The key, however, is finding someone trustworthy to speak to. Since its rooted into the high frequency of unconditional love, this actually is lovemaking at its purest and finest. As Felicity explains for Hack Spirit, arousal between twin flames is on a level of its own. Perhaps that means talking to loved ones, seeing a therapist, surrounding yourself with friends, etc. But, if you really want to find out how to enhance your twin flame sexual energy, dont leave it up to chance. But even with our expert advice, we know how unique every situation is. When you get to feel this connection, it will be the strongest love you can imagine. As the physical connection was such a pillar in your relationship, it is normal to feel arousal during separation it simply means that you miss your twin flame. Its part of the natural process of ascension and union, and a precursor of the merging process. If youre ready to find out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here. Though the twin flame journey is a spiritual type of connection at its core, it involves an intense aspect of sexuality between romantic blueprint twins. Summary. Basically, you can think of the intense sexual arousal between you two as a physical manifestation of your strong connection to one another. In this love reading, a gifted advisor can tell you how to enhance your twin flame sexual energy, and most importantly empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to love. Twin flame sex is truly explosive and like nothing else like it. You are no longer physically together, and you cant feel their energy any longer. A huge sign of twin flame arousal is feeling your mirror soul touching you, even when they arent there. I was actually blown away by how kind, compassionate and knowledgeable they were. There are a lot of different ways in which this stage manifests, however, I will discuss seven common signs of being in the twin flame runner chaser stage. You see, when you do have sex with your twin flame, its as if your two souls merge into one, you are one entity in this world. I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. So, if you really want to get to the bottom of why you are experiencing this strong arousal, get in touch with an advisor and take your future into your own hands. However, arousal can be an indicator that you are ready to start meeting other people again soon. This term was coined by relationship expert James Bauer. Consciously work on healing yourself so that you can move on. They helped me out when I needed it the most and thats why I always recommend their services to anyone facing twin flame sexual energy problems. . This happens because the energy of their thoughts combined with yours is so powerful that your brain literally thinks that they are physically there with you. Feeling shifts in energy and vibration can trigger this craving. This is because sex feels the best when there is love, mental attraction, physical attraction, and a spiritual connection. Its about seeing the joy in life and projecting that joy onto others. It can happen when you are together or even apart. One of the most common feelings you may experience during separation from a twin flame is arousal. So, perhaps you are trying to bypass the difficult emotions of being separated from your twin flame by turning towards sex. You keep running but you do not understand exactly why. This is good news, it means that you are healing! You cant help but feel overwhelmed by your twin flames presence. As soon as you give into those desires, the sexual energy in the room takes over. Its no secret that twin flames have amazing chemistry, but when there is twin flame arousal, that chemistry is off the charts! It can also occur with someone you have not met before. Well talk more about that later on. And yet, it is a pretty common phenomenon to feel arousal during twin flame separation. This realization usually dawns upon an individual as one slowly becomes aware of life's monotony. Many people who have already been through this or who are going through this right now. Another thing that really sets apart twin flame intimacy from general physical exchanges is that twin flame intimacy is not just the main act, it encompasses all that goes on before and after the act is committed, as the whole process is basically the coming . This is a very intense experience which you may go through well before making 3D contact with your twin flame. The sensational experience may be because your mirror soul recently did something similar to what you're doing now. Last Updated October 27, 2022, 1:58 am. Of course, this can also happen while you are with your twin flame. The person you dream about would feel incredibly familiar to you in the dream, even if you dont actually know their face. Its like going on a spiritual quest to find yourself, and in this quest, you may realize that your soul is more than just your twin flame. A twin flame sex experience is not just about the sexuality of the moment, but a 3D version of your spiritual union. Just like with any other relationship, there can be obstacles when it comes to your sex life with your twin flame. It can happen when youre together, when youre apart, or even with someone youve never met yet. Why sexual encounters with your twin flame will mostly be of the physical variety, the spiritual realm very much comes into the equation. And if it hasnt happened yet, the Kundalini energy is going to roar to life with your first sexual contact with your twin flame. It can be a normal reaction to experience this feeling and its not something you should worry too much about. Its actually referred to at the twin flame telepathic touch. But that doesnt mean that there wont be sexual energy exchange going on between your base chakras in the form of harmonizing frequencies. There are various manifestations of this energy exchange between twin flames, like telepathy, astral traveling, spiritual sexuality, and even higher dimensional twin flame sex. Wondering whether or not your twin flame is thinking about you sexually? Instead, try to work out the emotions that are causing you to feel this way in the first place. Twin Flame Union means the two counterparts are becoming more and more closely connected energetically. Achieving that level of harmony with your twin soul takes a very unique connection that departs the physical world and enters your soul. There is a great difference between "a sexual desire to be with someone" and "an intense sexual energetic pull" you feel for your twin flame. You no longer pine away for your twin or fantasize about your future life together. You could be doing something completely random, and you feel sudden arousal and pleasure. When your twin flame is away from you, they will feel your energy as well and it can lead to them feeling aroused at times. They always know how the other feels and what he/she thinks. As twin flames, your entire energy body is in fact connected to that of your twin flame. Twin flames truly do connect on a spiritual level which is why they are sometimes called spiritual lovers. Feeling confused and uncertain is a common experience when you are in a twin flame relationship and going through a separation. Considering all the challenging and frustrating aspects of this journey, experiencing this type of sweet torment here and there is one of the less harsh things to go through, I like to say. You need to find a way that works for you because there is only one way to heal your emotional wounds from twin flame separation: face them head-on and let them go. I have some good news for you this wont last forever! But this experience can be a bit scary at times. You might experience surges of it when youre around your twin flame. Think about it: safety is one of your biggest needs! Its a bit of a stronger incentive to take that step forward and begin your twin flame relationship. If you can trigger this instinct successfully, then youll see the results immediately. The physical connection that you share with your twin flame, isnt just about how you feel about each other physically. Its a natural part of the twin flame spiritual connection which keeps the twins together even when they havent yet made 3D contact as part of a human experience or when they are in separation. When the kundalini rises, twin flames will go through a lot of energy shifts, emotions, spiritual angst, and spiritual growth. (26 Signs), Twin Flame Separation is Necessary: 8 Reasons Why, Twin Flame Saying He Loves Me In A Dream: 9 Reasons Why. This number highlights the turmoil in their life, and is associated with their birthdays and other important dates that are important to them. The sexual interaction is going to be so intense it might be jarring to your rational mind. You see, your mirror soul is said to be your other half, and sex between twin flames is often seen as a sacred union, the time where the two souls merge into one. Okay, frankly, this sign can be a bit creepy, especially if youre experiencing it for the first time. You see, when youre apart from your twin flame, it can also be hard to find someone else to connect with. Our robot is designed to help you on your twin flame journey, by answering all your questions and providing you with personalized insights. Have you been able to talk about whats going on with you? It may come through to you as sexual dreams, for instance, which may seem eerily realistic. At those times, you will feel in complete unison with yourself and your twin flame. Its okay to acknowledge these things, but that doesnt mean you are bashing them or your relationship. If you want to learn more about twin flame dreams, this video talks about 9 potential meanings of twin flame dreams: The signs above and below in this article will give you a good idea of your twin flame sexual energy and how to enhance your connection. But thats even more reason to enjoy it while it lasts! It can heal your past hurts, your karmic leftovers and so much more to take you on an engaged process of coming to terms with who you are now. So of course, your soul will crave a lot more of that! Learning skills that can aid you in the relationship, such as learning to accept yourself, establishing boundaries, and letting go of old . Its almost like youre on the same wavelength! It refers to experiencing and exchanging sex-related energies between twin flames and while it also happens during twin flame sex, thats the simplest manifestation of it. Research suggests that chemical reactions in our nervous system cause the eyes to dilate when were attracted to someone or feeling aroused by them in the moment. Thats why we recommend getting a personalized reading to really address the situation youre facing. You're giving them access to these great memories - even if they can't physically experience them with you. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Arousal from twin flames is on another level altogether. If youre experiencing erotic dreams at night, then theres a chance youre picking up on your twin flames energy, or even having a shared experience. Though a delight by its very nature, sexual energy might be somewhat problematic for twin flames when they are in separation. But exactly this time of feeling like a part of you is lost is what often triggers immense spiritual growth. Accepting that part of your bond to your twin flame simply wont go away may be very challenging for you. Twin flame intimacy is way, way more than just a chase to finally reach an orgasm. And when you make contact, even if not yet in the 3D, its going to trigger a massive exchange of sexual energy and awakening, if you havent experienced it yet at that point. The feelings of arousal are often a way to cope with this longing, but they can also be a way to reconnect with your twin flame in another way. Its easy to use and accessible 24/7, so you can get answers whenever you need them. Its the ultimate for of intimacy, a spiritual, energetic, emotional, mental, and physical connection. But, its just as important to give your twin flame the space they need to grow and be the person they want to be. This is only natural, but you shouldnt use it as a crutch every time you feel sad. It also indicates that your twin flame is near and may soon enter your orbit. Even though the twin flame connection can be platonic, the true flame begins with physical touch. Are you meant to be with them? Thats why I recommend getting a personalized reading by one of the gifted advisors over at Psychic Source. Thats an exchange of sexual energies. Its normal for people to have sexy thoughts about someone they desire. You might also want to talk to your twin flame about whether or not they are experiencing the same thing as you! In some rare cases, you might even experience shared lucid dreams that you both remember after waking up! We can waste a lot of time and energy with people who ultimately were not compatible with. Every time you sit with your twin flame, they face their body towards you. Now, if that happens to you for the first time, try not to freak out, even if its a bit scary. You may not have even realized it before because of how strong the physical connection was, but you and your twin flame are in tune with one another on many different levels. What is interesting in the topic of twin flames, is the connection with the number '11'. The pull is much stronger than simply wanting to be intimate with someone. A twin flame is someone with whom you have an intense soul connection with - and they feel the exact same about you. My love reading shed light on my situation in a way I wasnt able to see on my own, and I was finally able to clear my head and heal my heart. Based on my own personal experience with them, I know theyre the real deal. A sexually energetic bond may feel quite strange for each twin flame before theyve made 3D contact. Its called thehero instinct. Its a bond that permanently exists between the two of you. This accelerated meeting was necessary and we believe it came about in 2011 specifically. I did, and it changed my life. When you climax with your twin flame, it can be so intense that it might feel like your soul is literally leaving your body for a few moments there. Our robot is designed to help you on your twin flame journey, by answering all your questions and providing you with personalized insights. Since your soul carries within in the light codes of high-frequency unconditional love and you have the divine mission to anchor it into the 3D, one of your very active chakras is your base or red chakra. Its about the energy you both feel when youre together. Some of these signs will come to you in time, as that sexual connection deepens and you grow together on your journey. Youre drawn to this energy in them. Sure, sex is a very physical activity, but twin flame arousal is actually a desire from your soul to be connected with your twin flame in the most intimate way possible. Owing to twin flame intense attraction, keeping your hands off of each other can be a considerable challenge. Think about it: sex is the ultimate connection between two people, especially when its conscious sex. Men do still need to be a hero. However, if youre looking to harness that sexual connection between the two of you, then there are ways you can reach higher energy. From giving you clarity on the situation to supporting you as you make life-changing decisions, these advisors will empower you to make decisions about your love life with confidence. Your sexuality and twin flame sex is also going to have a significant component of healing for you and your twin flame, but also for the collective and the frequencies around you. If youve made 3D contact with your twin flame, have a romantic relationship blueprint going on during this human experience, but havent yet gotten into a relationship with them, the sexy vibe may or may not come as a surprise to you and your twin flame. Divine guidance lead me to this and I thank my angels and team for protection and guidance for us. You want to be around them all day long and cant get enough of their presence in your life. Thats why weve created the Twin Flame Psychic Robot, using the latest advancements in AI to provide you with insight and understanding about your journey. The energy cord is also what keeps twin flames returning to one another, regardless of how many separation experiences they might go through. It involves high frequencies getting at an even higher level and harmonizing intensely, then getting to the orgasmic frequency together and radiating outward into Mother Nature and the 3D. The most common type of energy change is that you suddenly feel aroused. Psychologist Sigmund Freud believed that our dreams act as a gateway to our unconscious mind. When it comes to your twin flame, the signs of sexual energy between the two of you will be much more subtle, but much more intense. Hopefully, you should now have a good idea of twin flame arousal. I know it sounds a bit silly. Your twin flame sexuality has a component of healing for you, your twin flame, and the collective and the frequencies of the world. The most important part is always talking to your partner and being on the same page about things. Another sign that you are experiencing twin flame arousal is that you mirror each others body language when youre together. I share some tips on how you can enhance this connection between you and your twin soul and actually take control of that energy. Try our Twin Flame Psychic Robot now and gain a deeper understanding of your journey. Do you feel strong sexual urges overcoming you out of nowhere? This is what enables you to feel those strong sexual urges from your twin flame. They might be sitting on the couch, reading a book, or cooking dinner when all of a sudden they get this incredible urge to have sex. Even though I was a bit skeptical at first, my friend convinced me to try it out a few weeks ago. The person you are attracted to is more than just a physical body to you. Because its built into their DNA to seek out relationships that allow them to feel like a provider. Its understandable that you would feel arousal when separated if it reminds you of some good times. Ltd. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Dont be afraid to speak to them about it, they might just be too shy to say anything!
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