Taurus +Sagittarius best combination Because we can be so honest with each other and have the exact same thoughts sometimes Im always so attracted to tauru men because theyre so mysterious and I have really nice sense of style. We will see how it goes but the sex has been great so far , Girl im a sagittarius too and dating a Taurus as well girl mine Is a liar a sneaky sob I catch him everytime on his dirt and when he gets caught up thats when its over for him and ten makes it all my fault what a narcissist the man I fell in love with 3 yrs ago I no longer know who he is and im so in love him that now I dnt know how to let him go even at my breaking point and we all know us sagittarius woman at our breaking point isnt a good at least with me it isnt cause I bottle up everything inside then I blow up I hope u lots of luck with ur Taurus girl just keep an eye opened they know how to play a good game till they game smacks them in the face. We fight and break up a lot too which makes me insecure. If this man has started falling for you, he will test you first. Tbh I think hes my first love. Its not every Taurus man due to that Im a Sagittarius my partner is a Taurus and we have a great understanding there no joke yes he is over protective of me. Weve been together for almost two years now and weve learned a lot from each other. All those years of chasing me worked because he now loves me so much( I played REALLY hard to get lol). Can a Taurus Man Marry an Aquarius Woman? But he isnt being a deadbeat and I think that makes me like him a little more. You cant tell me that youre gonna do something then dont, and you know us Sagi hate liars with a passion. Taurus men honestly show you how they feel. Best of luck! I will be wait for your reply. We havent been able to see each other for about two months next week. She wants to constantly mix things up in bed! Taurus men love good food, fine perfume, art, music, and anything else that appeals to the senses. we want to be together 24-7 but know we got to take it slow and I love that about him. A man and sagittarius woman leo man - if you and life, india. I just met a Taurus and I feel he is the one. He takes really good care of me and we can travel together! I dont understand. I can say they tend to be a littler jealous they dont know how to really express feelings without breaking down. In the love relationship, his loyalty and commitment are crucial characteristics to make his beloved feel happy and protective. Taurus Man and Sagittarius Woman Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle. One problem that can happen in the bedroom has to do with a Sagittarius womans need to constantly mix things up. They both feel terribly silly and vulnerable, yet also very good, very aroused. When Im not working my kid is next to me. So I was fustrated with his lack of communication and I said to him, Thank you. Oh well I guess time will tell what the future holds as of right now I am pissed to the highest level of pissivity. He really did many considerate, kind, caring things for me and was always very loving, so I ended up feeling guilty about stating things I was uncomfortable with, and eventually I found myself getting angrier and angrier. Gemini women love games. When they seem too good to be true, it isnt true! i like him but i know that just a small feeling that i know it will pass quickly (There is ONLY taurus on my mind i must say.) He asking me for a second chance and he tells me that he soo in love with me, he could not forget me. The sexual life of Taurus man and Sagittarius woman is usually an exciting one as these two sincerely focus on and enjoy the purely physical side of sex. He just slept with me 2 days ago and then he met another girl? In my relationship, sometimes i met some guys that soooo in love with me, he pretty strong and could sneaky kiss me from behind and hold me tight in his arm. He lived in my building for a long time and I always thought he was cute and sort of mysterious and that attracted me to him. It just feels like drama. ), How To Get A Taurus Woman To Chase You (With 4 Great Tips). Aries Daily; . He will like it. Just ask him if he like to go to the Movies and you will buy. Many Taurus men end up loving that about a Sagittarius woman, though. I let him do that with NONE emotion on my face. And it can last until the end of the world :> (im a female Sag and i have experienced it). i read a lot of story that being cheated by taurus man. He also has a daughter. I dont think Ive ever felt as close or comfortable with someone, and it was cosy and familiar, so it was alsovery hard for me to walk away from. I havent met someone so caring and attentive like he is so that definitely caught my attention. He knows how to approach a target with his tireless dedication, and wants a minimal recognition from other people to have the motivations for going forwards. Im so in love, Ive never experienced it before. Many of the things you described were uncannily similar to mine. What to Do When a Scorpio Man Ignores You? He came from a very loving and generous family, hes the baby and Im the oldest. Must have been some other issues. Perhaps you did something unpredictable and shocking for them to fall out of love. She hurt me that bad. In a city of646,449people, there is no way that two witty, astrologically-incompatible, cat-loving, TV binge-watching lovebirds who are absolutely perfect for each other would have sat [], This post truly defines what i have with this guy i recently met. She is a generous person who also loves living a life of luxury when its possible for her. I was scared to commit so fast. I met my taurus man , IT was like love at first sight . Sagittarius is also an honest, direct sign. This is my advice to all Sag women who are at a crossroads with their Taurus men. Signs of a Taurus man in love with Libra Libras are excellent company and friends. This time he showing even more desire to come back to me. I wish I wouldve looked into this six years ago. It may suddenly have dawned on him that he may be falling in love with you but is uncertain if his advances will be well received. full hookup campgrounds in north ga; taurus man dating libra woman. Join my YouTube channel dedicated to helping people find their perfect match. Im i crazy like her and destroying myself? Sometimes, it's a combination of both that is SO confusing but, I promise you- you'll make it through this. A Taurus man would fall in love with a girl, who knows how to appreciate nature, good food, and a simple life with no excessive drama. Taurus is a very committed zodiac sign. Love and libra to the taurus man who condemns women love. He says im too insensitive and not submissive. Guide. Will a Cancer Man Come Back After a Breakup? Ive just recently got in touch with a Taurus man from my childhood, Im a Sagittarius women and I really like him and I think he feels the same way about me but sometimes Im not sure as he pulls away from time to time, Weve been speaking for a month via social media and text message, h has called me about 3-4 X hour convos and its been flirty from the start, he wishes me good morning everyday.l and says sweet things from time to time. Be very direct. I dont get into camping and fishing and stuff, but i love sports.. and really enjoy mma. We fight, break up,block each other and patch up. I stayed on with my Taurus man as I always thought that despite our problems he wouldprovide the future stability that I needed. They enjoy activities like hiking, swimming, skiing, etc. He was back home again and we have sex once. OMG me too. He says the same. My bf fits his sign to a T. He is sweet and thoughtfull and I love him! Important Disclaimer: The information within My Zodiac Lover is intended for informational and educational purposes only. He just keep that gal around in case when i really leave him then he will come to her. Admit, a Taurus man is a demanding star sighn for an aquarious female, but Learning what a Taurus man needs. In my opinion I think as a saggitarian I feel love very deeply, and I am 100% loyal and committed when I am in, but my relationships are a head/heart combination, and if i feel violated in any way, I am able to see how this is going to play out in the future. Im a 20 year old Sag gal who loves a 23 year old Taurus. We have an extreme a lot in common and want the same kind of future life. Read, if you may find out there and cons of the most stubborn i will make him. They lack communication. A Taurus man is attracted to a Sagittarius woman because she is independent and free-spirited. but for some reason we couldnt stop talking! This other guy (April24) was kind of cocky and way too conservative. I love him but his draining me. However, being lovers is difficult because decisions will be very difficult to make. I just wish he can understand that I am not a routine person and I love changes. The leos and aries just didnt work for me. Im a Sagittaruis woman and I like my Taurus Men. I was one very sad, and confusedSagittarius woman. This is just what the Taurus man needs from his spouse. He wants to be that man who caters of your needs, martial and physical. And, dont get me started on the awesome. I see why Nicki minaj left Meek Mill lol.. Im trying a leo again or a libra. Learn how to attract and keep any guy with the power of Astrology. will he come back. I then rationalise the value of the relationship, giving the person a chance, but dont abuse my good nature as it will eventually come to an end. He also said that he broke up with that gal. She uses her fingers to softly, and equally gently, finger, caress, and tickle his body. She just sounds immature. If you are sticking by each other's side, do so fully. I am also sorry about what happened too.. I read somewhere that initially they chase you and then you realise they have you eating out of their hand, how true this has been, but it is now in the past. Why Are Pisces So Attracted To Sagittarius, Why Aries Are So HO: The Astrological Explanation. When Im with him, he brings me peace like I can actually relax. Im so disappoint then ive made up my mind that i could not seeing him again in my life. we are painfully honest and we talk a lot. I believe him (How stupid i am). This is somewhat right, but sometimes, i feel my husband and i switch personality assets on this, lol! A Taurus man might be attracted to a Sagittarius woman because he likes who he is when hes with her. The best way for this couple is to learn each other. I do believe we are soulmates. She looks on the bright side while he looks on the not-so-bright side. He always did whatever it took to please me mentally, emotionally, and sexually. Bright and libra man sagittarian, gemini or aquarius, michael. So after the time he showing his caring and love and desire to come back with me, he suddenly got home and find me. But I was kinda of emo back then. I dont know, she get me that way, and I love being an oak tree for her. far better to be alone, happy and in an honest relationship with yourself! He and I break up 3-4 times a week. Im a sag lady. oo na , di na kami compatible ni rheyban. I dont think they know how to consol a woman when theyre in the wrong, oh and hes very good at going days without talking to me and he hollered at me first, Big Turn Off! But sudden. but once we are in, there is nothing could tearing us apart. Taurus is an honest man. he knew that this time he have me back and he is owning me again! Taurus (April 20th to May 21st) It takes a lot for the reliable and trustworthy Taurus to lose interest. He cannot deny it. Im just broke up with my taurus man. Im a sag, my Taurus man thinks he knows it all too. This is a moment where you need to either be out or all in. A Sagittarius woman is drawn into a relationship if it seems to be exciting new adventure for her and she feels that there is a great capacity for deep companionship with a man, and definitely the Taurus man provides her with both specially if they already share a good bond of friendship. He claimed he didnt. Few weeks, few months later we patch up.That is our story. The Archer seems to always be upbeat, and he wants everyone around him to be the same way. Im moving on at this point, and to say that taurus are Loyal lol, probably the women. but when Im near her I become this balanced oak tree for her. If you want to know more about the topic here, please type your queries in the box below. Pisces is the most emotional of all zodiac signs and Aquarius is the least emotional of all, this itself makes them both pull away from each other. Dating a sagittarius man - Men looking for a woman - Women looking for a woman. Even if Taurus, as an earth sign, needs stability and Sagittarius, as a fire sign, needs passion and spontaneity, sometimes opposites attract. Hes perfect for me in every single way. Like yes i did express some stuff like with a lot of energy but still. It doesnt promise that he is going to return though. He obviously likes you, but hes not sure if you feel the same way, so he might be hesitant about making any further moves. He said the picture is cute and want her to born him a child. The time i broke up with him, he is still far from me in distance. The Taurus man Libra woman love compatibility will be an interesting love affair, as they are both empathetic and tender which makes it easier to form a better relationship. Were more compatible. One minute hes casual, other times hes really flirty this is on and off and its confusing me. all night long. He loves me too and then we having sex, spending time together. That initial attraction might not last if the Sagittarius woman is so independent that she upsets a Taurus mans sense of stability. While he provides her with peace of life and mind, she makes him more rejoicing. But girl you need to bring the lion out too and step up to the plate; just because he is the man doesnt mean he has to decide everythingI mean you are giving him all the power. Will An Aquarius Man Come Back After A Breakup. Taurus Man Virgo Woman Experience In Love: What To Expect? | Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sooo childish. Learn the way to live by my own. Like why does a guy leave yoh for an hour and hang out with his friends. I have no problem with that. Hes a lot more open with me now, like he tells me how he feels and whats going on. He is an excellent provider and always have some things figured out he is extremely stubborn though. Sag women are naturally optimistic with a zest for life and this man managedto wear me down 2 days next, he post on a picture showed hickey on his neck in instagram story. Sag Woman, Taurus Man. He hurts me with his word. How can i make this relationship work. When we first dated I liked him and left behind all the other guys that were after me but then I felt like he was too close minded and didnt think outside the box. We communicate deeply and things are great. But our sex is amazing our vibe is so great its like we cant be without each other he balances me out and i balance him out keep each other motivated. Im still isolate myself to everyone even ones who want the best things to me. Really think about it. This will make him upset. wasnt to much so he manage to give me my space it gets to teh point that i want to see him and i love my space i tend to get board easly but never is it a dull moment with use he is sooo funny and entertaining i love it and take about being on a intellectual level great and the SEX ****indescribable****** the BEST ever the vibes that we have its as though were at one with one another .lmbo.its true . Sagittarius are so beautiful and their heart is wild! These guys move slowly, and can keep you believing in them for a long time, but whatever anxieties you feel deep down, listen to them as they are real. Their personalities are surprisingly compatible when the two signs can learn to focus on their similarities and find the areas where they can help balance one another out. She isnt afraid to stand up for herself or speak her mind, which is something he finds irresistible. It will show that youre really into him, and that will take away a lot of his doubts about whether youre really into him or not. Im going through the same exact crap . A Taurus man will be able to pick up on that and hell feel drawn toward Sagittarius women. Can he actually forgive and forget? She deeply admires and enjoys the reliability and stability of him but sometimes her flakiness can really get under his skin. ), Look Im a tarus and im a guy and Im loyal I havent even seen my girlfriend in person even know she stays like 45 min away from me but I still dont talk to no girls. I hate him in every inch. For a Taurus to fall in love with someone is no simple task. (Before I continue I should sayanother Sag femalehas commented onhaving several relationships with Taurus men too and these have not worked out. I dated other guys in the mean while and kept in mind how close minded he was and hated taurus guys but last year something so random happened. The Venus in Pisces individual is easily hurt and tends to retreat at the. I turn everyone down. If you want a Taurus man to fall in love with you, show him that you are romantic and have a sentimental nature. I thought he was joking but it turns out he has been wanting to ask me out for a few years. wow 3 months ago i met this taurus man we met through a friend,i must say all i read here is true its like am reading about him and i, am hoping i can understand him a lil better now. plz help me and tell me what is the solution? He is the type of person who will never deny himself a chance to experience pleasure and luxury if he can help it. But when i ask him out, he said that he have a date with a friend. The most common thing I noticed was emotionally wewere never in synchrony. He keeps me grounded! We met from time to time, even with 1 year brake. However, her words are not true when it comes to the promises and obligations. Id like to say that Ive known a Taurus man for over 3 years now. We both want it to work out in the long run but because we have not met each other yet, we have doubts it might not work out once we see each other and spend time together.. @Malee How do you guys make it work though? I am a taurus man, I recently started seeing a sag woman, Ive known her forever!! Some Taurus guys love that adventurous spirit. From there we talked and hung out a lot. Tbh, I wouldnt be surprised if I married one. The match can work it just takes the right two people to work. A Taurus man for the Sagittarius woman will mean support and a trusted companion in life. He just also needs time to relax and recharge by himself now and then. every were. This article is spot on!! Conclusion. Im a full Sag 11/22 & Ill be damn lol. That didnt happen. The only reason why my relationship with the Taurus guy ended was because of his meddling mother. We are flighty but land back at love. Table Of Contents. This really made me laugh. I dont like taurus men born in April. Taurus prefers what is familiar, and this includes his job, his food, and even his connections with other people. Taurus woman A Taurus female always has a realistic and sensible attitude to life, and importantly she always knows what she's going to do. 3. Ex: Did you having sex with ()?, why dont you pick up my phone? But we are friends, lol. Ive dated other taurus men. Get Exclusive Advice That We Only Share With Our YouTube Subscribers, Subscribe on YouTube for Exclusive Advice, 11 Things a Capricorn Man Likes and Dislikes in a Woman, 13 Signs a Taurus Man Is In Love With You, 5 Signs That a Taurus Man Has Lost Interest, 7 Signs an Aries Woman Secretly Likes You, How Do Aquarians Act When They Like Someone, How to Attract a Taurus Man Through Texts, How to Know When a Virgo Man Is Done With You, The Surprising Reason Why Aquarius Are Drawn to Taurus. Daily Horoscope. Sagittarius is a fun-loving, happy sign that's usually a joy to be around. Im moving on at this point, I mean Ill still speak if I see him out in the streets or friends perhaps but its not going the way I want it and to say that taurus are Loyal and Romantic, nah! Once they've started dating, a Sagittarius woman and Taurus man may realize they aren't a perfect match. Get on top of him & straddle him when youre making out with him. Sometimes when i feel i miss him too much i still text him shortly and ignore the message he reply. Very admirable of Taurus men to do that but after a while it becomes tiresome! im sag and hes a taurus guy =) i loved him to death cos he gives me this sense of security when were physically together. She is unafraid of rejection and is the type of woman who will make the first move. And I love adventure, I saw this man on my friends birthday, then after that he texted me the other Coz my friend gave my number to him. However, this doesn't come without any challenges. In a relationship, she doesnt seek the romance, but she desires to prove that she is a responsible and committed wife. He is stil here. If not, we would have still been together. Yes. Anyway we are great friends, and probably we will be more then that. It was the best sex I ever had. Not long after being engaged, he started putting obstacles in our relationship to deliberatelystart argumentsone time heannounced in front of our friends and family that thewedding was on hold! Fuck you Zodiac sign. Loves being home. A Taurus man and Sagittarius woman can have a successful relationship when both of them know how to balance time together and time apart. Im just not sure how to ask without it seeming like I dont enjoy his company. Sagittarius ladies are free spirits! What Does a Taurus Man Like in a Pisces Woman? Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21; Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 19; Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18; Pisces Feb 19 - March 20; FREE HOROSCOPE. This article is more accurate then most. A Taurus guy might be initially attracted to the highly independent nature of a Sagittarius woman. We our four years in and i can definitely feel a proposal and hope to bring many more years together. I think it has something to do with him. Taurus men are appealing. A Taurus man loves being able to be by himself sometimes. Hello; I am saggistarius girl nd loved Taurus boy.welcone met on facebuk; nd after 1 year of chatting we met nd come close to mch; but after 4 -5 months we fight too much; I only know he loves me very mch.but after sometime he make decision that he will never met me; then u get angry and we both break up but after 5 months he comes back and after 1 day he again leave mewill he come back to me? But here comes my problem, he claims that his daughter is always next to him and he cant call me. With due course of time and their ever increasing understanding, she delicately steps into the premises of their home and starts enjoying her homely adventures, while he becomes more open and learns to enjoy the world beyond his home limits with his beautiful Sagittarius lady. If she only knew. Thats crazy cause Ive dated a few taurus men but it never got to the point where we actually were a couple, but currently Ive been with this taurus man since Dec of last yr, it was fine but now Im starting to think that hes a liar and doesnt know how to communicate when I express my feelings. He will want to do certain things with his partner and hell have fun being with the person he loves, of course. I dont think they know how to consol a woman when theyre in the wrong, oh and hes very good at going days without talking to me and he hit me up first, Big Turn Off! He tries hard to provide her the best love in its unsmooth form, and looks after her to keep the safety for her. My bf a taurus (May15). He will be making all sorts of moves, so if you are starting to date you will see hi making bolder steps towards bigger levels of commitment. I have noticed this from previous relationships with Taurus men-theycan bevery cowardly. In the case of a Taurus man and Sagittarius woman, they will have to challenge and stretch each other if they are to be able to find common ground.