Green flags are put up to mark drain lines and sewers. Had to make a run to get a tube installed in a BRAND NEW TIRE! Rutted up the lawn to the point you could forget about mowing it. Bunch of BS IMO. (Do This Before Digging), utility companies do have the right to come onto your property, even without permission, the utility company is going to start digging up your yard. They mark these existing utilities with painted lines and flags to help our crew determine where they'll bury the new cable. However tempting it may be, one should not remove those flags. The removal usually happens when the job is done. custom marker flags The most common reason for utility flags in a yard is to mark the location of underground utility lines. The utility flags installed in properties are to be left in place for a minimum of 6 months before they can be removed, while other states have laws that do not allow the removal of utility flags. Utility flags are placed to avoid any disturbances or accidents in the area while utility work is ongoing. 2. The standard utility service paint or flags colors are: Red: Electric; Orange . Calling 811 will get your underground utility lines marked and your project off to a safe start. If you have blue flags, you can call the water company, and so on. Can I Have an Electric Fence Around My Property Legally? Other utility flags cannot be removed for any reason because of the utility lines they represent. 1 Madison in playoff rematch, Police: Mans car shot at as he sat in driveway in far west Denton, Purple-and-Gold powerlifters to compete at regionals, Tornado damage surveys for 3/2 and 3/3/2023. This color is used for communication systems, TV cables and alarm lines. The green flag has a sinkhole cover plate symbol; the flag indicates sewage and drain lines which are also very important. I sidewall cord separating at 5 MPH on a lawn isn't going to result in the same issue. THESE COMMENTS ARE NOT LEGAL ADVICE. You can see these markings in your yard if you have an upcoming project and if your neighbor or city is doing a digging project. Flags can be used to mark even simple digging projects like installing clothesline or repair and maintenance projects such as repairing the fire hydrant nearby. Here's a key to the utility colors: It's crucial to preserve and maintain the location of flags and paint. You can guess at what company placed what flags based on you local utility providers. If you or someone you've hired is going to install an irrigation system, plant a tree or do anything else that requires digging, be sure to call 811 at least two business days before starting the project. Digging works could involve installation, repair,and maintenance of underground lines. Utility companies usually place flags to mark . If the species is a foreign one, it likely escaped captivity, or the owner let it out, and it might threaten those species in your region. Keep in mind that even if you have not given any approval, utility companies can dig in your yard because of easements. The 8 Likely Reasons There Are Utility Flags in Your Yard. The colored flags in your yard each have a meaning. The yellow flags will help identify contractors that a gas line is on that spot. Generally speaking, you should not remove utility flags from your yard because they are meant to avoid disturbances, damage to utility lines, ensure safety during any repairs to utility lines. Its expected of a property owner to be bothered by the sight of colorful flags in their yard. They Do), Do Moths Come From Caterpillars? They show what's buried beneath them before the first shovel hits the ground. The flag colors come in the uniform color code for general designation and use. A: Yes, and it doesn't matter how deep you are digging. Maybe try searching. This happens all the time due to the use of easements. When she is not writing, she goes camping with her husband and little kids. Is someone ever going to come? State law ( Wisconsin Statute 182.0175) requires notifying Diggers Hotline before you excavate, grade, trench, dig, drill, augur, tunnel, scrape, plow cable or pipe. For instance, it is not that uncommon for an electric company to call in a 150 radius of a utility pole that is going to be replaced. This is because they are placed on public right of way. They usually have a validity of 30 calendar days. But even if thats the case, you, as the landowner, may still face restrictions when using a part of your land that is covered by the easement. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The symbols also help to pass the information on the purpose of the flag even without any writing inscriptions made on the flags. i will normally leave the flags for 1 to 2 visits, if they are still there after 2 weeks i pick them up. The short answer is yes, utility companies can dig up your yard and they can do so legally to gain access to pipelines and cables. But this authority only takes place after the initial need for the flags is completed. If you have future plans to modify your yard or any area in your property, then you need to learn more about the easement. I'm assuming my neighbor needed to dig and had the lines flagged. If you need or want to remove the flags, our suggestion is that you call your local state-run dig center by simply dialing 811 . (Answered), Do Deer Eat Canna Lilies? Success! To know the exact kind of utility work and what the work may entail, you would find out from the kind of utility flags put in your yard; the flags are differentiated with varying colors. The state requires utility companies and their subcontractors to locate and mark where underground lines are buried. We would advise that you do not remove the markings or flags. Ive had to go back to the property owner a couple times over utility company's mess. Utility Locator, LLC is a division of Trinity Subsurface Engineering, LLC and specializes in locating underground utilities on private campuses and other properties where most of the underground utilities are privately owned. Utility operators mark any underground line that is directly in the way of construction, or even near it. Digging on a spot without knowing beforehand the location of underground utility lines can be risky. Never fear, because in this article, were going to go over what utility flags are, what the different color utility flags mean, as well as what you can do as the property owner. If my crew shows up to a site that is marked, they are instructed to get a close as possible, but in no way disturb the flags or markings in anyway at all. Once flags are moved out of the way, mow over area where flags were. In some other states, the locate flags are removed by both the state apparatus and the property owners. Knowing the different flag colors representation helps you know what plans to make, and the kind of excavation or utility work would be done in your neighborhood. Any paint markings aren't permanent and should fade over time. (Somewhat Deer Resistant), Do Deer Eat Hellebores? I've started a nice collection of them in the back of my truck. It signifies electric utilities, such as cables and power lines. This will result in everyday inconveniences that can affect not only you but also other people in the community. Utility companies usually place flags to mark . The first one is that there will be an excavation project planned in the spot where the flags are. Doing so could result in fines. If you push through with this project, you may be forced to destroy the structure. Every Wednesday morning, get the week's top crime stories in Denton from the Blotter in your inbox. At the same time, the flags on private property would be removed by the property owners. If the utility flags on your lawn do not have our logo imprinted on them, then we did not mark that utility and will not be able to provide any information regarding the flags or proposed work. Each excavator is required to place their own locate request. Manage Settings Here are the different colors used in marking flags and what they mean: Red Electric power lines, cables, conduits, and lighting cables. Utility services such as cable TV, telephone, electric, gas, water and sewer are often buried underground. As a result, they will give an estimate, which includes your property. But just because there are flags on your lawn it doesnt always mean the utility company is going to start digging up your yard. Chinese Breaker Box (240v split-phase?) How are we as lawn people supposed to know how long the flags have been there?? Typically they will replace the pole in the exact same location of the existing pole, or within a few feet, but regardless they always seem to call in way more than they need. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty. (Yes. Sure you can.on mowers, just not on a vehicle that will maintain highway speeds. Flags can be used to mark even simple digging projects like installing clothesline or repair and maintenance projects such as repairing the fire hydrant nearby. )Continue, If youre in the mood to spice up your yard, a pond can be a great idea. Get exclusive, in-depth coverage of the University of North Texas athletics teams in this weekly newsletter. This does not mean that someone will be parking a huge excavator in front of your home and tearing up your entire lawn. You have the right to file a complaint if damages were done to your property while utility companies were doing their work on your yard. What are these capped, metal pipes in our yard? While tempting, you should never remove these flags, as doing so can cause serious damage that you may be responsible for. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to submit the form, Do I Need a Permit to Build a Shed? But, before, Read More Can I Put a Pool in My Front Yard? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. and our Utility flags are placed to prevent any disturbances or accidents in the area as utility work is being carried out. If youre surprised by the sight of a trench dug on your yard by a utility company, its normal to be upset and wonder whether or not a utility company can dig in your yard without permission. If locate flags are in place for more than 14 days without any activity, the property owner can remove them because they are no longer valid at that point. You may have no idea what it is and you just see it as something that ruins the overall aesthetics of your yard. Manage Settings Marking power lines connecting to a grid can eliminate the risk of a wide power outage or electrocution. While most utility companies pay compensation to customers without any hesitation, others might put up a challenge. About half of the water we use at home is spent outdoors on landscaping. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? When you see flags, you not only tend to question what it is and what purpose it serves but also what the different colors are. rev2023.3.3.43278. In general, you should not remove utility flags in your yard. Insight Denton: Whose responsibility is it to remove those little utility flags and when? The American Public Works Association (APWA) has color-coded all utilities so it's easy for those in the industry to immediately identify what utility is running where. I've got 2 properties that are peppered with these flags.