Moses' father-in-law, but becomes confused by the issue of Hobab seeming to be both Moses' father-in-law and the decendent of Reuel who we also posit is Moses' father-in-law! To be sure, Jethro is shown in a positive light. Yethro, if ever existed, was just a priest of Midianatic God. The rabbis identify Putiel with Jethro and give two homiletical interpretations of the name, one praiseworthy and the other . Contemporary English Version (CEV). sons born to them. In the first, when Jethro offers his daughter Zipporah to Moses, Jethro tells Moses: She will be your wife, but on one conditionyour first son will be consecrated to idolatry. The Hebrew language originally consisted only of consonants (for example, the last sentence, minus consonants would read: TH HBRW LNGG ORGNLL CNSSTD NL F CNSNNTS). Targ. They split after she had their daughter, Skylar because he was texting other girls. He never thinks of taking advantage of his position as first counselor to the great leader Moses. Only a fool will allow themselves to be used I am the daughter of one of your elites, & elites don't fight themselves. Because they were necessary to Moses survival and pivotal in the narrative arc? However, the Hebrew expression normally rendered father-in-law can in a broader sense denote any male relative by marriage and so could also be understood as brother-in-law. To say that Hobab instead of Jethro was Moses father-in-law would disagree with other texts. At night the animals were housed in stone-walled pens attached to buildings or compounds, or on the ground floor of houses in the cities,[1] or corralled in thorny, fence-like enclosures typical of nomadic enclosures. Once the baby is grown, he is brought back to the daughter of Pharaoh who names him Moses, because, bible reports, I drew him out of the water. However, this would also force the character called Hobab into the role of Moses' father-in-law, which while seeming to work just fine raises difficulties later on when considering that Hobab is recorded as staying with the Israelites as a guide after their exodus from Egypt while Jethro is recorded as returning home. ATS Bible Dictionary. Jethro appears to have many names throughout the Torah. Bodelian Library, Oxford, MS Bodley 2708, Folio 39VA good man? Jethro Olive Deering Miriam Donald Curtis Mered Douglas Dumbrille Jannes Larry Dobkin Hur Ben Caleb Frank DeKova Abiram H.B. Was it because of the Torah that God gave to His people? I believe that it is. This post will give a brief overview of this apparent problem and will sort out who is who. On the other hand, Hobab, as a leading member of the next generation of Kenites, might be used in this text as a representative of his father. This would be a job for someone possessing the strength of youth, accuity of senses, and Hobab was the man. Since the Masoretes vocalised the text to make the midwives Hebrew women, and Rashi follows the tradition from BT Sotah we find ourselves corralled to seeing them not as brave Egyptian women who followed their consciences and put their faith in God, but as Hebrew women doing exactly what we would expect them to do, and indeed see them as the sister and mother of Moses whose function was entirely about protecting him as an infant. Bruce and Kris Jenner's daughters names are Kendall and Kylie.. He is placed within the shelter or on the wings of the shekhina, Gods holy presence or glory. The conception of the painting was certainly influenced by the richess of ideas for the nude moving figures in the cartoon of Michelangelo of the now lost Battle of Cascina, and by the expressive force of the also lost The Battle of Anghiari by Leonardo da Vinci, both destined for the Sala del Maggior Consiglio in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. When we first meet this man in Exodus 2:18 (ESV)we read, "When they came home to their father Reuel, he said" then we see in verse 21 that Moses marries one of "the man's" daughters named Zipporah. Jethro Bodine, character from the TV show The Beverly Hillbillies . When Moses first escapes to Midian, he helps a number of young shepherdesses water their father's sheep, and they come to Reuel their father to tell him (Exodus 2:18). And as the music plays, the youngest sister urges him to dance with her. United States. Much more reliable in fact, than most of the manuscripts that we unquestioningly base much of our ancient history on. He reproves a Hebrew. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Quote Parashat Shemot names some strong women without whom Moses would not havesurvived. However, Judges 4:11 (ESV) says that Hobab is the father-in-law of Moses! In the Bible, no one is perfectneither perfectly good nor absolutely evil. 7. In other words, was Jethro motivated by love or by fear of this powerful God who makes other nations tremble? The name Puah is likely also to mean to shine/beauty but neither of these names is easy to translate or to mine meaning from or even identity from. The story (and the chapter) ends with Pharoahs decree repeated, but this time he broadens his audience from the midwives to the whole people: And Pharaoh charged all his people, saying: Every son that is born you shall cast into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive (1:22). Jethro (or Yitro or Yisro) was a Midianite priest and the father-in-law of Moses. Access to water was a source of contention (Genesis 26:12-33). The rabbis do not point this out, but I think this is the point of the text. 16, iv. The Ten Commandments (1956) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Cecil B. DeMille . Article (Jethro) [from a root meaning more than enough; overflow]. Ephorah: "That's why Papa says she'll never get married. Moses protected his seven dauthters. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. Chart Raw Data By State Data via SSA.gov . Sephora : The stranger is wise. Character information I have seen how my people are suffering as slaves in Egypt, and I have heard them beg for my help because of the way they are being mistreated. But the vowels of that text which could dramatically alter meaning were not agreed upon at that time. The next thing we know is that Moses, having killed an Egyptian taskmaster for hurting an Israelite man, is fleeing for his life from the anger of Pharaoh, and now we meet seven more unidentified women the seven daughters of Reuel, priest of Midian. The Pharaoh himself is mentioned in Ezekiel 29:3 as a mighty dragon sprawling in your channels. In this view the Pharaohs power derives from the crocodile god Sobek with the Nile being its dominion. Even when he refuses Moses invitation to stay with him, he has the perfect excuse, says the midrash: I will return to my own people and convert them all to the study of the Torah.. It is this image which Marcel Proust used to describe the love of Charles Swann's life, Odette de Crcy. This is a possibility that can be conjoined with the first option (Reuel and Jethro being two names for the same individual). (Photo credit: Wikipedia), As mentioned before, the Awassi sheep are excellent milk producers. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at privacy@biblegateway.com. Tragically, on February 25, 1991, Kelly died in a car . Jethro said: "Swear." It is a tradition reflected in Stephens speech in the New Testament (Acts 7:23he was 40 years old when he fled from Egypt; 7:29-30God appeared to him at Sinai 40 years later). This encounter led Moses to meet Jethro, and he married Zippora, one of his daughters. 6. The last of the great Cecil B. DeMille epics, and a remake of his own 1923 silent film of the same name, this 1956 film from Paramount tells the biblical story of Moses and the Exodus.. Moses (Charlton Heston) and Rameses (Yul Brynner) are in a Love Triangle with Nefretiri (Anne Baxter), whom Moses might have won, had the matter of injustice to Hebrew slaves not come up. 11), and "Putiel"; Eleazar's father-in-law (Ex. the book of Job. First appearing in the Season 3, two-part finale of " NCIS ," Darby Stanchfield played Leroy Jethro Gibbs ' first wife, Shannon Gibbs, for seven episodes before she departed from the show completely in 2015 (via IMDb ). From this interpretation emerged all the midrashim and commentary (and Masoretic vocalisation) that Shifra and Puah were both Hebrew women and of the family of Moses. Jethro is recorded as living in Midian, a territory stretching along the eastern edge of the Gulf of Aqaba, northwestern Arabia. Then Zipporah took a flint and cut off the foreskin of her son and cast it as his feet, and she said surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me. 15. In the Bible, Hebrews 11 is a "Hall of Fame of Faith" that name-drops Old Testament rockstars such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Samson . Numbers 10:29, which is quoted on page 282, says of Hobab the son whose sister Zipporah Moses married: "Then Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, the father-in-law of Moses: 'We are pulling away for the place about which Jehovah said.'" (NW) Since Reuel the Midianite was Moses' father-in-law, then Reuel 's son Hobab was the brother-in-law of Moses. Jethro is first mentioned in the Bible in Exodus 2:16 and also referred to as Reuel in verse 18, which may be his last name. Later, when Moses, who is now Jethros son-in-law, returns from Egypt at the head of his freed people, Jethro brings to him his wife, Zipporah, and their two children (Exodus 18:5). (Photo credit: Wikipedia), Besides pasturing the flocks, watering and watching them, tending minor injuries and sheltering them at night, a shepherdess also had the womanly duty of spinning. Then Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, took a burnt offering and other sacrifices to offer to God.[11]. [13][14], According to some modern scholars, "Jethro" was really a title meaning "His Excellency", and that "Reuel" was the figure's actual, given name. We are told that the oral Torah was additional information given by Yahweh to Moses and passed down through the generations until it was put into writing. Judges i. Invite him to eat with us., 21Moses agreed to stay on with Jethro, who later let his daughter Zipporah marry Moses. Required fields are marked *. What were the names of Jethro's seven daughters. The New Living Translation (NLT) and the New International Version (NIV), different translations of the original manuscripts, agree with rendering this as "brother-in-law". Jethro's daughter, Zipporah, became Moses's wife after Moses had fled Egypt, having killed an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave. We meet the sister of this child who watches to see what will happen. This is the Hebrew for "father-in-law":it sounds like this:n. This is why Zipporah knows what to do in Exod 4:24-6. There are three basic views on this. I have seen how my people are suffering as slaves in Egypt, and I have heard them beg for my help because of the way they are being mistreated. The Case against Jephthah. [4] Her fat-tailed Awassi sheep were raised primarily for milk and meat. He is also revered as a major prophet in the Druze religion. She heroically saves Moses and her sons from a random attack from an angel by cutting off her son's foreskin; the explanation for this act is unclear. http://www.netours.com/content/view/252/72/, http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002454, http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/s/r1/lp-e?q=Jethro&p=par. The first is that Reuel is simply another name for Jethro, much like Jacob also being named Israel (both of which were used interchangeably). The whole story of Moses and the Exodus is just a myth written in the Babylonian Exile. These hardy sheep were good grazers, but the quality of their wool is inferior by todays standard. Scripture describes how, after Moses protected Jethro 's daughters from shepherds who did not allow them to access the local well, Jethro "gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses."3. Shifra (from the root ) means something along the lines of beauty/clarity but the root also gives us the noun shofar the horn that is blown to call to attention. Also in the Zohar (1:93b) that borrows a tradition from the Midrash Aggada on Exodus 4:24, about the bizarre incident in which Yahweh attempts to kill Moses, involves an angel which assumes the form of a serpent and swallowed up Moses from his head to his covenant [of circumcision, i.e., his phallus] (The Zohar, vol. After Moses and the Israelites had crossed the Red Sea Jethro went to Moses with the latter's wife and two sons ( Exodus 18:1-5 ). Even though Esau was a kinsman of Jacob, he was less favored than the alien Jethro. Then the Holy Name was glorified on all sides (The Zohar, by Daniel Matt, vol. We can learn about the society where the ancient Israelites, and later Jesus and the Apostles, lived through the modern discoveries that provide us clues. Shifra and Puah, whose names describe beauty, are also women who radiate morality and who call us to arms, to fight for what is right. A shepherdess with her flock, grazing oil on canvas, 41 x 56.5 cm (Photo credit: Wikipedia). He disciplined subordinate shepherds and dealt with thieves. The narrator then tells us that God dealt well with the midwives; and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty. Moses is born, and placed in a basket in the reeds of Nile. The reason for the difference is that the Hebrew character (ayin) in is sometimes used merely as a vowel and sometimes as "g", "ug", and "Fxn", because of the difficulty of its pronunciation by European speakers. Object name: 56008058DI_DCR034893002. Following this event, it was Jethro who encouraged Moses to appoint others to share in the burden of ministry to the nation Israel by allowing others to help in the judgment of smaller matters coming before him. Nonetheless, the general impression of the man is that he is better than good; he is glorious. The baby is the centre of the story here, but there are three women who contrive to save his life, two of whom we will later learn are Yocheved his mother and Miriam his sister.