Do you leave your valuables out in plain sight in the states? I have another question for you: who stole 55% of the Mexican territory in the middle of the 19th century? Thanks for making it a political site. In general, if you're not taking part in illegal activities you don't have anything to worry about. Is Mexico City Safe to Visit Right Now? When Driving, Stick to Main Roads, and Daytime Travel. I dont think our little minute amounts of meds concern them. I just came back from visiting. So many Americans regularly travel to Tijuana. Thats one place we have not considered and Ive already begun my research. Cover your child with sunscreen or protective clothing before heading to the beach. In short, dont go looking for trouble and the probability is very high you wont find it. My family just booked a cruise for late April that stops in the Yuccatan and Cozumel. I plan on walking across and staying for the 3 days to do some shopping. Mexico is not safe, sure maybe a small percentage run in to issues but do you want that small percentage to be your family killed? Across the U.S., drug overdoses killed an estimated 100,000 people in 2021 . Yes, traveling to Mexico can be dangerous. Travel Insurance is important no matter where you are traveling because accidents happen and you should always travel with insurance. When was the last time you visited Mexico or are you just saying avoid Mexico because the media tells to you avoid Mexico? While many people worry about cartels or criminals preying on tourists in areas like Cancun or Mazatlan, there are much more common risks for travelers like buying drugs in a foreign country. With all of that being said 35 million tourists visit Mexico each year myself included. It is a popular port for cruise ships because it is close to many of Mexicos popular tourist destinations. We are so quick to point the finger at other countries but not at ourselves. There are areas the Mexican nationals will tell you to avoid and do so. [Updated December 2020], Is Cancun Safe For Travel? Level 3: The seven states for which visitors are advised to reconsider travel because of crime are Baja California (Norte), Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, and Morelos. lol, no great loss Jeff. : As mentioned above, much of the criminal activity in Mexico revolves around the drug trade and sex trade. I went on an excursion through a cruise line in the Dominican Republic, which the cruise line strongly suggests using their excursions for safety. Just like there are parts of the US that you might avoid driving in at night when you're alone, there are places in Mexico that you will want to avoid driving at night when you're alone. The authorities cracked down hard, however, and dismissed hundreds of officers, including some top officials. Mexico vs. Costa Rica For Your Next Vacation. In the past three years, crime has been on the rise due to uncertainty among the people and their government. Can I trust the water and food at the resort, or should I purchase bottled water? Damn Skippy, I will, and in fact, I am currently planning my next trip to Mexico in June. Avoid Mexico. Mexican rays are intense and can lead to severe burns or sun poisoning, especially during the warmer spring and summer months. It is really sad that probably half of the people commenting have not even been to Mexico but yet they are reguratating Fox news talking points. Cabo San Lucas is a popular beach resort town located on the Baja peninsula of Mexico, filled with top-rated boutique hotels, trendy restaurants, and crystal-clear waters. It was wrong. Its important to check Mexico travel warnings before planning your next vacation to Mexico to make sure you really understand is it safe to travel to Mexico? 18 Safest - Mrida. If you are stopped for a traffic violation in Mexico. Check out Zihautanejo. One more scary thing.. Kidnapping? we are a group of seniors and nervous to begin with . Meanwhile, nearly 1,000 U.S. citizens died in Puerto Rico, but did anybody raise a red flag about that? I can still cancel the trip but prefer not to. I agree with you that if you dont go looking for trouble you wont find it. It is a level 3 where most parts of Mexico is a level 2. Were quite nervous about this. So come on down and enjoy! Many drive through Tijuana and drive south down the peninsula. Ive done some research and I am not finding anything credible that states so. [ Updated March 2021], Top 5 Reasons To Stay in a Boutique Hotel, Essential Tips for Protecting Money and Valuables during Travel, Best Plastic Surgeons in Mexico | [Updated May 2021 ], READ NOW: Belize Lobster Festival 2021 | [Updated May 2021], 20 Things To Do In Tulum & Riviera Maya [Updated May 2021], Is Italy Safe: Travel Warnings You Should Know - Updated May 2021, Things to do In Los Cabos for Couples |Updated August 2021], 11 magical warm winter getaways you need to escape the winter blues, READ NOW: Cancun 5 Day Itinerary |15 Things To Do In Cancun [February 2020], Why Do People Love To Travel | 7 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Too, Is Tulum Safe? ?Please advice. Good article, aside from this preachy, accusatory bit: Are you concerned about traveling to Italy? I checked with another travel blogger and she stated she just left this area and didnt have any issues. The main area tourist is worried about is Mexicos Quintana Roo state, which includes Cancun, Cozumel, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, and Riviera Maya. Do not keep your money in your pocket, or backpack, or leave your purse and camera equipment unattended making you easy prey for criminals. Is It Safe To Drive in Mexico To be completely honest, that depends. Am I saying a trip to Mexico is going to mean certain doom for you? Are you regurgitating what the media wants you to believe or have you had first hand experience with crime in Mexico. My friend wasnt wearing a mask so they demanded a fine from both of us. And I had a number of them, set up by day, so they werent in their original bottles. I dare you hitchhike through Chicago to Memphis to prove your point. Towing your car is technically something that the officer cant do, even though they will threaten it, but if you give them enough of a desire to cause you harm they will absolutely find a way to make it happen. Contrary to this article and any liberal crap youre hearing. More Americans Are Murdered in Mexico Than In All Other Foreign Countries Combined. I am not the least bit concerned but they are. Do you think this is safe? I watched a timeshare representative at the airport threaten an old lady with arrest because she told one of the potential victims that they were getting defrauded. If you're . It is documented and everyone knows it yet the media and many individuals will not agree because they are afraid of being labeled racist. Italy has the same level 3 warning so why is Mexico considered more violent? You may get pickpocketed if you look like an overweight poorly dressed american with a fanny pack. They threatened to kill my wife and baby if I didnt pay. Tijuana, located in the northern part of Mexico, is a city. Bottom line Mexico is absolutely NOT safe for anyone ! I have appreciated your research and reassurance to all who have posed these questions to you. Malika- I have never been to Nayarit but I did a little digging before I responded and this is what I found. Dont give them a reason to want to, because you will not win. It so refreshing to have someone comment that is not from #45 Base. I know what it feels to feel the point of a gun on your head. Keep in mind that bad things can anywhere not just in Mexico but I am sure there are crimes taking place right in your very own neighborhood. Driving to Mexico. Keep spouting the political brainwash. Taking precautions when withdrawing money at ATMs and using licensed taxis can help reduce the risk of being kidnapped. No more Mexico for me and my family. I wonder if you are just as passionate about the killing of unarmed black men in the states? THat is not the case. On another important note you complain about the border, illegal immigration and so called unwanted immigrants from Mexico? I have never been robbed, kidnapped or raped or even pickpocketed why visiting Mexico but the media will have you believe its more dangerous than the US. Level 2: Except for the two Level 1 states, travelers to all the rest are advised to exercise increased caution. They are: Aguascalientes, Baja California Sur, Chiapas, Coahuila, Hidalgo, state of Mexico, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretara, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, Tlaxcala and Veracruz. Keep your valuables locked up when you leave the hotel. I was raised in Cancun. No matter where you go, always due your research before you go. Perhaps you have been a bit thin skinned on the topic. Why cant you be truthful in dealing with beautiful and leave politics and fake news to the real media. Level 4: The six states with the do not travel advisory, because of kidnappings and other crimes, are the northern border state of Tamaulipas, the central state of Zacatecas, and the Pacific coast states of Sinaloa, Colima, Michoacn, and Guerrero. I was traveling solo in Palenque on my way to Guatemala. He was visiting from California and was in a resort area and was stabbed to death. Instead, theyll bash Mexico from the sidelines waiting for the wall and will continue on with their angry lives and penny bank accounts mad at every Mexican with a nickle. I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico. Cancun- PDC- Tulum- coba Ek Balam -valladolid- chichen itza -Merida Campeche. You must work for the Trump administration if you believe Mexico is dangerous. Plus I dont want my money to benefit the corrupt people down there. Everyone was asking me was I afraid to go to Mexico. Im not going to let time go by again without seeing my extended family that lives there and enjoying this beautiful place. Safety remains a concern for many international tourists visiting Mexico. You should stick to writing about stuff you actually know about. Have you filled out a form for the Department of State so they know why you are traveling? i am thinking if it is safe to travel there with baby? Were going to look at those reasons as well as some of the things that you should do before you go so you can stay safe while still having fun! You can enjoy the clear and peaceful waters of the bay. I leave it to you to continue to give great facts and tips on danger and safety, as it is greatly needed and well received by those seeking the information. Do as Tomiko suggests and you should do just fine. Be cautious if you are driving alone at night- while Tulum is extremely safe there has been the occasional robbery. I am still here and noone bothered me and in fact it was one of the more peaceful trips I have been on. When you check into your hotel, did you lock your door and use the top lock? The quick answer: Yes! Thank you very much!!! If they can cheat you in some way they will. Absolutely they are. no worries Jason and I apologize for the late response as I was traveling. Permits are enforced when driving approximately 20 kilometers into Mexico. You are absolutely correct and those who state that Mexico is safe are in denial! Motor insurance is an essential part of owning a car, as it offers protection against . The Mexican government is highly motivated to keep tourists safe in order to preserve the tourist trade but you must also do your part when traveling to Mexico. Although many Americans go south of the border to have a little fun remember the last thing you want is to end up in a Mexican Jail. Or Evansville, Indiana. Banjercito is the government authority that issues vehicle permits. Killings are daily by local Meth users, which is widely distributed to people in Baja. and Baja California Sur (B.C.S.). If you are staying at all-inclusive resort all if not most of the activities should be included. I have traveled to Mexico and just returned from traveling to Cancun solo in March. I lied and said I was feeling ill and to take me to hospital, that my friends were would be worried as they were in a nearby city. If you had a choice of Belize or Puerta Vallarta which would you do? Thus other countries should. While these are isolated incidents I believe for the most part Mexico is safe but you must also use common sense when traveling not only to Mexico but to any foreign country. it is absolutely necessary seeing that only countries where black and brown people come from are deemed dangerous. Dont cancel! FYI theres no fine for not wearing a mask and even though it wasnt terribly expensive the experience of being shaken down by the POLICE will keep me from returning to CDMX. Some areas have increased risk of crime and kidnapping. Mexico has a wealth of culture, food, and adventure so do not miss out on traveling to this beautiful country because you are worried if is Mexico safe. Travel Warnings & Safety [Updated Nov 2021], Is Johannesburg Safe for American Tourists - Safety Tips & Concerns, The 40 Cannons Costa Maya: A World-Famous Snorkeling Destination DesertDivers, Is Cancun Secure for American Vacationer in 2022 [Updated Sept 2022] alafaqtravel, The Resort Also Offers A Variety Of Activities For Children And Families, Best Private Jet Charter Companies 2022 Guide & Best Prices. Hi-Webare traveling to Cancun to stay at GR SOLARIS for and all inclusive visit . Dont try to buy drugs: Dont ask about buying drugs and dont even think about buying drugs. I only go into this with such gusto due to the fact that I have not experienced the media overly covering the travel advisories or creating excessive drama around the danger. Mexico is NOT safe For Mexicans. The cartels want nothing to do with you so simply stay away from areas they are active in. Trust me they want to keep those tourism dollars rolling in and keep touristy areas free of crime. You might need to look through a different lens writer and honestly consider that race may be irrelevant with this??? Learn the language as much as possible (This is not just for safety, but also for courtesy, which can actually keep you safer too!) I have never done drugs and I have a PhD. I checked my friends Goats on the road and they sent me this article. I just skimmed through the preachy bits in Jane Eyre and little women or I would have still been reading the latter. Btw,, Im Mexican. I am worried because i have 2 kids and one is 7 months old baby with me. The government tried to cover up the murder to prevent bad public relations for the country and the playa del carmen area. Unfortunately, my grandmother who lived there passed away and I made the trip down. Use your common sense and you will be fine. Mexico is statistically much safer than the United States. Any advice please. Yes, travelling alone in Mexico is safe. There are some occurrences of drug-related violence which I will talk about below. No place in Mexico, Latin America or the Caribbean is SAFE for gringos who are regarded fair game like deer hunting season ! Thats why, so why the superior tone? Im from the UK and id only asked 30 days at the border as I didnt want to stay longer. The stories go on and on about one murder after the other. Mexico has a zero tolerance for drinking and driving. Mexicos most popular tourist destinations like Cancun, Riviera Maya, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico City, and Cabo San Lucas all remain safe so do not allow the current Mexico travel warning to scare you into not visiting Mexico. There is no fee for driving here as a tourist, either. Well, Boston for starters. We had no problems. DO NOT GO TO MEXICO!!!!!!!!!! Driving at night is not recommended in Mexico. Happy to have you and please feel free to reach out and follow me on facebook and instagram. Covid cases in Baja Mexico are surprisingly low. Oh btw President Trump and American main steam media arent on the same team if you havent bothered to watch the news or anything else. Ready to plan your trip, grab myFREE Vacation Plannerto help you plan your trip in the time it takes to watch your favorite TV show! This article will cover exactly what you need to know about safety in Mexico before visiting, the dos and donts, how to stay safe as a solo female traveler, and tips on how to deal with the Mexican police if you get pulled over. That means a trip to Mexico City should be safe as long as you're careful and take measures to protect yourself. (We are a family of 5 with blonde haired blue eyed kids. This has nothing to do with Mexico because any country will check your documents but more about you deciding it would take too long or you didnt feel like renewing your documents and mad because you got into trouble. Part of the problem is the enormous market for illegal drugs here in the States. You very well know why, because chopped up tourists stuffed in car trunks are splashed across the evening news. Then there was Las Vegas. Firstly, This is the one of the best blogs on Mexico that I have found that provides useful info on places to visit, to-dos and not-to-dos as well as objective and unbiased commentaries even in the face of challenging feedback. On the coach the police checked my documents and saw my form had expired, they told me they had to arrest me. Is it Safe to Drive in Mexico? Had to give them all the cashll in my pocket and truck in order not to be taken to jail. I have not stayed at an airbnb but my travel colleague whom I trust only stays at airbnb and she just returned from Mexico and Belize and she stayed in airbnb on both trips and she didnt have any issues. Sometimes I that keeps us safe. They made 1 arrest yet 3 people murdered Taylor in Playa Del Carmen. Kidnappings are far and few. Thank you so much! are you buying drugs? The few crimes that happens to tourists are most of the time related not to organized crime, but to petty criminals. It is a small but charming Magical Town nestled in an area surrounded by great hills and mountains, thanks to the intense exploitation of its silver deposits. I took a tour of the Arch, went sightseeing, Camel, and Safari excursion and I felt completely safe exploring Mexico solo. Do you recommend staying in a larger city like Cancun or Cozumel or is Tulum ok? I walked around in the city, I ate with locals, I shopped and I had a great time. #DOBetter. Stop by the local grocery store grab a 2 6 six packs and a bottle of wine for half the price. So if you're a U.S. citizen with a driving license, you're allowed to drive in Mexico with your driver's license. Most visitors to this region describe the area as just as safe as most American cities. Level 1:The State Department advises normal precautions when traveling to Campeche or Yucatn, shown in green. So, remember to enlist these general rules during your vacation and you will not have to ask is it safe to travel to Mexico?. Here you will enjoy a traditional atmosphere and peaceful environment that several beaches offer you in order to relax, or find activities such as sport fishing or bird watching and as a great closure for these activities, trying a fish that cannot be fresher. Going to Cancun for the first time. Cancun isnt located on the U.S. State Department do not travel list I suggest travelers continue to be on high alert. Can I take my car to Mexico permanently? Those who state that Mexico is safe are in denial! As of June 2021, there have only been 48,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19, 44,000 of those . Taylor Meyer. Do NOT drink and drive. I think you will be just fine. Remember, Congress makes the laws. Drunk driving is also a common problem as it is difficult to police among the large population. But Im glad I ran into your site. You do not have an automatic. Mexico is safe to visit so long as you stay out of trouble, take precautions, dont buy drugs, and ladies do not allow men to buy you a cocktail and I dont care how cute he is. It also warns people to exercise increased caution when visiting local bars, nightclubs, and casinos.. However, you should still travel with increased caution. I will be traveling with my husband and two little kids to Puerto Vallarta in August. I am traveling to Puerto Vallarta with my two little kids ( 5 & 10) and husband in August and am becoming paranoid about the reconsider travel alert that is on this area. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; The troops they sent here are useless; they just drive around here looking ready for war in Afghanistan. I hate preachy books too. Only thing I found was people were not that friendly, other than that we had a great time. If you act tough and get angry and make threats, the officer will simply arrest you for being disorderly or assaulting him or her, etc. After reading my article, you should no longer be asking is Mexico safe?. American Citizen Services: 01 800 681 9374 (toll-free in Mexico) / 81 4160 5512 (from within Mexico) / 844 528 6611 (toll-free in the U.S.), The U.S. State Department recently updated Mexicos travel warning for U.S. 20 What is the safest place in Mexico to live? U.S. government employees may not drive from the U.S.-Mexico border to or from the interior parts of Mexico, except daytime travel within Baja California and between Nogales and Hermosillo on Mexican Federal Highway 15D, and between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey on Highway 85D. I have traveled all over Mexico with friends, family, and solo. I stated very clearly the US Media is responsible for this narrative and the video at the bottom of the article was me in Mexico last month and me stating Mexico is extremely safe and I was there traveling solo. Travel advisories are in place for a reason and even they are not as strong as they should be. I may have to cancel this part of my trip. Whether it is the cab or bus driver giving you incorrect change, A cab cartel that fixes prices so high that a 10 minute cab ride is $40 to $70US, as they try to block Uber, overpriced food that is sold as high quality but what you get is inferior (advertised USDA Prime steak but get a tough dry low quality cut of meat most likely from a backyard butcher) and before you ask why are you eating steak in Mexico the answer is because all of the tourist destinations only have Italian, American, and Japanese restaurants or horrible fancy Mexican restaurants- you have to take the risk and go into town for authentic mexican to eat the authentic mystery meat tacos which are usually inferior to Mexican in Los Angeles because of the inferior ingredients. Mexico is by far one of the top destinations for many U.S. travelers, but violent crime is soaring in certain areas which causes many tourists to second-guess their spring break vacation plans to Mexico. We will be a group of at least 5 adults and can drive during the day instead of at night. Thank you for the great information. Have you allowed the Mexico travel warning to affect your travel decisions and are you still wondering is Mexico safe for American tourists this fall? Leave a copy of your passport and itinerary with someone at home. Of course. But, as I said, no one ever asked or looked. I bring race into the post because it matters. Hey Bruce- I suggest getting a written note from your doctor and do not pull the label off. Avoid back roads and nighttime driving and hire taxis and driving services through the hotel where youre staying. Is this a trip I should be stressing this much about Ive seen the Taken movies lol. Did you know that, according to the FBI, an estimated 15,241 persons were murdered in the U.S. in 2009 111 U.S. citizens were killed in Mexico last year, and almost all of them were involved in illicit drug trafficking, gun-running, or smuggling people across the border to/from the U.S? Not needing a T.I.P. Aside from dangerous areas along the U.S. border and other regions where cartels operate, Mexico is mostly a safe country and in my opinion, it is safe. Weve all heard the stories about the corrupt cops south of the border. If you are going to visit your great grandmother make sure you leave early in the afternoon so you will not be driving at night. FILE - Supplies for drug users are seen at an overdose prevention center, OnPoint NYC, in New York, Feb. 18, 2022.