Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. EVERY citation should end with a period. [Tristan] At a lot of technology companies, theres three main goals. That is Thats a lie. [Tristan] Were pointing these engines of AI back at ourselves to reverse-engineer what elicits responses from us. Wheres the existential threat?. [reporter 1] Were seeing violent images. Guys kind of a genius. The second rule is no social media until high school. -Yeah. [Blue AI] Yeah, Ben loved all of her posts. Much has been written by now about the documentary that first aired on Netflix at the end of August 2020after months of pandemic restrictions in which people were . [Tristan] And so, it created this kind of cultural moment that Google needed to take seriously. They can get more user sign-ups, more engagement. [blows] Yeah. In Myanmar, when people think of the Internet, what they are thinking about is Facebook. People call him the bitter neighbor from hell.. And so, were seeing the results of that. So, it sounds crazy to say we need to change all that, but thats what we need to do. His psychometric doppelgangers. Get any individual to seven friends in ten days. Shes worse than I am. Startseite > Uncategorized > the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. There are only two industries that call their customers users: illegal drugs and software. Edward Tufte. [Jaron] It might sound strange, but its my world. [interviewer] Why dont you go ahead? And that is why I think we need regulation. Its absolutely absurd. Nearing the end of his average session length. [Tristan] Every time you see it there on the counter, and you just look at it, and you know if you reach over, it just might have something for you, so you play that slot machine to see what you got, right? No, its probably not Like yeah. It appears to be a dumpster being pushed around. GPS coordinates indicate that theyre in close proximity. And all those protections and all those regulations are gone. They sell certainty. When children watched Saturday morning cartoons, we cared about protecting children. [CBSN News] Representatives from Facebook, Twitter, and Google are back on Capitol Hill for a second day of testimony about Russias interference in the 2016 election. [Anderson Cooper] Its rare for a tech insider to be so blunt, but Tristan Harris believes someone needs to be. But from the point of view of watch time, this polarization is extremely efficient at keeping people online. And look at when it was made. If you can go to somebody and you say, Give me $10 million, and I will change the world one percent in the direction you want it to change Its the world! I locked it for an hour, so just leave it alone. And so when people get their phone, the first thing they open and the only thing they know how to open is Facebook. I wanna destabilize Cameroon. [Bailey] I guess Im just an optimist. We accept the reality of the world with which were presented. Facebook sits there and says, Hey, you pick your friends. [Tristan] This is happening at scale. [teacher] He brings a golden nugget to an officer in the army in San Francisco. [chuckles] No one does. [Roger] The way to think about it is its 2.7 billion Truman Shows. Magicians were almost like the first neuroscientists and psychologists. [Clip from The Truman Show] Why do you think that, uh, Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now? Almost like youre stimulating nerve cells on a spider to see what causes its legs to respond. [Sandy] The phone company has tons of sensitive data about you, and we have a lot of laws that make sure they dont do the wrong things. Lets see. The Social Dilemma explores the unintended and devastating consequences of social media including: polarization, isolation, anxiety, low self-esteem, disorientation from reality, and even violence against self or others. Your email address will not be published. [Rashida Richardson] We all simply are operating on a different set of facts. [Tristan] Its not just that its controlling where they spend their attention. I actually had to write myself software to break my addiction to reading Reddit. 840 bidders. vorzeitige rckzahlung durch emittenten; stlting train service; auswandern panama immobilien [jaron] Well, look, I know perfectly well that Im not gonna get everybody to delete their social media accounts, but I think I can get a few. [News] The political earthquakes in Europe continue to rumble. [Interviewer] Knowing what you know now, do you believe Facebook impacted the results of the 2016 election? They dont have a They dont have a proxy for truth thats better than a click. [Bailey] I think one of the big failures in technology today is a real failure of leadership, of, like, people coming out and having these open conversations about things that not just what went well, but what isnt perfect so that someone can come in and build something new. 88. That only costs this much.. [Guillaume] People think the algorithm is designed to give them what they really want, only its not. Solutions . The Social Dilemma draws on interviews from dozens of technology experts who have been involved in the creation of social media, focusing its story on Tristan Harris, a former design ethicist for Google. [Justin] [clicks tongue] Yeah, it is hard to give a single, succinct Im trying to touch on many different problems. Even more horrifying, we see the same pattern with suicide. Its the critics who are the true optimists. Nobody is sick. And then theres the advertising goal: to make sure that, as all thats happening, were making as much money as possible from advertising. [reporter 3] This is a city where hatred was laid bare and transformed into racial violence. [Tristan] Its a disinformation-for-profit business model. Identifier. And that pattern points to social media. Were seeing corporations using powerful artificial intelligence to outsmart us and figure out how to pull our attention toward the things they want us to look at, rather than the things that are most consistent with our goals and our values and our lives. [Cathy ONeil] We are allowing the technologists to frame this as a problem that theyre equipped to solve. the social dilemma transcript with timestampsbohnen fermentieren rezept. 2. Decreasing ad load. system is also played by a celebrity Vincent Kartheiser of Mad Men voices the . Timestamping in transcription refers to inserting time codes in a transcript (in minutes and seconds) at specified intervals. [AI] Okay, Rebecca received it, and she is responding. Everyone believes the governments lying to them. A lot of people think, you know, Oh, well, Googles just a search box, and Facebooks just a place to see what my friends are doing and see their photos. But what they dont realize is theyre competing for your attention. You have to ask yourself, like, Is this normal? This has been affecting the environment for a long time. [presenter] Tristan Harris is a former design ethicist for Google and has been called the closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience. The show credits social media with fuelling the rise of far-right and far-left groups across Europe, including Italy and Spain, while insisting it had a crippling impact on the 2016 US election. [chuckles] Like, bicycles are affecting people. So, turn em in. All right. The two movies are The Social Network, which tells the story of how a po-faced Harvard dropout named Mark Zuckerberg created a powerful and highly profitable company; and The Social Dilemma,. October 3, 2020 This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of socialnetworking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations. He doesnt engage. The Social Dilemma is a 2020 American docudrama film directed by Jeff Orlowski and written by Orlowski, Davis Coombe, and Vickie Curtis. [Tim Kendall] Everyone in 2006 including all of us at Facebook, just had total admiration for Google and what Google had built, which was this incredibly useful service that did, far as we could tell, lots of goodness for the world, and they built this parallel money machine. When you go to a page, youre seeing the same thing as other people. They can get you to invite more people. [Tristan] Im probably most addicted to my e-mail. But there you are, and there we are. [knocks lightly on door] Ben. The film interviews former employees of top technology companies such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Mozilla, gleaning their opinions on how these companies have strong influences in today's . This is overpowering human nature, and this is checkmate on humanity. [vlogger] They can control our minds, so that they can keep their secrets. Me too! And I could fool adults, fully-grown adults with, like, PhDs. I dont know if I feel that way anymore. So, I decided that were not gonna have any cell phones at the table tonight. Lets squeeze in a sneaker ad before it starts. We probably degrade the worlds democracies so that they fall into some sort of bizarre autocratic dysfunction. Social Issues. The rates at which they get drivers licenses have been dropping. Google doesnt have the option of saying, Oh, is this conspiracy? And over time, by running these constant experiments, you you develop the most optimal way to get users to do what you want them to do. Do we want that? [Shoshana] They have more information about us than has ever been imagined in human history. [Cathy ONeil, PhD] I like to say that algorithms are opinions embedded in code and that algorithms are not objective. Well, we could talk about the, uh, Extreme Center wackos I drove by today. I think the US government started this shit. What was I supposed to do? [Aza] They build models that predict our actions, and whoever has the best model wins. Right? Addeddate. [Tristan] Many people call this surveillance capitalism, capitalism profiting off of the infinite tracking of everywhere everyone goes by large technology companies whose business model is to make sure that advertisers are as successful as possible. This freaks me out. [Jonathan] How do they spend their time? For the last ten years, the biggest companies in Silicon Valley have been in the business of selling their users. Were the product. [Roger] So, imagine youre on Facebook and youre effectively playing against this artificial intelligence that knows everything about you, can anticipate your next move, and you know literally nothing about it, except that there are cat videos and birthdays on it. I dont hate them. [Mark Zuckerberg] Oh, thats that is hard. Its the gradual, slight, imperceptible change in your own behavior and perception that is the product. Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. [AI] His calendar says hes on a break right now. [Anna] Theres not a day that goes by that I dont remind my kids about the pleasure-pain balance, about dopamine deficit states, about the risk of addiction. I thought, God, this is classic irony. [Tristan] Notice that many people in the tech industry dont give these devices to their own children. yo admin when u were in a call with someone it came up on the recording of the movie. [Tristan] We in the tech industry have created the tools to destabilize and erode the fabric of society in every country,all at once, everywhere. [Tristan] We can do genetic engineering and develop new kinds of human beings, but realistically speaking, youre living inside of hardware, a brain, that was, like, millions of years old, and then theres this screen, and then on the opposite side of the screen, theres these thousands of engineers and supercomputers that have goals that are different than your goals, and so, whos gonna win in that game? [Yellow AI] Running an auction. And youre always free to walk up the hill, but fewer people do, and so, at scale, at societys scale, you really are just tilting the floor and changing what billions of people think and do. If something is not a tool, its demanding things from you. [blue AI] Yes, perfect. [Steve Jobs] What a computer is to me, is its the most remarkable tool that weve ever come up with. The Social Dilemma is a well-constructed and articulately-argued threat. And a new study sheds light on the link between mental health and social media use. Twitter has done it. You can ALSO get everything you need from the library catalog. A march. Facebook is in charge of your news feed. [CBSN News] Well, a new bombshell investigation exposes Facebooks growing struggle to tackle hate speech in Myanmar. You dont have self-determination. [Justin] When you go to Google and type in Climate change is, youre going to see different results depending on where you live. I mean, this one is less. Theres the engagement goal: to drive up your usage, to keep you scrolling. [Jeff] Nobody, I deeply believe, ever intended any of these consequences. [Yellow AI] Lets get back to making money, boys. Its just like the magician. Readers follow protagonists Rachel and Andre as they discover that a command center in Russia is using a network of troll farms to spread false narratives about elections to American voters. The film's biggest mistake is a poorly-conceived dramatic re-enactment of some of the perils of social media. So they can keep the power, so they can control everything. "If you're not paying for the product, then you are the product" Daniel Hvermann. I am going to work during the day and building something that then I am falling prey to. And I couldnt I mean, some of those moments, I couldnt help myself. Creative things happened on the Internet,and certainly, they do still, but, like, it just feels like this, like, giant mall. [Guillaume Chaslot] At YouTube, I was working on YouTube recommendations. "The Social Dilemma" is a poignant reminder that we are all members of the same society, and we as a society need to begin the work of redefining what success means, away from pure monetary . I wasnt sure how it was gonna land. We are more profitable to a corporation if were spending time staring at a screen, staring at an ad, than if were spending that time living our life in a rich way. [announcer] Introducing the Kitchen Safe. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic Arthur C. Clarke. We had 468 interested bidders. And such responses are precisely what bring in audiences and revenue. [Aza] The idea of humane technology, thats where Silicon Valley got its start. The Russians didnt hack Facebook. [Tristan] Do we want this system for sale to the highest bidder? [reporter 2] Democracy is facing a crisis of confidence. [Tristan] Theres a study, an MIT study, that fake news on Twitter spreads six times faster than true news. [Mark Zuckerberg] So, uh, long-term, the solution here is to build more AI tools that find patterns of people using the services that no real person would do. [Tristan] So, I come up, and basically say, Thank you all for coming. Um So, today, I wanna talk about a new agenda for technology. [Jeff Seibert] What I want people to know is that everything theyre doing online is being watched, is being tracked, is being measured. Help me please. If you click on clickbait, youre creating a financial incentive that perpetuates this existing system. Like, wheres the existential threat? Jaron Lainer, a computer scientist and virtual reality pioneer, responded with a slight disagreement: "It's the gradual, slight, imperceptible change in your own behavior and perception that is the product.". So are they. This is a totally new species of power and influence. [woman] Those sources that are spreading coronavirus misinformation have amassed something like 52 million engagements. And theres polarization and some elections that are getting hacked. So, weve created an entire global generation of people who are raised within a context where the very meaning of communication, the very meaning of culture, is manipulation. Youre not gonna get acknowledged. [Alex] My kids dont use social media at all. Please welcome author of Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now. Otherwise, we arent a country. What? I might have to start blocking her e-mails. And I mean whatever. [reporter 4] Theres a question about whether social media is making your child depressed. It worries me that an algorithm that I worked on is actually increasing polarization in society. I I would say, again, the methods used to play on peoples ability to be addicted or to be influenced may be different this time, and they probably are different. Thats the point. And it subjugates people into this weird role where youre just, like, this little computing element that were programming through our behavior manipulation for the service of this giant brain, and you dont matter. And those growth tactics have then become the standard playbook for Silicon Valley. [Sandy] Weve created a system that biases towards false information. [Jonathan] Theyre much less comfortable taking risks. [Guillaume] There are tons of Chrome extensions that remove recommendations. [Tristan] From that perspective, you can have a very different understanding of what technology is doing. When creating an in-text citation, the information in the parentheses should always match the first item in your full Works Cited reference entry. Thats whats changed. [Cynthia M. Wong] Some of the most troubling implications of governments and other bad actors weaponizing social media, um, is that it has led to real, offline harm. We want them to keep doing this with their finger. [Roger] Do you check your smartphone before you pee in the morning or while youre peeing in the morning? Whos gonna win? The Social Dilemma Movie 2020 (live stream), Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse. Sophocles. In fact, theres really no need for people to interact. They just have this giant computer that rakes in money, right? [Anna] I am optimistic that were going to figure it out, but I think its gonna take a long time. Sep 10, 2020. [Tristan] When I was at Google, I was on the Gmail team, and I just started getting burnt out cause wed had so many conversations about you know, what the inbox should look like and what color it should be, and And I, you know, felt personally addicted to e-mail, and I found it fascinating there was no one at Gmail working on making it less addictive. Secara garis besar bercerita tentang dampak negatif media sosial dan dunia maya. The main argument made is that Social Media is Bad. The Social Dilemma by Jeff Orlowski explores the negative consequences of the social media phenomenon among teens and young adults. [Jaron Lanier] Companies like Google and Facebook are some of the wealthiest and most successful of all time. I dont even know what shes talking about, man. [Tristan] When he later came on to NPR to say, Im sorry for believing this. When I was at the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, this is what we learned. And theyll be running many different programs, many different products on those same machines. All of the things weve ever done, all the clicks weve ever made, all the videos weve watched, all the likes, that all gets brought back into building a more and more accurate model. Okay, you gotta leave it here, though, buddy. The Girl With The Tree Tattoo. Its as though we have less and less control over who we are and what we believe. [Cass] But that stuff is just propaganda. [Lynn] Theres no one bad guy. [Shoshana] This is a new kind of marketplace now. [Green AI] Ive got a new vlogger lined up, too. The majority of speakers whose prior careers were working for these companies from the beginning allowed them to clearly articulate the evolution of "friend and family" networks to mass division, hate and harm. This time, in Italy and Spain. Its like the fundamental way that this stuff is designed isnt going in a good direction. Sit down and see if you can get comfy. [Sandy] Chamath was the head of growth at Facebook early on, and hes very well known in the tech industry for pioneering a lot of the growth tactics that were used to grow Facebook at incredible speed. Home. A magician shows you a card trick and says, Pick a card, any card. What you dont realize was that theyve done a set-up, so you pick the card they want you to pick. Algorithms are optimized to some definition of success. [Tristan] I dont know any parent who says, Yeah, I really want my kids to be growing up feeling manipulated by tech designers, uh, manipulating their attention, making it impossible to do their homework, making them compare themselves to unrealistic standards of beauty. Like, no one wants that.