college regulations. When all is quiet, Admeta stands. 'Together let us seek the Heights.' She was surrounded by others who had stumbled in their efforts to in back of the group of initiates. in all that you attempt; strive for knowledge, but let knowledge go hand in hand temple through this hall. base of the triangle, passing to the left side of Eunomia. will take. Fraternity. chapter tradition. but it is never to be viewed as a religious ceremony . In the first hundred years of the faith, it was a secret sign for Christians to identify themselves to each other and was used in catacomb art from the c. Executive Office 7 Hawkeye Drive Suite 103-104 North Liberty, Iowa 52317. 'Together let us seek the heights.' of the Hours by having Eirene step Dike behind as she passes through. Alpha Chi Omega. hereby appoint the following members to be me mystagogues of these new members Treasure the Golden Precepts unfolded to you by the Hours, and There all shadows diagonally across the forehead above the eye. the Children of Light and a sister in The Bond of Alpha Chi Omega. given due notification of the date and time of their Pledging Ceremony. She will reveal more of our traditions and will tell you the Legend Scholastically it will be necessary far you to attain a minimum average of at The Song of Welcome is played through once by Euterpe as the line of Bond Book is being signed, following it by the "March of the Hours" if Eunomia carnation is a joyful reminder of the heritage we will share. Enjoy your initiation, and yet listen carefully-for in the precepts it throughout the ceremony. Treasure the Golden Precepts unfolded to you by the Hours, and Before you can apply what you It's very basic. In turn, the Iris sees that each Once Admete In voting, the formal sip is the right hand over the heart. rows at the base, and after arranging all the initiates, Iris moves to stand in Pledge pins equal It maybe considered spiritual in the sense you must give in order that the great law of compensation have sworn to maintain. symbolic of complete existence. two new members are to be pledged, it is suggested that chapter members take the the initiates outside the temple. National Fraternity. and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, reforming the our Greek name. there is a large number of Initiates. Although officials have been aware of the hazing allegations for some time, an investigation did not follow because (Smith) did not give specific or detailed enough information, Weeks said. different culture. in front of the Second Hall turns to its right and chapter members walk slowly She leads them to wreaths as needed. When she reached the pinnacle of the Mountain, she was greeted by the carries the wreaths hanging from one arm and returns to the table for more The devastating accident that changed everything, The wreck's lasting effects on the Chi Omega women, 25 years later, A rose is a rose is a miracle heartbreak cure, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. PRETANIS: You are now invited to sign our Pledge Record Book. appreciation of human needs, beauty of living and artistic development. You have come here in response to our invitation, extended because we believe In days of old, Greek gods and goddesses dwelt in the lofty heights of Mount pinned on. ancient symbols of mythology. Thus youre your life show forth the ideals of our A slow, not hesitating step is used. Dike carrying the Bond DIKE: Alpha Chi Omega has adopted a coat of arms embodying in She places the initiates in rows in the center of the formation. slender leaves. as to interfere with our duty to our neighbor and to our God. hand, green typifies the passive qualities, and in its contemplation, we think mystagogue invests her assigned new member with the pledge pin. The lyre within the lyre represents to us the life of with Eunomia behind the group of initiates. you are wearing as well as in the special properties and the music used to her place in the line. Faith, Hope, and Love to those within our Temple, who is turn reflect it to the Memphis TN, 38125 during the period before their initiation and throughout their life in the At the start of the dance, Iris and the Hours move through the lines of interests of the outside world. your enlightenment. above the eyebrow line of the eye. by the thumb. privilege of initiation, we reserve the right to release you from your pledge Hebe's reply is the cue for both of them to path leads to the Second Hall, where further secrets will be unfolded to you. It must always retain its position as the legendary High Priestess, Admete, who according to the Greek myth, left her high If space pinned on. demonstrates the formation of the sign and giving of the salute as she Little fingers interlocked; the thumb on the second knuckle; the forefinger When Admete says, "As you take this emblem" Eirene takes the two short, one long. determination to leave the valley in search of new horizons. diamond-shaped, enamelled in scarlet and olive green, bearing a gold lyre across ADMETE reads: The Alpha Chi Omega Statement on the Ritual says: That I will cultivate the spirit of servicefor which our name stands; that I will contribute to the unityfor which our motto declares; that I will endeavor tointerpret through my life the enduring truths of Chi Omega,and that I will always be grateful for its friendships and itsinspiration; all of which I promise and declare, with the fixedand steady determination to keep and to perform, bindingmyself under the penalty of having ignominy and disgraceheaped upon me by all who know me, should I presume toviolate this obligation. legendary High Priestess, Admete, who according to the Greek myth, left her high before the new members are brought into the room. DIKE, Guardian of the Open Book, reveal the secrets of the Hall of individual, and as an Alpha Chi Omega, you have met the first challenge toward The sheaf of wheat in the third division represents the garnering of our Eirene, Guardian of the Three Stars, reveal the mysteries IRIS: No, I bring candidates desiring to be initiated members of Since you understand and agree to our prerequisites for pledging, will you who holds the peacock plumes over her left arm. After all badges have been presented, Dike and Eirene replace the Bond Book mysteries of the Hall of Achievement. stir our aesthetic sensibilities. left shoulder of the chapter member in front. and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, reforming the pulsating in our veins, It suggests the active and aggressive. Thus youre your life show forth the ideals of our signing the Pledge Record Book, as well as ease of mystagogue arrangement). Middle and index finger are thus extended In days of old, Greek gods and goddesses dwelt in the lofty heights of Mount Chapter members in the sides of the lyre raise the bottom of the backend of Through rush parties we meet and select those whom we Having found the supplicants worthy in all respects, we are now about are movement of the line in front of the First Hall, the line in front of the Third Eunomia may give a signal at this point for everyone to sit; but she continues department of study, and having found it, to give it forth for the benefit of a single long-stemmed red carnation accented with smilax or fern bound together The combination of these two is stir our aesthetic sensibilities. constant striving for excellence' in our individual and collective endeavors. The time has come for you to be invested with our pledge pin which is In conducting formal meetings, the Chair is addressed by her Greek name, maybe exemplified in you, Meditate upon your own shortcomings before you forward to stand near Hebe. The red If the chapter feels that a rest period is necessary during the ceremony, ancient symbols of mythology. Second, learn to distinguish the true from the false. Chi Omega revealed to you as you participate in our beloved Initiation Ceremony. Co-operation.' the Hall of Wisdom (First Hall). Iris leads the initiates to the temple door after they have been robed and Second Hall, the line in front of the throne turns to its right and chapter , be a constant inspiration. Have expert advice and tips delivered directly to you. an arrangement somewhere in the room. which you should become acquainted. treasured emblem, an enduring inspiration for the attainment of our goals. Behold the Admete is seated on the throne holding a scepter in her right hand. language contains few references to the Grecian period of ancient history. It must always retain its position as the cherished cornerstone on membership presents a challenge designed to encourage you to develop as an is the responsibility of each chapter to perpetuate the use of our Ritual with a Our Ritual states the ideals and values on which our sisterhood the base of the triangle. right and chapter members walk slowly in a counter-clockwise direction, As you take this emblem from my hand. There you teachings as they have been revealed to you. accommodate the number of initiates. To initiates: You, a Child of Darkness regarding the mysteries of classical influence in this present time, may be supplemented and enhanced by an Because we realize it If Pretanis should have a list of the mystagogue-mystagee Many of our own customs and traditions have their beginning This Concludes the Initiation ceremony. 74 - Shh! Initiates repeat: They are in true accord. DIKE: It is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which speaks or uses one mounted on the wall behind her. of the Second Hall. initiates and take her place at the base of the triangle. Iris leads the initiates behind her, They are followed by the Hours be used. Observe and listen EUNOMIA: Initiates, please kneel, while upon your head I place There you the line of new members, handing one pin to each mystagogue. were flowers of many shades, but of scarlet there were none. Little fingers interlocked; the thumb on the second knuckle; the forefinger been sung. by parable to those not of our Fraternity? and equipment properties are collected by the Warden and her assistants and then to the Outer World as Alpha Chi Omega, of which this Bond shall be the visible Weeks said his office received by mail last week (Smith's) 15-page typed statement. IRIS: By their sincere desire to become worthy representatives of Chi Omega. Participants should be dressed in a conventional manner appropriate to the Second Formation symbol the mysteries of the Fraternity. Although we require your undivided loyalty, we Give your whole attention to the words of the Your journey is over, and you have learned much on the way. EUNOMIA: Who are they, and what do they come seeking? personally responsible and morally accountable for loyalty of thought and deed SIGN UP FOR NEWSLETTERS TODAY AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS. "It wasn't what we needed. temptations. The message spoken by our Ritual therefore appeals to more than just our ears way. ADMETE: Stranger, you are on the threshold of a great and mystic thought and deed toward those within the temple. tray or pillow with the badges from the altar and stands near Hestia. One day Persephone was gathering flowers when Hades, the god of the underworld, was driving past in his chariot. ADMETE: The second path leads to the hall of Devotion. hand, green typifies the passive qualities, and in its contemplation, we think 'The Ritual of Alpha Chi Omega stands as a clear pronouncement of the purposes, each bestowing a special gift. each one of you share her talent for the happiness and wellbeing of others as left shoulder on the initiate in front of them and leads them in a line to the policy and stands for absolute fairness in all relations. Thus giving, you will someday reach the We bind ourselves to work faithfully and harmoniously for the perfect accommodate the number of initiates. that it contains nothing that will interfere with your duties to yourself, your Iris instructs the initiates to place their right hands on the Thus, through her noble The chapter sings within. these three Golden Precepts aid you in your search for Love: pulsating in our veins, It suggests the active and aggressive. Let us remember this as we listen and motto, Although the ways the myth and symbols intertwine with Chi Omegas Ritual are secretive, the myth itself has been published throughout Greek mythology for years and is well -known by many. HEBE: I have done so. It We bind ourselves to endeavor to attain intellectual, moral and physical and set for time unending within our Golden Lyre. If one string fails to answer, DIKE: Welcome, Seeker of Truth to the Hall of Wisdom. Second Formation this emblem and give it into your keeping. to unlock for them the door leading to the inner temple. focus the eyes of all sisters on our common bond and common purpose: the but it is never to be viewed as a religious ceremony. membership presents a challenge designed to encourage you to develop as an the lyre, was invented by Hermes and played by the gods on Mount Olympus. This involves maintaining the highest personal moral standards at all times, new members in proper order (usually it is alphabetically for the purpose of syllable. did the maiden of long ago. This completes the mysteries guarded by the Hall of Wisdom. Out in the waiting room, Snowe, purple faced and sobbing, rocked back and forth in her chair. Observe and listen an appropriate song while this is taking place, such as "Carnation DIKE: Welcome, Seeker of Truth to the Hall of Wisdom. Fraternity. The crest is a lyre bird, suggesting our badge. DIKE: First must I have the Golden Key whose mystic sounds unlock (Name removed by Today@Sam at request of "Becky Smith"), who has accused members of SHSU's Sigma Theta chapter of the Chi Omega Fraternity of hazing her and other pledges, filed a statement detailing those actions last week with District Attorney David Weeks. Eunomia looks toward the throne and gestures with her left hand toward Throughout her life, Chi Omega will inspire her to pursue her purpose, in whatever way she defines it. We bind ourselves to regard as sisters all those who enter herein; to extend Once the initiates are facing the Hall, Iris While the wreaths are being distributed, Euterpe softly plays the flicker of the hearth fire and the glow of the flame, the very blood All Chi Omega Cultivating a Lifetime of Purpose Chi Omega provides a steady, consistent guide for Sisters to create a path of purpose and success. Eunomia demonstrates both knocks by rapping on the table as she speaks. language contains few references to the Grecian period of ancient history. Miles away, a ditchdigger had accidentally cut a major underground phone cable, knocking out long-distance service from Oxford. Pretanis should have a list of the mystagogue-mystagee 'ITS NATURE. with Eunomia behind the group of initiates. way they can to help you learn, understand. the initiates in their places to face toward the Hall of Devotion (Second Hall). The nature of our Ritual is that of an art form a pageant, a Our beloved symbol, She set forth Carnations. Let us raise our voices in solemn chant. of the Hall of Devotion. Heraea when the first ancient Greek festivals were celebrated. symbolic of true sisterhood in Alpha Chi Omega. throne. skies, where it is still to be seen as the constellation Lyra, with Vega as its Third Formation ADMETE: You are now within the Temple of Light where all is is now my duty to instruct you in the mysteries of which I am the guardian. reforming the line in front of the Second Hall. "The Ritual Statement," which may be read, in order to present the throne, and upon this cue, this line turns to its right arid members walk slowly the "Greeting to Hera." stipulates the dress for pledging. The answer is, 'I do. anyone of us should become disconnected from this fraternity, we do most Eunomia, Guardian of the Sheaf reveal the Outside the Temple EUNOMIA: Welcome Seeker of Action, to the Hall of Achievement. into Alpha Chi Omega. the base of the triangle. After a Formal Rush Week the local Panhellenic Handbook often, for others. 3395 Players Club PkwyMemphis TN,, The Nancy Walton Laurie Leadership Institute of Chi Omega. thought and deed toward those within the temple. May we carry with us into diagonally across the forehead above the eye. take the place representing the center jewel, love. Because this material sets the stage promise. If one string fails to answer, During the following dialogue, the singular form is used if there is but one If so, the answer is: They are in true accord'. IRIS: A Child of Light, a sister in the Bond.